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If you lose your gyno during show prep

I think your surgeon did a terrible job explaining this to you. Once you have gyno it’s there. The AI’s just reduce the swelling (size) come show time as most run higher amounts of them. As well, your bodyfat is lower so the excess fat that stores around the swelling comes down. It’s all just less noticeable.

But once you get it, it’s there. You can either reduce the swelling with AI’s and Tamoxifen or you can get it and the glands removed to ensure it doesn’t come back.

They do feathered lipo in the area to remove the fat that’s stored around it and as well to ensure enough is there to sit behind the nipples so that they don’t sink it given the glands are being removed.

I’m speaking on this as someone who just had the procedure done by a top surgeon who loves to explain shit to me a medical guy who loves to understand shit. 😂
Did you go under or do local. I’ve never been under I’m terrified of it. I was a fat kid so I’ve always been sensitive about my nipples but when I’m lean there’s nothing there at all nothing. I know there can be soft gyno but gyno to me is the hard stuff, I had a guy his were like steel and I’ve seen lots of shows where the guys have zero bodyfat but very pronounced gyno. I do think all the top guys have their glands out, I can’t think of but one I’ve known who didn’t do it. Especially now with it being done with local and walk in walk out in an afternoon, aside from cost I don’t see a why not.
Did you go under or do local. I’ve never been under I’m terrified of it. I was a fat kid so I’ve always been sensitive about my nipples but when I’m lean there’s nothing there at all nothing. I know there can be soft gyno but gyno to me is the hard stuff, I had a guy his were like steel and I’ve seen lots of shows where the guys have zero bodyfat but very pronounced gyno. I do think all the top guys have their glands out, I can’t think of but one I’ve known who didn’t do it. Especially now with it being done with local and walk in walk out in an afternoon, aside from cost I don’t see a why not.
Most surgeons won’t do local because of the feathered lipo, but it’s just mild sedation when they put you under. No breathing tube or bypass like many think of. 😂

It’s like an hour in and out if you have a good surgeon.
Did you go under or do local. I’ve never been under I’m terrified of it. I was a fat kid so I’ve always been sensitive about my nipples but when I’m lean there’s nothing there at all nothing. I know there can be soft gyno but gyno to me is the hard stuff, I had a guy his were like steel and I’ve seen lots of shows where the guys have zero bodyfat but very pronounced gyno. I do think all the top guys have their glands out, I can’t think of but one I’ve known who didn’t do it. Especially now with it being done with local and walk in walk out in an afternoon, aside from cost I don’t see a why not.

I have the "soft" kind where you can't tell when im lean- i had it in my avatar. It is still a mind fuck and im probably just gonna get it taken care of like i have been meaning to for years, but it's still very much "real" even if it's not rock hard. Ive also never had even a single pang of pain.
My gyno looked like a raw piece of boneless skinless chicken. I luckily didn’t need lipo.

Mine would swell without heavy AIs. I could easily pinch the entire glad, actually more like grab it.

