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Humans are so resiliant

how bout the turd who was shot 21 times after he killed someone else and is still alive.
how bout the turd who was shot 21 times after he killed someone else and is still alive.

Just like on those police chase shows; criminal being chased by the police at high speeds, no seatbelt we can assume, gets in horrible crash, not a scratch on him. Some poor person gets rear-ended at 5 mph, tears a rotator cuff and herniates a disk. How about the scumbag who goes around impregnating women and the responcible couple can't concieve. As comforting as it would be to believe in a higher power or that things happen for a reason, I think that the world, for better or worse, is just a completely random place.
There have been numerous documented instances
of people surviving falls from great heights . . . like
from a airplane, landing on concrete and walking away.
It's rare, but it does occur.

During WWII, a soldier had to jump out of a burning
airplane, without a parachute, over Germany, and
survived the fall, walks away. He is later arrested for
being a spy because he could not produce a parachute,
they found his story impossible to believe.

Below is a book I have on the subject, published by the
FAA, which speaks to this very subject.

That's amazing to say the least. Maybe these guys are catching an updraft to break their fall a bit? Still… unbelievable.
It's True

I work in the Medical Field and I have seen people jump from 40floors hit the Concrete and bust their Mandible all the way up to their cranium in half. My cousin when she was 6 got hit by a school bus Mirror and she had a Pan fracture ton's & ton's of Titanium in her little face. I feel bad when I see case involving children.
how bout the turd who was shot 21 times after he killed someone else and is still alive.

Only prob is that is not what happened. At first that's what the cops believed but it turned out that the other guy (now dead guy) had the gun, the dude hit 21 times did not have nor did he fire a weapon. He got hit 21 Xs cause he had an argument with a guy.
As far as the dude falling....yea pretty amazing. You hear the sky dive stories once in a while but you always figure that even a tangled chute would cause some drag. Best one I remember is a chute not opening at all and the person (wanna say it was a woman) landed at a perfect angle in mud in a field... was stuck In mud up to their chest and had a....sprained ankle.
then you have the people who fall over a 3ft bench, break their neck and die. it's very crazy stuff.
after a certain height in free fall your body does not go any faster. Its known as terminal velocity.
Its different depending on body position but i believe 125mph is average and is achieved in about 10 stories

So in theory if you can survive a 10 story fall you could survive 40

On top of that the story says that he crashed through the windshield and fell into the backseat, both of which would somewhat slow his descent and cushion his fall. 4 feet over onto concrete would have been a different story. However, even then there are horrible decceleration injuries that most likely occured...most of them internal.
It seems like survivability is due to what you land on. I've witnessed 2 falls one from 5 stories and one from 9 stories both onto concrete and both were called deceased with injuries incompatible with life within minutes of arriving.
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after a certain height in free fall your body does not go any faster. Its known as terminal velocity.
Its different depending on body position but i believe 125mph is average and is achieved in about 10 stories

So in theory if you can survive a 10 story fall you could survive 40

On top of that the story says that he crashed through the windshield and fell into the backseat, both of which would somewhat slow his descent and cushion his fall. 4 feet over onto concrete would have been a different story. However, even then there are horrible decceleration injuries that most likely occured...most of them internal.
It seems like survivability is due to what you land on. I've witnessed 2 falls one from 5 stories and one from 9 stories both onto concrete and both were called deceased with injuries incompatible with life within minutes of arriving.

Am i wrong here, but yes speed maybe max. but the higher the fall, the longer the fall, the more distance covered, the greater the impact? or am i reasoning this totally incorrectly?
Am i wrong here, but yes speed maybe max. but the higher the fall, the longer the fall, the more distance covered, the greater the impact? or am i reasoning this totally incorrectly?

The impact with be more like this.

Velocity x mass = force
so if he is moving at 125 mph and weights 150 lbs, then his maximum force will remain constant as long as velocity is kept constant.
thats enough stories where you have time to collect yourself and think, "Well this is really going to f'ing suck."

The impact with be more like this.

Velocity x mass = force
so if he is moving at 125 mph and weights 150 lbs, then his maximum force will remain constant as long as velocity is kept constant.

Does momentum factor into this? Does that become a constant as well after a certain point?
speed and mass are the only factors. There are a few accounts of skydivers shutes not opening and them surviving the fall.
funny you should say that, when my gf's brother was in this neuro rehab unit following a car accident, there was a lady skydiver who was in the next rehab room. Her parachute didn't deploy and luckily she went threw a bunch of trees and the branches slowed her down enough that she lived, but she broke a lot of bones and had some head trauma, and at night, she would have terrible night terrors so they had to start sedating her every night.
Does momentum factor into this? Does that become a constant as well after a certain point?

I had Physics back 92" but still remember some,lol.

Gravity is what you are referring to:A free falling body will have some resistance but not enough to factor into the equation and certainly not enough to soften the landing.

velocity increases by 9.81 m/s (32.2 ft/s or 22 mph) for each second of its descent. So the object or body in this case starting from rest will gain velocity of 9.81 m/s (32.2 ft/s) after one second, 19.6 m/s (64.4 ft/s) after two seconds, and so on, adding 9.81 m/s (32.2 ft/s) to each resulting velocity.
Remember this is ignoring air resistance which in the case of a free falling body is minimal, So most dense objects, when dropped from the same height, will hit the ground at the same time.

It doesn't become a constant from small distances.If you are talking objects falling from greater distances like from space a more complicted equation is used with way more factors.
Peggy Hill survived a sky diving fall...on king of the hill...best show ever:D

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