well, i agree with what mikes said
i never noticed getting tired, but did notice and EXXTREME amount of the hunger... i could eat a freakin trainload of food folllowing my workout.. i workout in the later of the day, and did my injections of 40mgc perday in the muscles i was gonna train that day.. so if it was bi's i would do them before the workout.. i did find that my pumps would last for hours on end when i did the inj. pre-w/o.. and when i did them post-w/o i didnt notice the pump lasting as long. when i ran it i went from 10% bf to 6% bf in like 45 days. i ran it only on training days, and only inj. 40mcg into each pair of muscles that would be trained that day.. my diet was like around 250 gr protein, carbs were cycled and on training days i would eat in excess of 400 gr carbs.. sometimes 600 gr carbs.. i noticed when i ate more carbs training days, i would get better pumps. and i dont really keep track of my fats too well, but mind you i was trying to diet down for the summer, and i must say, i got some serious compliments.. and i was running it as a add on to my PCT. my gains from that cycle stayed after the IGF ended, but i did lose the SUPER vascularity.. i have never seen so many veins on my body.. it was crazy looking, kinda cartoonish.. and it was nice to be soo FULL and not so bloated.. as if the muscles were the only things that were pumped..