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Hip and joint pain with squats... what to do?


New member
Feb 17, 2009
So before I email phil with my question, I thought that I'd run it by you guys, first. For the last few weeks, and ever since I started win, I've been getting lousy joint pain in my hips when I do squats. It's pretty painful... so a few days ago I dropped the win in hopes that it would go away. It hasn't yet, and I still feel like I've got arthritis. Does anyone know how long I have to be off of win before the pain gets any better? Are there any tricks to getting less achy joints? Thanks a lot
So before I email phil with my question, I thought that I'd run it by you guys, first. For the last few weeks, and ever since I started win, I've been getting lousy joint pain in my hips when I do squats. It's pretty painful... so a few days ago I dropped the win in hopes that it would go away. It hasn't yet, and I still feel like I've got arthritis. Does anyone know how long I have to be off of win before the pain gets any better? Are there any tricks to getting less achy joints? Thanks a lot

give it a little time it will clear your body. until then take ibuprofen its helping with my joint pain right now.. open up yours stance on squats also.. it takes some pressure off the hips joints
give it a little time it will clear your body. until then take ibuprofen its helping with my joint pain right now.. open up yours stance on squats also.. it takes some pressure off the hips joints

hey sadie, I'd be interested in hearing more about this. You see, when you open up your stance and squat more "inbetween" your legs, it actually increase the amount of pressure that is placed on the hips(follow the kinetic chain), especially when one knows how to squat properly (hams to calves).
hey sadie, I'd be interested in hearing more about this. You see, when you open up your stance and squat more "inbetween" your legs, it actually increase the amount of pressure that is placed on the hips(follow the kinetic chain), especially when one knows how to squat properly (hams to calves).

for me at least its a more natural position on my hips im not talking WAY out there by any means but i kind of open my stance up and point my feet outward then make a "sit in a chair" movement.. it seems like a more natural movement and seems to hurt atleast me less. i did that for about 6 months after a quad tear and it was the only comfortable way for me. its only been recently that i am back to shoulder width apart feet forward position and even now it sometimes hurts due to scar tissue pulling/tearing
for me at least its a more natural position on my hips im not talking WAY out there by any means but i kind of open my stance up and point my feet outward then make a "sit in a chair" movement.. it seems like a more natural movement and seems to hurt atleast me less. i did that for about 6 months after a quad tear and it was the only comfortable way for me. its only been recently that i am back to shoulder width apart feet forward position and even now it sometimes hurts due to scar tissue pulling/tearing

Hmmm...I suppose this is where the "we are all different" comes into play.
The part of your post that I have bolded is exactly what causes more stress to be placed on the hips. This is not a bad thing, it's actually preferable. The hips are built to handle tremendous loads. If you follow any powerlifting at all you'll see this is a typical powerlifter squat. What do powerlifters like to strengthen besides the posterior chain...yep, the hips.

I only say this because my advice was going to be for him to tighten his stance up to REDUCE hip stress. lol :)

p.s. great avatar, but I think the shirt needs to be a little higher, pants a smidgen lower. :cool:
Hmmm...I suppose this is where the "we are all different" comes into play.
The part of your post that I have bolded is exactly what causes more stress to be placed on the hips. This is not a bad thing, it's actually preferable. The hips are built to handle tremendous loads. If you follow any powerlifting at all you'll see this is a typical powerlifter squat. What do powerlifters like to strengthen besides the posterior chain...yep, the hips.

I only say this because my advice was going to be for him to tighten his stance up to REDUCE hip stress. lol :)

p.s. great avatar, but I think the shirt needs to be a little higher, pants a smidgen lower. :cool:

ya we must all be different.. i was in a metal brace on that leg for 12 weeks so the leg was basically non functional.. this was the only way to get that leg moving on squats again for me.. i tried my normal position and literally almost screamed on my first rep (which was JUST the stupid bar) i was upset to say the least but i adjusted this way and it helped so much its not funny.. maybe he can try both and see which one feels better

thanks i think my clothes in the pic are adjusted JUUUUST right thanks for the suggestion tho lol
thanks for the replies. Today when I did my squats (after posting this question) I played with my stances. Wide stance = more pain, narrow stance = less pain. Until then, ibuprofen.
are you going heavy? if so you might want to lighten up and go higher reps for awhile till the joints feel better.
thanks for the replies. Today when I did my squats (after posting this question) I played with my stances. Wide stance = more pain, narrow stance = less pain. Until then, ibuprofen.

thanks for confirmation that im an alien LOL there was this running joke for a while that i must be an alien because things that hurt other people or dont work on other people work on me lol
thanks for confirmation that im an alien LOL there was this running joke for a while that i must be an alien because things that hurt other people or dont work on other people work on me lol

If only we had an "I told you so" smily ;)
So before I email phil with my question, I thought that I'd run it by you guys, first. For the last few weeks, and ever since I started win, I've been getting lousy joint pain in my hips when I do squats. It's pretty painful... so a few days ago I dropped the win in hopes that it would go away. It hasn't yet, and I still feel like I've got arthritis. Does anyone know how long I have to be off of win before the pain gets any better? Are there any tricks to getting less achy joints? Thanks a lot
Try box squats until the pain gets better.
I had this problem when I first started squatting heavy. I bet you do exactly as sadie said and let your knees travel outwards away from your body as you squat between them practically opening your hips ouward in an unnatural manner. What I found was the the shoes I was wearing was pushing me forward too much and to compensate with the lack of depth bc of this, I opened my hips up as described above. What I did to change this was buy a pair of wrestling shoes which of course has no heel so I was no longer being "pushed" forward, I could really focus on sitting back and transferring the weight to my heels. After that I was able to focus on "sitting back more" instead of leaning forward and squatting in a more natural movement. This also allowed more depth and more strength as the increased depth and ability to sit back more brough my hamstrings into the movement more. Just my 2cents.
If only we had an "I told you so" smily ;)

theres no i told you so hun.. it hurts me less the way i described it lol if it doesnt work for others .. sucks to be others hehe i dont even have to do it anymore since i have no pain.. now i just have to figure out how to many my knees hurt less when squatting lol figure that one out and ill owe u forever lol
(dont say wraps they dont help)
theres no i told you so hun.. it hurts me less the way i described it lol if it doesnt work for others .. sucks to be others hehe i dont even have to do it anymore since i have no pain.. now i just have to figure out how to many my knees hurt less when squatting lol figure that one out and ill owe u forever lol
(dont say wraps they dont help)

awww...you called me "hun" :p

I'm actually not a big fan of knee wraps. Have you tried neoprine sleeves?
Also, if you posted a video, I'm pretty sure we could find something form related as well. It's not just you, most people don't realize certain things that cause weakness, pain, strength deficits.
awww...you called me "hun" :p

I'm actually not a big fan of knee wraps. Have you tried neoprine sleeves?
Also, if you posted a video, I'm pretty sure we could find something form related as well. It's not just you, most people don't realize certain things that cause weakness, pain, strength deficits.

more like a primo deficiency lol i have never in my life had knee pain and primo is making it feel unstable and crunchy lol im off in 2 weeks but everything seems to hurt more every day.. things that never ever hurt hurt now and things that have been injured are horrendously painful.. ex.. i woke up with a stiff neck the other day to the point where i couldnt turn my head left until i got into a hot shower.. i have whip lash from a horseback riding accident but it has never hurt before thursday lol ill just have to suck it up til its out of my system.. and eat advil like tic tacs lol

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