The whole point of front loading(let's say test in this case) is to build up circulating testosterone in the body as fast as possible, but in a controlled manner. You try to avoid downgrading receptors with periods of slowly increasing test levels at the beginning of your cycle. The absolute best way to front load test if using enanthate, is to start the enanthate and suspension at the same time, then gradually decrease suspension over the next couple weeks till the enanthate is providing the body with the same amount of circulating test. The same holds true at the end of a cycle, stopping enanthate shots as you gradually increase suspension. This is not too hard to time if you know the half lives of various esters. I'm trying to get it down to a science, working on a spreadsheet to help me out with future cycles. In a perfect world, you would want suspension forms to go along with estered forms of all your different steroids.