Hey everybody,
here's my problem; I've just completed my first cycle. I did 12 weeks of Cyp. peaking at 600mg and ending the last two weeks with 100mg. I picked up 3 5000 i.u.'s of HCG in Mexico and want to know a few things. First, should I take it? Second, should I take it now? Third, how much should I take and over what period of time? (i.e.: 1000 i.u.'s / day, 5000 i.u.'s / week, etc) Lastly, how should I take it? (intermuscularly, subcutaneously) I also picked up a shitload of Clomid and Clenbuterol. Should I take these along with them and when? How much of those do I need to take at a time and what kind of schedule? Please help.
here's my problem; I've just completed my first cycle. I did 12 weeks of Cyp. peaking at 600mg and ending the last two weeks with 100mg. I picked up 3 5000 i.u.'s of HCG in Mexico and want to know a few things. First, should I take it? Second, should I take it now? Third, how much should I take and over what period of time? (i.e.: 1000 i.u.'s / day, 5000 i.u.'s / week, etc) Lastly, how should I take it? (intermuscularly, subcutaneously) I also picked up a shitload of Clomid and Clenbuterol. Should I take these along with them and when? How much of those do I need to take at a time and what kind of schedule? Please help.