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HRT for 18 months, should I come off?


Mar 27, 2007
A little background, I'm 43, been on HRT for almost 1.5 years, 200 mg / 2 weeks. A couple of times I bumped it up, added some deca, and competed last year (tren). I was going to come off for 3 or 4 months the first of this year, but had a bad gym accident (bilateral quad tendon rupture) which resulted in surgery, then 7 weeks full leg casts, and another 6 in braces. I chose not to come off then so maybe the hormones might help healing.

I'm 6 months past that, and wonder if I should come off? My doc says no need, but I don't like the idea of not being able to produce my own natty test if I had to. I think my hair is thinning too, so I'd like to help slow / reverse that for awhile if possible. Do you think I've been on too long to have any hope of my own levels to recover at all? I have clomid, HCG and tamox on hand, as well as natural test boosters, which worked good last time, but up to that point I'd never been on more than about 6 months. Thanks for any insight.
A little background, I'm 43, been on HRT for almost 1.5 years, 200 mg / 2 weeks. A couple of times I bumped it up, added some deca, and competed last year (tren). I was going to come off for 3 or 4 months the first of this year, but had a bad gym accident (bilateral quad tendon rupture) which resulted in surgery, then 7 weeks full leg casts, and another 6 in braces. I chose not to come off then so maybe the hormones might help healing.

I'm 6 months past that, and wonder if I should come off? My doc says no need, but I don't like the idea of not being able to produce my own natty test if I had to. I think my hair is thinning too, so I'd like to help slow / reverse that for awhile if possible. Do you think I've been on too long to have any hope of my own levels to recover at all? I have clomid, HCG and tamox on hand, as well as natural test boosters, which worked good last time, but up to that point I'd never been on more than about 6 months. Thanks for any insight.

From my experience, with your age and long usage, I would just stay on for life. You could try, I did at the age of 38. I was off for nearly a year and my LH/FSH and total test never budged a bit. My total test was stuck at between 60-90 and my LH was below measurable limits on the tests after 10 months or so.
Its worth a try I suppose. I will tell you this though, it is very hard to do. I felt like total shit the entire time. I had just suffered a bad heart attack too, so you can imagine how my spirits were and how I felt.

If you chooe to go off, let us know how it goes.

Oh. I notice youre taking it once every two weeks. YOu will feel better if you do 100 mg/wk rather than doing your biweekly method. Your endo should have no troubles prescribing you the extra pins. My new guy is a jerk and even he didnt fight me on that.
im comming close a doing a 40 week cycle... Do you think from personal experience that it will be hard to rebound natty test from a long cycle?
From my experience, with your age and long usage, I would just stay on for life. You could try, I did at the age of 38. I was off for nearly a year and my LH/FSH and total test never budged a bit. My total test was stuck at between 60-90 and my LH was below measurable limits on the tests after 10 months or so.
Its worth a try I suppose. I will tell you this though, it is very hard to do. I felt like total shit the entire time. I had just suffered a bad heart attack too, so you can imagine how my spirits were and how I felt.

If you chooe to go off, let us know how it goes.

Oh. I notice youre taking it once every two weeks. YOu will feel better if you do 100 mg/wk rather than doing your biweekly method. Your endo should have no troubles prescribing you the extra pins. My new guy is a jerk and even he didnt fight me on that.

Thanks. I get more of this type of advice than any other. Ironically, a good friend of mine who has been a regular user had a bad heart attack as well, and had to come off awhile, and tried to stay off, but his levels, like yours were in the toilet. His doc wouldnt put him back on at all b/c of the heart, but he does his own HRT regimen now and doing okay. But he does monitor his blooodwork / hematocrit, etc.

I'm getting chicken shyt now I think. Not sure what I'll do now.
From my experience, with your age and long usage, I would just stay on for life. You could try, I did at the age of 38. I was off for nearly a year and my LH/FSH and total test never budged a bit. My total test was stuck at between 60-90 and my LH was below measurable limits on the tests after 10 months or so.
Its worth a try I suppose. I will tell you this though, it is very hard to do. I felt like total shit the entire time. I had just suffered a bad heart attack too, so you can imagine how my spirits were and how I felt.

If you chooe to go off, let us know how it goes.

Oh. I notice youre taking it once every two weeks. YOu will feel better if you do 100 mg/wk rather than doing your biweekly method. Your endo should have no troubles prescribing you the extra pins. My new guy is a jerk and even he didnt fight me on that.

Maldorf you have been speaking about your experience for a long time now and giving good advice to people that have not screwed themselves up YET. I said it to you before in a pm...you wont get it across to everyone but one is better than none. You still inspire man! Good to see you are doing well.
I agree with Maldorf. At 43 it will be hard to bounce back to levels where you feel good IMO. I wouldn't be adverse to doing 50 mg 2 times a week either. Like my doctor says, you are just giving your body something it needs to function properly.
I agree with Maldorf. At 43 it will be hard to bounce back to levels where you feel good IMO. I wouldn't be adverse to doing 50 mg 2 times a week either. Like my doctor says, you are just giving your body something it needs to function properly.

Yeah, 2x per week would probably be even better. I think the magic number is supposed to be every 5 days. I go with 7 days and dont feel any swings, but that doesnt mean there are not any.
im 44 , i self dose, 100 per week and donate every 60 days, i plan on doing this with the ocassional bump up for life, for some reason anything over 200 mg gives me anxiety......good thing i guess
Sir-Loin, you owe it to yourself to at least try. If you try and fail at least you tried and if you succeed you are not on TRT for the rest of your life.
i agree brick.. no offense but if your doc says everything is fine then why come off.. it is only a shot a week.. at 43 your test levels would be low irregardless of gear usage.. and you would be feeling like shit.. so if blood work is good then go ahead and keep the hrt.. i tired bring mine back a few years ago.. good pct.. 3 months later and feeling like hell blood work showed 190.. i was not going to wait this thing out.. went back on.. felt better.. test levels 1000.. and all blood work came back within normal ranges.. that was 6 or so years ago when i was 37.. i did 75mgs twice a week..
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thanks fellas for the replys. I've about talked myself into just staying on. Even if I did come off, successful or not, I would have been going back on no later than Feb or so (4 months off). Dont think I could turn it around that quick after a year and a half. When I was cycling, it was a dead minimum 3 months before I felt decent.
Thanks for posting this subject. I was considering the same but will likely keep on HRT. I think it is just difficult to accept that I NEED to take anything. I dont even like that I get a headache if I dont drink my morning coffee. Gd luck

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