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HELP critique my cycle


Aug 3, 2010
bout to start my bulker,gonna be sustenon,eq,anadrol,mast,dbol,i only got a lil mast e3d to help with my anti es a got some left over, mind as well put it to use,iam not gonna talk about mgs i think thats against the rules,but i got nolvadex been working good,can i still use it on the bulker iam gonna start this week
Mast? - Why?, Secondly, how many cycles have you done before? Based on your experience, why Drol and Bol? Always Remember the old Acronym - KISS. How often SUS?
iv done plenty of cycles b4,i m looking to bulk till jan 1st,then i train for my show
what question are you trying to ask here????


jugding from your post
you have NO IDEA what the fuck your doing

bout to start my bulker,gonna be sustenon,eq,anadrol,mast,dbol,i only got a lil mast e3d to help with my anti es a got some left over, mind as well put it to use,iam not gonna talk about mgs i think thats against the rules,but i got nolvadex been working good,can i still use it on the bulker iam gonna start this week

What are you stats? Height weight? Start from the beginning if you want real advice
what question are you trying to ask here????


jugding from your post
you have NO IDEA what the fuck your doing

damn you tenny, i am going to start sending you a fucking cleaning bill for my computer monitor, if i spit liquid out my mouth on to my monitor one more time cause of one of your fucking post im going to bill you brother! LOL damn you crack me up bro! :D
damn you tenny, i am going to start sending you a fucking cleaning bill for my computer monitor, if i spit liquid out my mouth on to my monitor one more time cause of one of your fucking post im going to bill you brother! LOL damn you crack me up bro! :D

Getting big starts in the kitchen. As far as your cycle. Test and eq or deca depending on your preference, with maybe one oral and an acillary on hand in case of any sides is really all you need if your eating and training like your supposed to. Put the vial and syringe down and learn how to eat like your supposed to. So lets see it, post that diet.
bout to start my bulker,gonna be sustenon,eq,anadrol,mast,dbol,i only got a lil mast e3d to help with my anti es a got some left over, mind as well put it to use,iam not gonna talk about mgs i think thats against the rules,but i got nolvadex been working good,can i still use it on the bulker iam gonna start this week

IMO, WAYYYY too much..... If youve done plenty of cycles already then you should know better... Mast for leading up to a competition. If bulking Sus/Deca/dbol or drol (not both).... More is not better here.

Do more HW, map out your goals.

With the diet your on now are you seeing results? If not, then modify the diet BEFORE using gear. You should be seeing results with your diet before any "supplement" use.

Supplements are like icing on a cake... They ARE NOT the whole cake
LOL there not the whole cake lol,so take away the gear from pros and what do u get,u get a guy like shawn ray who lost all his size lol,
LOL there not the whole cake lol,so take away the gear from pros and what do u get,u get a guy like shawn ray who lost all his size lol,
a cake is still a cake but just not as good without the icing! meaning that shawn ray could right now diet down naturally and hand you, your skinny ass on a bodybuilding stage. :headbang:
LOL there not the whole cake lol,so take away the gear from pros and what do u get,u get a guy like shawn ray who lost all his size lol,

Or you get a guy like Phil hernon whose "before" pic on one thread is larger and leaner than 99% of people on this site. but hey what do we know right?
a cake is still a cake but just not as good without the icing! meaning that shawn ray could right now diet down naturally and hand you, your skinny ass on a bodybuilding stage. :headbang:

B-Boy- didnt you compete at the USA's.......now everyone else in this thread who competed at the USA's this year please raise your hand...Ill wait...
LOL there not the whole cake lol,so take away the gear from pros and what do u get,u get a guy like shawn ray who lost all his size lol,

ignorant, disrespectful, and wrong

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