or can you even make a pic into an avatar. I found a pic on the net and it says that it's not a valid something or a jpg. Can I change the image and use it or am I just screwed on the picture?
it all comes down too 2 issuies 1) the format i think .jpeg is mandatory and 2 the size, pixels on PM i think have to be max of 100x100... if thats jibberish then send me your picture u want to you and I will send it back ready to go for your avator... my email is [email protected], and let me know in this thread if u send it
i use paint shop pro 7... you can change the format of any picture file. so u could easily just resave the Gif as a .jpeg then resize with it also... and you can either resize by pixel x pixel or % x %. just pick it up from kazaa