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How Much D'You Pay For Gear!!


New member
Aug 24, 2006
Sounds like a silly question huh. The reason I ask is because I did not have very good hook ups a little while back and was paying around $100 for 10ml of the substances like EQ, Test, Deca, I bet some people pay even more! I know that getting gear from UG labs or from the sources on the boards makes things cheaper but even so Im sure a lot of people do not like to try these options instead they get their gear straight in their hand from the local someone who distributes, it just seems good to give your money and get the product right away. Just wanna hear what ranges people pay for their goodies. Dont be shy I was paying way too much for the past 15 yrs, I was getting ripped off, and so from my own experience to anyone floating round the boards who is using gear and is not already doing so - investigate home brewing - it will change your world. Learn how to do it the right way and you will never look back, mega quantities of good gear for almost nothing! Peace.
Im curious about this also...Will be interesting to see how much of a range it show for some of the guys on the board...

For me test 10cc 200 or 250mg - $40-50 each
deca 300mg 10cc $65-75
GH 100iu's $300

gotta think about the rest...
All 10's

Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/ml $40

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 150mg/ml $30

Trenbolone Enanthate 300mg/ml $110

EQ 400mg/ml $50

$130/40ml for MOST all injectables!!!!

|--[\\\\]>----------- didnt any of you take economics? its whatever supply and demand asks. if you are in an area where there is NO gear and only one person has it, then you pay HIS prices. if that means $100 for a btl of enanthate, then so be it...what can you do? say that you saw on the net that it's a lot cheaper?!
I've seen guys selling amps of Sust for 20 bucks a pop sometimes more. I knew this one guy one time who knew absolutely NOTHING about gear and tells me, man I just got the latest steroid out. So I ask him "what is it" and he tells me "its the latest thing to get you the biggest" so after he can't tell me what it is I ask him to show it to me and it was a 10ml bottle of Test Cyp from Ttokyo. I asked him how much he paid and he tells me 250.00 a bottle!!!!!

Some people who have no idea will pay for it. Like BBA said, supply and demand where else was he gonna get it??
bigbadasian said:
|--[\\\\]>----------- didnt any of you take economics? its whatever supply and demand asks. if you are in an area where there is NO gear and only one person has it, then you pay HIS prices. if that means $100 for a btl of enanthate, then so be it...what can you do? say that you saw on the net that it's a lot cheaper?!

No true with the internet. Powders are always the gold standard so to speak. If UG labs gets to high. go with powders or an international source and if your buying Mex stuff your not looking hard enough... just my 2ml
DaRooster said:
No true with the internet. Powders are always the gold standard so to speak. If UG labs gets to high. go with powders or an international source and if your buying Mex stuff your not looking hard enough... just my 2ml
That's why I love international,,,always cheap and always potent.........
the reason why my very first cycle was once cc of sus every 6 days was because I paid $25 an amp for it lol. he asked me if i wanted more and I asked him if we could just make a deal and he could have my first born... he didn't go for it though lol
As little as possible brother!
Last edited:
around me shit goes steep....test E 250 can go from 75 to 115 a 10ml bottle deca stretches from 140 to ppl even paying 240 for it....winny around 220 to 300....dbol around 125 to 185 for 100 pills....thats why im in love with the net bc its like heaven with prices!!:p
wow... you guys pay way too much...
around here... an amp of abu-raihan test E would cost as much as a can of red bull :D
no way near as much as i used to, now that i use the sponsors on here :) my old source used to charge about 80GBP for a bottle of BD tren ace, get it now for about 80-90$ which is great compared to what i was used to!
buselmo said:
wow... you guys pay way too much...
around here... an amp of abu-raihan test E would cost as much as a can of red bull :D


DaRooster said:
No true with the internet. Powders are always the gold standard so to speak. If UG labs gets to high. go with powders or an international source and if your buying Mex stuff your not looking hard enough... just my 2ml

|---[\\\\]>---------- surprisingly many ppl still dont know about 'net sources' at least around where i am, i still here ppl begging for gear b/c they dont want to risk crossing the border to get shit, so they are looking for cheap test and when they say 'cheap' they mean around $70-$80 a btl for 10cc! also going int'l is WAY to risky IMO...i got popped with a pack from Korea once and that was enough for me.

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