How my 2nd cycle went! (Pictures)
****First off Sorry for the crappy pictures. I didnt keep a picture log which was stupid of me but this is what i have (gotta scroll all the way down)
Hey everyone. So 12 weeks ago from today i started my 2nd cycle and had phenomenal results.
I would like to add that before the cycle i was more cut up and shredded. After my cycle i retained some definition but strictly put on mass.
I was alot more cut up before the cycle primarily due to wrestling and boxing. However i figured that the below cycle would be good for mass.
My cycle was as follows
Weeks 1-4 (35mg of dbol ED except sat and sunday)
Weeks 1-10 (300mg/week of Deca)
Weeks 1-10 (400mg/ week of test E)
Weeks 10-12 (400mg/week of TS400 blend)
Weeks 4-6 (50 mg Clomid EOD)
Weeks 6-8 (20 mg Nolvadex EOD)
Week 13 (100mg Clomid ED)
Weeks 14-16 (50 mg Clomid ED)
Weeks 13-16 (20 mg Nolvadex ED)
Weeks 1-16 (100mg Milk thistle Everday)
Here were my stats when i first started off (take in note i have been an athlete for my entire life, and are very toned gentically)
I weighed myself Once a week for the entire cycle in the morning after i took a shit on just a stomach full of breakfast and without clothes on)
*Weight was taken on a digital scale that my wrestling team uses
Height (6'2)
Week 1 Weight (174.51 lbs)
Week 2 Weight (174.92 lbs)
Week 3 Weight (178.65 lbs)
Week 4 Weight (180.26 lbs)
Week 5 Weight (182.47 lbs)
Week 6 Weight (186.74 lbs)
Week 7 Weight (190.12 lbs)
Week 8 Weight (196.43 lbs)
Week 9 Weight (201.32 lbs)
Week 10 Weight (202.21 lbs)
Week 11 Weight (204.63 lbs)
Week 12 Weight (207.36 lbs)
At the beginning of my cycle my biceps were 17.4 inches and at the end of my cycle my biceps were 19.3 inches
(i did not do any other measurements which i regret but my measurements were my mirror and my friends that would comment on my size)
I took this cycle very seriously and made sure my diet was DOWN TO THE BONE on strictness and cleanliness.
EVERYDAY for Breakfast i ate
1 Egg White Omelet
2 Over easy eggs
1 Piece of whole wheat toast
1 bowl of yogurt with some granola on top
1 banana
2 glasses of water
1 glass of OJ (valencia)
(keep in mind i ate the same thing for breakfast EVERDAY. On none workout days i would not eat the toast)
I consumed about 350-450 grams of protein Everday Via chicken and eggs and steak
I consumed approx 4000 Calories m-f and on sat and sunday about 3500
I never skipped a meal until about week 12 i slacked for a few days on the diet.
