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How many times per day do you get called terrible things?


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Kilo Klub Member
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Jun 5, 2002
I am verbally assaulted a minimum of three times per day. I am easily called an "asshole" at least three times per day. I am called much worse things on top of that. Yesterday I got called "dildo breath"...........:mad:

I'd like to know if any of you are treated with such hostility and where I should hide the body?

From watching the news, it looks like guys from Illinois have the answers to that question!
Is being an asshole bad? I always took it as a compliment.

No need to hide the body, just impale the head on a stake outside the city gates as a warning to the weak. :p
I am verbally assaulted a minimum of three times per day. I am easily called an "asshole" at least three times per day. I am called much worse things on top of that. Yesterday I got called "dildo breath"...........:mad:

I'd like to know if any of you are treated with such hostility and where I should hide the body?

From watching the news, it looks like guys from Illinois have the answers to that question!

I hear nothing but praise.....ALL DAY LONG. Its hard, but ive learned to handle it.

However, Edge sends me pm's occasionally reminding me what a pussy i am and how he's going to kick my ass all the time.
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Why would people call you those things? You're not letting that roid rage get the best of you.dont they know that you could just snap and kill them and thier families
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People never call me bad things. At least not to my face. I bet a shitload of them do it behind my back though.
I am verbally assaulted a minimum of three times per day. I am easily called an "asshole" at least three times per day. I am called much worse things on top of that. Yesterday I got called "dildo breath"...........:mad:

I'd like to know if any of you are treated with such hostility and where I should hide the body?

From watching the news, it looks like guys from Illinois have the answers to that question!

Here's the main question.....did you eat all of her cookies? You know none of this would happen if you guys were married. BWAHAHAHAH.....just kidding.
Who are these people calling you such horrbile name ? Who call such a nice down home Christian country boy like yourself such terrible names? [Lynx maybe ? lol] Give me names and addys please ? Maybe I will end up finally coming out for a visit ......lol.......I got the body thing covered....lol.....wink.....hope you are well my friend...thanks for everything.....things are hanging for me ...slowly sifting through the bs ....might work out for me in the end still ......say a prayer for me K chief?
Dildo Breath :eek: Damn I was going to say How Bad I had it here JT But I cant say Ive ever been called a Name Like that.
She's a demon from hell.

Somehow, she's gotten brave.

Iabadman, yes....and say a few prayers for me as well. I could use it. :D

Raj, dildobreath is a new one. Got called that right after school when we pulled up to the house. It was unprovoked.

MainEvent...the "praise" is getting irritating...yeah, at least she makes good cookies.
Brick, I will take that under advisement.

Is being an asshole bad? I always took it as a compliment.

No need to hide the body, just impale the head on a stake outside the city gates as a warning to the weak. :p

The problem is then I'd have to search again for the next 32 years until I find another one that I can semi-tolerate! :D

DeapSea, she calls me names to my face AND behind my back. So, you see, I am totally a puss!

MatureMuscle, It's been so long since I've had anything that might even contribute to such a condition as "roid rage"...that I am embarrassed. If I were to have a tantrum it would be like two chics fighting! :eek:
NO, my wife has never bad mouthed me.... we may have argued a few times but never bad mouthed me or called me names.
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I was just wondering if all of your women are as colorful in their insults as mine!

I am just sharing the daily pain I have been enduring and wondered if all of you fine people were in the same situation.;) :)
My gf calls me a big dicked lame fuck juicehead .. And i dont even juice!!!
we have a club at work for those who make a poor decision or piss of the wrong person. it is called the ics club ( ignorant cock sucker). the other day i was told that i was the president of the club! lol!
Somehow, she's gotten brave.

Iabadman, yes....and say a few prayers for me as well. I could use it. :D

Raj, dildobreath is a new one. Got called that right after school when we pulled up to the house. It was unprovoked.

MainEvent...the "praise" is getting irritating...yeah, at least she makes good cookies.

now jethro. there is no way those words come out of sweet little ol lynx.
OK! Now for the record I ONLY call him names after he says things like, "Hey fatty! or "Well, if you weren't so chubby..." or "I still like you even if you are rotund." :mad: ...plick.

Yesterday I finally got JT to buy some food after I broke the bank last week trying to feed his "I'm hungry!" big, midnight eating butt. We get to the checkout stand at Albertsons and the checker asks for our phone number for the savings card thing and I told him, "HIS number is 1-800-fagalicous.":D The checker put his head down, chuckles and then asked why do we always come to his checkout stand. :D Then he put our correct number in after the fourth try, he got a little flustered.
OK! Now for the record I ONLY call him names after he says things like, "Hey fatty! or "Well, if you weren't so chubby..." or "I still like you even if you are rotund." :mad: ...plick.

Yesterday I finally got JT to buy some food after I broke the bank last week trying to feed his "I'm hungry!" big, midnight eating butt. We get to the checkout stand at Albertsons and the checker asks for our phone number for the savings card thing and I told him, "HIS number is 1-800-fagalicous.":D The checker put his head down, chuckles and then asked why do we always come to his checkout stand. :D Then he put our correct number in after the fourth try, he got a little flustered.

I still like you even if you are round. HHHHHAAAAAHHHHAAAAAHHHAAAA thats great. kinda mean but great nice one JT.
I practice Krav Maga and MMA...so I look forward to insults...it gives me a reason to use what I've learned. As it is my girlfriend thinks I'm nuts because I'm always looking at people and trying to figure out there weaknesses. Then I imagine what I would do if they said something or attacked me...what strikes I'd use on them...etc..etc...So....insults are good. They insult me...then I tell them I f*ck'd there mother last night and I'm coming back for there sister tonight....That's always a good one to get them going...Once they're on there ass....no more insults.

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