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help tracking where email originate from

Sexy Mama

New member
Oct 15, 2003
help tracking where email originate from

Hi, all, I was hoping to get some help from you, My husband told me here was a good place to check (he is a national level bb'er and told me to come here :)

Anyway, I was scamed out of money and I am not very happy about it. I was hoping to get some help on tracking an email. After spenting almost a day looking and poking around I think I have found enought info to say who the person is and where they live. I need to know, where did the emails originate from? If I could find that out I would be able to nail his ass to the wall!!

Does any know how to find out where money sent Western Union was picked up at? Like what state?

Any help woud be so great! I want to get the scamer and nail him. Being a scamer is just wrong! :mad:

:):) mommy to 4 boys :) :)
This is not a flame. I'm just curious...What could a "mommy to 4 boys" really do to a person who scammed them? Call the cops? Get your money back?? Send husband of "mommy to 4 boys" to beat the guy up? How would you go about nailing someone's ass to the wall?

I really think you should accept the fact you were scammed and be more careful in the future. Your children and your life are way more important than a getting some cash back - and I'd hope you weren't planning on sending a family memeber to do your dirty work. :)

Stay Safe,

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I have no intention of doing anythng like that, my plan is give the info to the police and hope this guy gets what is coming to him, I am sure I am not the only one to have been fooled by this person. I would never ever send my husband to do anything to do this person, I don't feel 2 wrongs make a right! I don't want anyone else have this happen to them. You can bet if he scamed me he has scamed other and will do so till some one stops him.

As for the money well, I know that I am not getting that back and yes I have learned a lesson......you can't trust any one!

Why attract attention to yourself...

the guy could come back on you and say you have tons of stuff...when the cops find your stuff, they can take your children from you...for waht a few hundred bucks...not worth losing children over???
Post his email EVERYWHERE and let the BB world know hes a scammer...thats the most you can do.
Maybe a dumb question, but was the money that you were scammed out of for AAS or something related, or something entirely different and legal to buy? If it was something legal to buy and you just got ripped off, then your course of action can be a little more aggressive.


PS: I like the name "Sexy Mama", I call my wife that too :D

that is where I got the name sexy mama, husband calls me that!

I bought something that was total legal to buy.

Laurie :)
This is the hubby.
We were actually looking for someone that can track his IP through the emails he sent. We think we know who it was, but he says his account was hacked. We just want to track his IP down to see if he is undeed full of shit.

The item that this was for is totally legit.

I know there are some of you are very computer savvy. Please help us.:confused:
Unless the guy hosts his own mail server on his home machine, the only information your going to be able to get is his ISP's smtp server. The reason why spammers and scammers get away with it so easily is simply because emails cannot be tracked back to the mailers machine. They can only be tracked back to the SMTP server that sent the email, which is usually the mailers ISP or a relay server. At best you could find out what country or maybe even state that the person resides in. Alot of ISPs will put the state in the DNS name of the SMTP server. I am a Network Engineer and I deal with this stuff on a daily basis in case you were wondering. Sorry, but your going to have to bite the bullet and cut your loss. One question, if you were buying legal stuff then why all the anonymous transactions ex. WU?? Just curious.

Your welcome to PM me and I can explain everything about how email systems work including the dissection of email headers.
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i do the same thing as mammoth and was gonna write the same thing about the emails as well..its right on the money.

just curious, what were you buying....

i am great a getting people back for shit like this..

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