For my protein shakes i was taking Trueproteins 100%Whey Isolate CFM @ 30 mg inbetween meals and whenever i was thirsty)
For bed time i would take A Casein Protein shake which had 2tbs peanut butter, 1 banana, 1 scoops of lowfat ice cream, and 2 tbsp of Isolate
For increased calories i relied on peanut butter and bannana sandwhiches (whole wheat, low fat natural peanut butter)
Sweet potatoes were a staple in my diet as well
After workout i consumed a shake consisting of a banana, strawberries, Isolate CFM, glutamine, BCAA's
I took a multivatim and 2 fish oil caps along with glut-amine, creatine ethyl ester, and BCAA's every morning
My workout was similiar to Big A's Article for beginners. (eventho i am not a beginner)
I worked out M-W-F for the first 7 weeks and then went to a 2 day split M-T-W-TR for the reaming of the cycle
Now since i am a wrestler obviously we have practices that are basically 70% Cardio and %30 strength. We had practice everday M-F but i drastically toned down how much cardio i did and to make up for that i did situps whenever i could
My split was
Monday (back, bis, shoulders)
Wednesday (Quads, Hams, calves)
Friday (Chest, Tris, Shoulders)
My 4 day split was
Monday (Legs)
Tuesday (chest, tris)
Thursday (Back, bis)
Friday (Shoulders)
My strength went up DRASTICALLY (Went from a max bench of 245- 325
My workout was NOT focused on Max reps but rather smooth controlled movements with medium to heavier weights)
I made sure that my technique was better instead of sacrificing weight
For example (bi's, Preacher Curls- 1 second up reps and 2 second down reps really SQUEEZING at the top)
For chest weeks 1-4 i did bench press and flys
For chest weeks 4-12 i only did dumbells but did decline on the smith machine
Lots of warmup sets, and then 3 total excersises @ 6-10 reps @ 4 total sets per bodypart
Side Effects
I had my bloodwork taken at the beginning and everything was normal
at week 4 i had my blood work taken again and all of my levels were the same except for my liver values which were BARELY elevated (because of dbol i assume)
Week 7 i had blood work done again (Liver values were only SLIGHTLY elevated, kidney values were ok, blood pressure was slightly elevated but nothing dangerous, and lastly my testosterone levels were raised a good amount) (i lost my dam lab slip so idk what the heck happened to that)
My mood was fantastic (never felt better, some things at around week 6 would slightly get me a bit more moody but i think it was due to the clomid but i never felt like "roid raging")
"I" felt as if around week 6 my testicles shrank JUST A TINY bit but my girl never noticed but i felt like i did
My ejaculation was less than it normally was but on the days i took the clomid it went back to normal. My ejaculation looked a bit more milky and less thick than it normally was
My balls are now back to the same size and ejaculation is normal as well
(i went to the sperm bank the other day and my guys are still alive)
My sex drive went up SO MUCH
I could wake up and jerk off 2 times in a row, eat some food jerk off again, fuck my girl 3 times and do it all over again like it was nothing
Gyno was not an issue at all and never had any sort of bulging
The only side effect that hit me the most was ACNE
At about week 7 i had a SLIGHT amount of acne up and around my chest and behind my shoulders (it was nothing gross or anything that was unsightly) I am not a doctor but i would say that it was probably estrogen related and not from the deca. Why do i think that? well because when i started noticing the acne at first i began taking nolvadex because i did not have any PCT for Deca related sides i.e prolactin ) When i began taking the nolva the acne went down but never completely dissipated however at the end of the cycle it is now gone except for 2 scars behind my shoulder which are going away)
No hairloss or anything crazy like that. Actually at the beginning of my cycle i had a shaved head and throughout i let my hair grow out)
It is now 3 weeks after my last week pf PCT and my weight is now 205.92 lbs
so i am surprised that i am keeping most of what i had gained but we will see the true answer to that in a few more weeks. I think i am keeping most of my weeks because i am eating the same diet but at the same time decreasing work load gradually. However my strength is slightly less than it was at the end of my cycle but nothing discouraging)
If i were to do anything different next time i would leave out the dbol. I dont want to use dbol again due to its toxicity. I also thought that the dbol that i used was not that great. During my first cycle i used a different brand of dbol and it was alot better than what i used this time. I thought this cycle went amazingly well. I would not even change my dosages. I felt as if my dosages were spot on for my body. The only thing i would do is possibly get some PCT for Deca related issue (just in case)
I will have before and after pictures for everyone
All in all this cycle went really well and i am very pleased.
I may have left a few things out so please excuse that. This is just a brief blog about my cycle. If you do not agree with something i did please feel free to critique but do not flame me.
NOTE: the only OTC Protein i took was UP YOUR MASS from Vitamin Shopped on Tuesdays, thursdays, sat, and sunday at 2 shakes perday. (Why? Well i had it and felt like it was working for me, it also gave me some extra calories)
(i also used it because i like their non glycemic carb blend consisting of oats, etc. But since the FDA doesnt regulate that stuff it could have been cocoa powder and sugar for all i know)
Any questions feel free to ask me and if i remember anything i will be sure to post it.
