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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 9, 2002
Saw this post on another board and I was curious as to what some of you guys thought. The discussion is that IGF1 helps to make one leaner or adds to fat content and should be used when bulking up. I do not know because I haven't used it and am curious myself. So any thoughts would be great. Peace
IGF-1 gives me a 3D look that nothing else does. That's it though.
This is the way I say about when to use these compounds: you buy your gear and if you have money left over you buy GH too. If you still have money left over you buy IGF-1 as well.
I've had a few bro's of mine try IGF1 and they said it messed up their insulin levels. Can it be used in combination with slin or glucophage? This shit is so expensive!! Even more than GH. How much would be a good amount to use? One of my bro's was doing .33mcg per day. I don't think that would do all that much. But then agian, I've never tried it myself. Big A, what are your experiences with it?
I'm interested in it, I thought about using it with these compounds: Tren, Winstrol, Halotestin, and a very minimal amount of test. No more than 400mg a week. I'm wanting to be very lean for this up coming football season. Will this help or should I pass?
IGF-1 will help, but GH gets you leaner. IGF-1 is more for making you look better.
It's cheaper than GH - about $20/day. You use 100mcg/day.
Humm $20.00/ day x 30 days = $600.00! Humm, i could afford that if i could find a nice sugar momma. Or just move out of my place and get a cardboard box in a dark alley.

Honestly, i think IGF-1 is strictly for the Pro's. I still believe that IGF-1 has to be handled 100% perfectly to be good.

I only know of 1 source who has/had IGF-1, and I have a hook up thru some college friends of mine who have access to it. I've considered it, but the idea of having my colon turning inside out and the size of North America isn't appealing.

I think what Big A and MANY others here are trying to say is, start small, work your way up the ladder.

D-bol, Deca and the normal stuff people start out with. No Exotics like Test Heptylate or Masteron or Methandriol Dipropionate. Stick to the basics. D-bol, Deca/EQ and Sust.

Once you've hit that barrier, which should take quite a long time by the way, move on to other basic stuff.

I figure maybe 3-5 years of basic gear usage, you are ready to move on into other things like Insulin, DNP, HGH, IGF-1, PGF2a, etc etc etc.

Why start at the very top with the exotic shit? For the same price you can spend it on regular gear and get 10 times the gains.

To each his own i guess, but i just dont see the point for most people.
IGF-1 dose

WEll, to be honest, most people I know are happy with the results they can get from only 40mcg per day UP TO 100mcg per day.

NOT everyone needs 100mcg per day Big A. :)

But again, everyone is different. Just like some guys grow great on 250mg / week and other guys it takes 1-2 grams/week to see any growth.

BTW- Great Board BigA , Ironmike, and you other mods!! I have known you guys for years. ;-)
When it first was widely available in 2000, it was advertised that 20mcg was a daily dose. It became apparent you probably needed more. I had 3mg and it was seized in a raid-never got to try it. :mad:
That sux.....

Sorry to hear that Mike S. Did they nab a lot of shit? Dirty bastards!!

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