What would be the purpose of eating a bowl of cereal or ice cream before bed, isn't that just asking for fat to accumulate...
What was your highest calorie intake during bulking?
Your stats?
Sample meal plan?
How many pounds gained during that bulk?
fat is fat at whatever time you eat it. same as carbs, and protein etc.
the only problem found at eating before bedtime is that the blood isnt at the part it needs it to be most active at, i.e. the stomach. therefore it will hamper digestion and just cause you some stomach pains and not absorb nutrients as easy as if you were awake.
but from what i've always learnt, the whole eating before bed time making you fat is a myth.
I guess I'll play the devil's advocate here! Shouldn't this post be what is the lowest amount of cals you added lean mass to your frame was? Because the question asked is rhetorical at best. Too many calories and you will bulk alright, you will get fat! And I would want to know the makeup of those calories that added lean mass to my frame while dropping bodyfat levels at the same time. Bulking is easy..........real easy. Growing, getting/staying lean in the process..........now that is a question!
YEs that is why I said in my OP that it is the makeup or composition of those calories that makes the difference. There is no point in consuming massive amounts of the wrong kind of calories. as long as the exercise/training is one that is conducive to growth then yes you will grow. These guys mentioned above all got it right and I would say coupled with better genetics have had excellent results from High cal diets. The real proof is in whe you cut the fat and get down to lean mass, was all the calorie consumption worth the mass gained? for many of these outstanding physiques you mentioned......yes it was! Can we all get away with that........no we cannot!It is possible to get really big and stay cut or even drop some body fat at the same time?From the old Doggcrap's posts i remember he was eating over 6-7 thousand calories a day, has he ever been really fat? Phil Heath takes in about 10 000 calories in othe offseason, Jay Cutler gets 4000 cals only form carbs,what about Eddie Abbew (as mentioned above),d.henry,d.james,s.allen and others...
now if pro's aren't good examples then- big guys on this board (they may correct me if i'm wrong)...mike1107 was eating 8000 calories and that got him to a pro level 290lb (I think?) physique...SZona on this diet http://www.professionalmuscle.com/forums/showpost.php?p=171056&postcount=1 got up to 272, don't know exactly but i think it is 5-6 thousand calories,easaly...Kenny Milne during all his prep for a show last year had days where he was eating close to 5000 calories, Justin Harris eats close to 7000 cals and never gets fat in the offseason...the same thing with gooey,Gavin Kane and others and I don't know none who ate only a little above maintenance and got huge...I think that it is more important nutrient timing and from what sources you get those calories, not the calories
YEs that is why I said in my OP that it is the makeup or composition of those calories that makes the difference. There is no point in consuming massive amounts of the wrong kind of calories. as long as the exercise/training is one that is conducive to growth then yes you will grow. These guys mentioned above all got it right and I would say coupled with better genetics have had excellent results from High cal diets. The real proof is in whe you cut the fat and get down to lean mass, was all the calorie consumption worth the mass gained? for many of these outstanding physiques you mentioned......yes it was! Can we all get away with that........no we cannot!
5000 calories is a good starting point with 250 grm protein.