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****First off Sorry for the crappy pictures. I didnt keep a picture log which was stupid of me but this is what i have (gotta scroll all the way down)
Hey everyone. So 12 weeks ago from today i started my 2nd cycle and had phenomenal results.
I would like to add that before the cycle i was more cut up and shredded. After my cycle i retained some definition but strictly put on mass.
I was alot more cut up before the cycle primarily due to wrestling and boxing. However i figured that the below cycle would be good for mass.
My cycle was as follows
Weeks 1-4 (35mg of dbol ED except sat and sunday)
Weeks 1-10 (300mg/week of Deca)
Weeks 1-10 (400mg/ week of test E)
Weeks 10-12 (400mg/week of TS400 blend)
Weeks 4-6 (50 mg Clomid EOD)
Weeks 6-8 (20 mg Nolvadex EOD)
Week 13 (100mg Clomid ED)
Weeks 14-16 (50 mg Clomid ED)
Weeks 13-16 (20 mg Nolvadex ED)
Weeks 1-16 (100mg Milk thistle Everday)
Here were my stats when i first started off (take in note i have been an athlete for my entire life, and are very toned gentically)
I weighed myself Once a week for the entire cycle in the morning after i took a shit on just a stomach full of breakfast and without clothes on)
*Weight was taken on a digital scale that my wrestling team uses
Height (6'2)
Week 1 Weight (174.51 lbs)
Week 2 Weight (174.92 lbs)
Week 3 Weight (178.65 lbs)
Week 4 Weight (180.26 lbs)
Week 5 Weight (182.47 lbs)
Week 6 Weight (186.74 lbs)
Week 7 Weight (190.12 lbs)
Week 8 Weight (196.43 lbs)
Week 9 Weight (201.32 lbs)
Week 10 Weight (202.21 lbs)
Week 11 Weight (204.63 lbs)
Week 12 Weight (207.36 lbs)
At the beginning of my cycle my biceps were 17.4 inches and at the end of my cycle my biceps were 19.3 inches
(i did not do any other measurements which i regret but my measurements were my mirror and my friends that would comment on my size)
I took this cycle very seriously and made sure my diet was DOWN TO THE BONE on strictness and cleanliness.
EVERYDAY for Breakfast i ate
1 Egg White Omelet
2 Over easy eggs
1 Piece of whole wheat toast
1 bowl of yogurt with some granola on top
1 banana
2 glasses of water
1 glass of OJ (valencia)
(keep in mind i ate the same thing for breakfast EVERDAY. On none workout days i would not eat the toast)
I consumed about 350-450 grams of protein Everday Via chicken and eggs and steak
I consumed approx 4000 Calories m-f and on sat and sunday about 3500
I never skipped a meal until about week 12 i slacked for a few days on the diet.
