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Hypothetical question regarding proprietary blends


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Let's say I take 10 scoops of Jack3d or something similar, go to the hospital, and tell them what I took so they can treat me correctly. If they were to call USP Labs and ask them to provide the exact amounts of the listed ingredients, would they have to comply?
Just to note, I'm not trying to steal somebody's formula - just wondered as I was downing all my pre-wo stuff. And no, I didn't take 10 scoops.. just 2. .....plus 50mg geranamine .....and some yohimbine ..................aaaaand some tyrosine.

Let's say I take 10 scoops of Jack3d or something similar, go to the hospital, and tell them what I took so they can treat me correctly. If they were to call USP Labs and ask them to provide the exact amounts of the listed ingredients, would they have to comply?

This is kind of an odd question, but I'll try to answer it. No they would not have to comply with the hospitals or doctors request for the exact amounts of the ingredients. I'm fairly certain the only way of doing this is to do it through the whole legal system...lawyer, judge, subpoena's, etc. But by that time you're already dead if it is indeed a "dire" situation. Chances are if you take too much of that stuff the hospital wont have to do a whole lot to "treat" you. This is why people should always read labels and directions ;). Oh and proprietary blends are a little sketchy as to why they are technically legal...im assuming its just because its cheaper for manufacturers to use them versus having to ensure the exact content of each ingredient (and for "secrecy" issues as well).
Just to note, I'm not trying to steal somebody's formula - just wondered as I was downing all my pre-wo stuff. And no, I didn't take 10 scoops.. just 2. .....plus 50mg geranamine .....and some yohimbine ..................aaaaand some tyrosine.

I could be wrong but i remember reading somewhere (BB forum somewhere) that combining yohimbe and tyrosine is a bad idea...something about yohimbe being closing related to MAOI inhibitors (which you are not supposed to take with tyrosine/tyramine)
I could be wrong but i remember reading somewhere (BB forum somewhere) that combining yohimbe and tyrosine is a bad idea...something about yohimbe being closing related to MAOI inhibitors (which you are not supposed to take with tyrosine/tyramine)

Hmm.. I see why that could be a bad idea.. tyrosine = precursor to dopamine, NE, etc. I take the tyrosine because of what feels like a tolerance to stimulants.. I did not have any adverse reactions the times I've taken it. I take about 2-3g of tyrosine/day usually in the morning with e/c/y and then pre-workout with jack3d and sometimes yohimbine if I haven't eaten for over an hour.

What are the immediate dangers? Blood pressure? I didn't have any noticable symptoms of blood pressure issues today.. felt pretty normal.
Here's the info that we posted a while back in another forum...
more or less... this info shows that there is no interaction amongst yohimbine + tyrosine :

Originally Posted by Palo Alto Labs
First off I'll start out by saying yohimbine is a mild MAO inhibitor. but MAO inhibitors are a broad category, they certainly do not all work in the same way or have the same effects.

I disagree that yohimbine is not selective at all. There is a study from 1988 that disagrees with this. This study also goes on to state that when rats are given 200mg/kg of tyrosine in addition to 10mg/kg of Yohimbine that and I quote "Moreoever, the administration of 200 mg/kg of tyrosine failed to augment the increases in brain MHPG and DGPH produced by PB. Tyrosine did slightly enhance the increase in DHPG due to YOH treatment. This effect is presumable a result of YOH activating these neurones by blocking presynaptic autoreceptors and thus making the rate of NE turnover dependent on tyrosine availability(wurtman et al., 1981). How ever no such effect was observed for th YOH-induced increase in MHPG. The reason for this is unknown, but may relate to NE being preferentially converted to DHPG when metabolized intraneuronally and to mHPG when metabolized extraneuronally. Finally, the large elevation in MHPG due to YOH may be due only partly a2-adrenoceptor blockade. YOH is structurally similiar to reserpine and has been postulated to cause a reserpine-like release of stored NE. The acute biochemical effects of a single injection of reserpine caused both increases in braing MHPG and decreases in NE similar to those caused by YOH(Bareggi et al., 1979). Thus, 2 hr after a dose of 1.25 mg/kg of resperine, MHPG was increased 72% and NE was reduced 43%(bareggi et al., 1979). On the other hand since YOH did not deplete brain DA, if YOH has a reserpine like action, it must be selective for NE neurons."

here is another quote from this study's abstract "Tyrosine failed to enhance the effect of either YOH or PB except for somewhat augmenting the increase in DHPG induced by YOH"

Essentially what I am saying here is that all MAOi's dont act the same... In this study tyrosine has basically an insignificant effect on the brain when combined with yohimbine. Now if some one wants to argue the effectiveness of yohimbine that is a different argument that I think has been disputed here a thousand times. I personally like the results I have gotten from yohimbine but it is always up to the consumer to read up on a substance and gauge their bodies tolerence to it. Also i think it is important to understand that we have dosed leviathan very modertly with tyrosine. When this product was formulated we researched tyrosine and yohimbine extensively. We absolutely were interested making leviathan a safe but effective product. Here is the link to the abstract from pub med:

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Oh I also agree completely with Sldgehmr on his assessment off yohimbe bark.. Never use a product that uses yohimbe bark.. it is a dirty herb(yohimbine is only 1 of the 32 active alkoloid present in yohimbe) If you use a product make sure it is a straight yohimbine HCl product.. not an yohimbe bark standerized to a % yohimbine.

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well i guess if you've been doing it theres probably not much to worry about. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I've combined the two myself lol

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