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how to sleep while on tren?


New member
Apr 20, 2008
ok ive been in the game for a LONG time and ive had more then my fair share of tren cycles and i always had the dreaded "trensomnia" but i was ok with it. now its up to the point where i just cant take that crap anymore and want to get a good nights sleep. any suggestions? meds?
Instead of subjecting yourself to more medication why don't you consider switching compounds?????
ok ive been in the game for a LONG time and ive had more then my fair share of tren cycles and i always had the dreaded "trensomnia" but i was ok with it. now its up to the point where i just cant take that crap anymore and want to get a good nights sleep. any suggestions? meds?

sleeping with tren huh? I don't get that unless the dose goes pretty high. Why not try a lower dose and run it a bit longer. This always seems to work for me and while i might not get the best night of sleep in the world, i do end up getting a decent bit of sleep.
sleep on towels so your night sweats don't soak your sheets with that awful chemical smell, better put a towel on your pillow too so your head isn't in a puddle of sweat by morning, smoke a bit of marijuana and take a clonopin and a benedryl or two turn on the a/c and the fan....

or switch to masteron and just go to sleep:D kidding (kind of) -STEELE

natural is best
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I use to get tren insomnia really bad. This cycle I'm running it with masteron and it seems like the masteron really cut down the sides alot. I'm enanthate by the way. I can run it longer and it seems that sides are more mellow than ace.
I get better sleep

I take 100mg a day and get no sides. I am one lucky guy. I sleep regular better when on aas. I hope I don't get addicted. Also I make my own crystal method and maybe its more pure.
how bout this..... we make a sleep aid at my company and Im telling you im a guy who has suffered bouts of insomnia for years and have tried the drug store over the counter stuff (which leaves you drowsy for the next 12 hours after you get up in the morning) and just about every other "getting sound sleep" trick.

I have to sleep in a blackened room with sheets over the windows if any moonlight or sunlight come thru and have a fan or air conditioner running or forget it....

We developed a sleep aid at my company that (and not because its my company but because its the truth) that is a godsend and ive been sleeping like a baby....and ive sent some to others on this board including Dusty Hanshaw and he became Rip Van Winkle himself.

Again like with everything I slap a black and white generic label on it and that keeps costs down so i can load it up with the best sleep raw materials I can source.

No its not habit forming

Since i like to put MY money and not others money where my mouth is Im willing to send you a bottle of TP sleep aid free of charge on my dollar and Ill pay for the shipping too......ahhh what the hell....its tuesday....Im willing to give anybody on this thread that posted before me a free bottle sent to them and ill pay for the shipping because Im so confident of this product and how its working for people.

Just PM me your address (anyone posting before me on this thread) and ill get it right out to you.

(now i know some guys will come in after i post and say "Dante can i get on the deal too"? I got to draw the line somewhere or im going to be sending out 1000 bottles of free sleep aid and while you guys will sleep great I might get insomnia again from losing so much money.....LOLOL)

The deal stands for everyone on this thread that posted before me though

Happy dreams....
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I have to sleep in a blackened room with sheets over the windows if any moonlight or sunlight come thru and have a fan or air conditioner running or forget it....

Dante, does it look something like this hahaha. Note the fan a meer foot away from my side of the bed on full blast all night and the VT blankets covering the windows....I feel your pain Dante!

I'll be buyin a bottle of this stuff for sure aklong with the rest of my normal supplement purchase since you swear by it...cause nothing else works for me thats for sure!

Your a great man for doing what you do Dante!
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damn! I would love to try this product too! my sleep pattern is so fucked up.

I'd glady pay to try it but Ive been on Ambien, Lunesta and other prescription sleep aids. After being on these compounds, would your product still be able to help? That's my only issue that I don't know the answer to.

I don't like the sides from these meds.
how bout this..... we make a sleep aid at my company and Im telling you im a guy who has suffered bouts of insomnia for years and have tried the drug store over the counter stuff (which leaves you drowsy for the next 12 hours after you get up in the morning) and just about every other "getting sound sleep" trick.

I have to sleep in a blackened room with sheets over the windows if any moonlight or sunlight come thru and have a fan or air conditioner running or forget it....

We developed a sleep aid at my company that (and not because its my company but because its the truth) that is a godsend and ive been sleeping like a baby....and ive sent some to others on this board including Dusty Hanshaw and he became Rip Van Winkle himself.

Again like with everything I slap a black and white generic label on it and that keeps costs down so i can load it up with the best sleep raw materials I can source.

No its not habit forming

Since i like to put MY money and not others money where my mouth is Im willing to send you a bottle of TP sleep aid free of charge on my dollar and Ill pay for the shipping too......ahhh what the hell....its tuesday....Im willing to give anybody on this thread that posted before me a free bottle sent to them and ill pay for the shipping because Im so confident of this product and how its working for people.

Just PM me your address (anyone posting before me on this thread) and ill get it right out to you.

(now i know some guys will come in after i post and say "Dante can i get on the deal too"? I got to draw the line somewhere or im going to be sending out 1000 bottles of free sleep aid and while you guys will sleep great I might get insomnia again from losing so much money.....LOLOL)

The deal stands for everyone on this thread that posted before me though

Happy dreams....

I need to start posting more....
never tried tren but i am waiting for it impatiently. normally i take enough melatonin and tylenol pm to knock out a small rhino and lately its not working enough its usually 9mg of melatonon and 3 or 4 tylenol pms. leaves you drowsy as shit the next day. i hear ambien has the same type of day time drowsyness. nothing works man
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DC im not looking for a free bottle i just wanted to tell you thats cool as hell what you are doing for the guys that posted before you.way to go bro.
I just know how not being able to sleep royally sucks...and it can screw up your whole day (not just training but work and everything else) so i feel its my duty to give back to the bodybuilding community when I can........and since i still dont feel Ive given back enough in this thread.....Im going to say to every guy who posted after my first post and before this second post that ill also give all you guys what I gave the other guys

Im not only sending out the sleep aid but a bottle of ZMA-G's too to everyone

if your a man the dosage you want is to take 3 caps ZMA-G's and 2 caps sleep aid before bed and youll be out like a light so

heavyhitter and
Mr G (see it does pay to post)

you guys are included too
Dante thank you so much! Your generosity does not go un-noticed!

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