For my protein shakes i was taking Trueproteins 100%Whey Isolate CFM @ 30 mg inbetween meals and whenever i was thirsty)
For bed time i would take A Casein Protein shake which had 2tbs peanut butter, 1 banana, 1 scoops of lowfat ice cream, and 2 tbsp of Isolate
For increased calories i relied on peanut butter and bannana sandwhiches (whole wheat, low fat natural peanut butter)
Sweet potatoes were a staple in my diet as well
After workout i consumed a shake consisting of a banana, strawberries, Isolate CFM, glutamine, BCAA's
I took a multivatim and 2 fish oil caps along with glut-amine, creatine ethyl ester, and BCAA's every morning
My workout was similiar to Big A's Article for beginners. (eventho i am not a beginner)
I worked out M-W-F for the first 7 weeks and then went to a 2 day split M-T-W-TR for the reaming of the cycle
Now since i am a wrestler obviously we have practices that are basically 70% Cardio and %30 strength. We had practice everday M-F but i drastically toned down how much cardio i did and to make up for that i did situps whenever i could
My split was
Monday (back, bis, shoulders)
Wednesday (Quads, Hams, calves)
Friday (Chest, Tris, Shoulders)
My 4 day split was
Monday (Legs)
Tuesday (chest, tris)
Thursday (Back, bis)
Friday (Shoulders)
My strength went up DRASTICALLY (Went from a max bench of 245- 325
My workout was NOT focused on Max reps but rather smooth controlled movements with medium to heavier weights)
I made sure that my technique was better instead of sacrificing weight
For example (bi's, Preacher Curls- 1 second up reps and 2 second down reps really SQUEEZING at the top)
For chest weeks 1-4 i did bench press and flys
For chest weeks 4-12 i only did dumbells but did decline on the smith machine
Lots of warmup sets, and then 3 total excersises @ 6-10 reps @ 4 total sets per bodypart
Side Effects
I had my bloodwork taken at the beginning and everything was normal
at week 4 i had my blood work taken again and all of my levels were the same except for my liver values which were BARELY elevated (because of dbol i assume)
Week 7 i had blood work done again (Liver values were only SLIGHTLY elevated, kidney values were ok, blood pressure was slightly elevated but nothing dangerous, and lastly my testosterone levels were raised a good amount) (i lost my dam lab slip so idk what the heck happened to that)
My mood was fantastic (never felt better, some things at around week 6 would slightly get me a bit more moody but i think it was due to the clomid but i never felt like "roid raging")
"I" felt as if around week 6 my testicles shrank JUST A TINY bit but my girl never noticed but i felt like i did
My ejaculation was less than it normally was but on the days i took the clomid it went back to normal. My ejaculation looked a bit more milky and less thick than it normally was
My balls are now back to the same size and ejaculation is normal as well
(i went to the sperm bank the other day and my guys are still alive)
My sex drive went up SO MUCH
I could wake up and jerk off 2 times in a row, eat some food jerk off again, fuck my girl 3 times and do it all over again like it was nothing
Gyno was not an issue at all and never had any sort of bulging
The only side effect that hit me the most was ACNE
At about week 7 i had a SLIGHT amount of acne up and around my chest and behind my shoulders (it was nothing gross or anything that was unsightly) I am not a doctor but i would say that it was probably estrogen related and not from the deca. Why do i think that? well because when i started noticing the acne at first i began taking nolvadex because i did not have any PCT for Deca related sides i.e prolactin ) When i began taking the nolva the acne went down but never completely dissipated however at the end of the cycle it is now gone except for 2 scars behind my shoulder which are going away)
No hairloss or anything crazy like that. Actually at the beginning of my cycle i had a shaved head and throughout i let my hair grow out)
It is now 3 weeks after my last week pf PCT and my weight is now 205.92 lbs
so i am surprised that i am keeping most of what i had gained but we will see the true answer to that in a few more weeks. I think i am keeping most of my weeks because i am eating the same diet but at the same time decreasing work load gradually. However my strength is slightly less than it was at the end of my cycle but nothing discouraging)
If i were to do anything different next time i would leave out the dbol. I dont want to use dbol again due to its toxicity. I also thought that the dbol that i used was not that great. During my first cycle i used a different brand of dbol and it was alot better than what i used this time. I thought this cycle went amazingly well. I would not even change my dosages. I felt as if my dosages were spot on for my body. The only thing i would do is possibly get some PCT for Deca related issue (just in case)
I will have before and after pictures for everyone
All in all this cycle went really well and i am very pleased.
I may have left a few things out so please excuse that. This is just a brief blog about my cycle. If you do not agree with something i did please feel free to critique but do not flame me.
NOTE: the only OTC Protein i took was UP YOUR MASS from Vitamin Shopped on Tuesdays, thursdays, sat, and sunday at 2 shakes perday. (Why? Well i had it and felt like it was working for me, it also gave me some extra calories)
(i also used it because i like their non glycemic carb blend consisting of oats, etc. But since the FDA doesnt regulate that stuff it could have been cocoa powder and sugar for all i know)
Any questions feel free to ask me and if i remember anything i will be sure to post it.
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