Removed, they were a decent size. I was shocked, way bigger than I pictured. They hide well. Prolly a total of 3oz chicken haha
I have the "soft" kind where you can't tell when im lean- i had it in my avatar. It is still a mind fuck and im probably just gonna get it taken care of like i have been meaning to for years, but it's still very much "real" even if it's not rock hard. Ive also never had even a single pang of pain.
I don’t see it in your avatar but I get you. I’ve never had sore nips. Clear discharge a few times but that’s prolactin not estro. Yea for me it’s cost and a kid that’s holding me back I dunno if I have a week of time where I can’t deal with him and he’s not 2 but 35 lbs and a hoss
I don’t know if your surgeon explained it wrong or you misunderstood. But gyno doesn’t break off. It is hard tissue that has to be removed in order to go away. Btw I had gyno surgery done and I’m so glad I did ! My Surgeon said I was lean enough so he didn’t do lipo he just did gland removal. Also a lot of people and surgeons have a misconception that the surgeon needs to leave behind some gland so that your nipple won’t cave in after. My surgeon removed bacially all of the gland and moved a thin piece of fat directly behind the nipple to prevent any nipple cratering. It was 6k total. My glands were pretty damn big when removed
Did you go under or do local. I’ve never been under I’m terrified of it. I was a fat kid so I’ve always been sensitive about my nipples but when I’m lean there’s nothing there at all nothing. I know there can be soft gyno but gyno to me is the hard stuff, I had a guy his were like steel and I’ve seen lots of shows where the guys have zero bodyfat but very pronounced gyno. I do think all the top guys have their glands out, I can’t think of but one I’ve known who didn’t do it. Especially now with it being done with local and walk in walk out in an afternoon, aside from cost I don’t see a why not.
I know you didn’t so me brother but personally I did local! And for the most part the actual surgery was painless. Now I will tell you I had a minor complication that is fairly common after mine. I developed a hematoma on my left pec the day after my surgery. I woke up, looked in the mirror and it was swollen like a damn balloon. Lucky the surgeon wasn’t far away so I went right back to him and he drained the hematoma. That shit hurt like hell ! But overall it was worth saving over two grand and going with local over general anesthesia. If anybody on the board is debating on getting gyno surgery I’d say go for it 100% (as long as you go to a good surgeon that specializes in gynecomastia).
I know you didn’t so me brother but personally I did local! And for the most part the actual surgery was painless. Now I will tell you I had a minor complication that is fairly common after mine. I developed a hematoma on my left pec the day after my surgery. I woke up, looked in the mirror and it was swollen like a damn balloon. Lucky the surgeon wasn’t far away so I went right back to him and he drained the hematoma. That shit hurt like hell ! But overall it was worth saving over two grand and going with local over general anesthesia. If anybody on the board is debating on getting gyno surgery I’d say go for it 100% (as long as you go to a good surgeon that specializes in gynecomastia).
Yea it’s on my list i havec5-10 years left of competing and I was a fat
Kid at 12-13 so I don’t get good. I just have it dispersed evenly over my body so when I’m even around like 12 to 13% I don’t like the way I look even though every person around me thinks I’m a fucking psycho and they don’t see it like I look in the mirror I’ll see other guys in the gym, who, of course are tiny compared to me, but they have these little tiny nipples, the size of a Q-tip and for some reason has always bothered me I guess because I was a fat kid and I know it’s glands because there’s no hard tissue like you can press and root around and it’s purely opposed tissue and and glands but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for over a decade and I just need to bite the bullet and go in and get it done local then I really appreciate you posting these because you know it’s one of these things where I say I’m gonna do it and I put it off and then you or somebody else post about it again it keeps it fresh in my head and really reminds me I need to find a way to carve out a couple of weeks with you know my two babies you know in the house I know I’ll have to set aside the ability to pick them up and carry them around because you have to wear a compression vest and all that along with the fact that I’m still paying for fertility, which cost you know north of $100,000 by quite a bit so six grand doesn’t sound like much but it is when it’s a luxury for something that goes away when my body drops under 10% anyway
I know you didn’t so me brother but personally I did local! And for the most part the actual surgery was painless. Now I will tell you I had a minor complication that is fairly common after mine. I developed a hematoma on my left pec the day after my surgery. I woke up, looked in the mirror and it was swollen like a damn balloon. Lucky the surgeon wasn’t far away so I went right back to him and he drained the hematoma. That shit hurt like hell ! But overall it was worth saving over two grand and going with local over general anesthesia. If anybody on the board is debating on getting gyno surgery I’d say go for it 100% (as long as you go to a good surgeon that specializes in gynecomastia).
My exact experience with the hematoma. Just added a few weeks to the recovery.
Yea it’s on my list i havec5-10 years left of competing and I was a fat
Kid at 12-13 so I don’t get good. I just have it dispersed evenly over my body so when I’m even around like 12 to 13% I don’t like the way I look even though every person around me thinks I’m a fucking psycho and they don’t see it like I look in the mirror I’ll see other guys in the gym, who, of course are tiny compared to me, but they have these little tiny nipples, the size of a Q-tip and for some reason has always bothered me I guess because I was a fat kid and I know it’s glands because there’s no hard tissue like you can press and root around and it’s purely opposed tissue and and glands but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for over a decade and I just need to bite the bullet and go in and get it done local then I really appreciate you posting these because you know it’s one of these things where I say I’m gonna do it and I put it off and then you or somebody else post about it again it keeps it fresh in my head and really reminds me I need to find a way to carve out a couple of weeks with you know my two babies you know in the house I know I’ll have to set aside the ability to pick them up and carry them around because you have to wear a compression vest and all that along with the fact that I’m still paying for fertility, which cost you know north of $100,000 by quite a bit so six grand doesn’t sound like much but it is when it’s a luxury for something that goes away when my body drops under 10% anyway
I’m telling you once you get the surgery you’ll be so thankful you did
My exact experience with the hematoma. Just added a few weeks to the recovery.
Yep. The hematoma removal was painful as hell. But man I’m telling you I’m so fuckin glad I got my gyno removed. It bothered me so bad for more than 10 years
I’m telling you once you get the surgery you’ll be so thankful you did
I know and I appreciate you guys who keep bringing it up bc it keeps it fresh on my mind even though it’s a ways off for me. That’s why this forum is so important we remind each other and even sometimes ourselves the things we need to do to succeed and fell as well as look our best.
I know and I appreciate you guys who keep bringing it up bc it keeps it fresh on my mind even though it’s a ways off for me. That’s why this forum is so important we remind each other and even sometimes ourselves the things we need to do to succeed and fell as well as look our best.
That’s a fact brother !

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