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I'm an idiot, please help my dumbass


New member
Apr 26, 2007

I have ran a few cycles over the last couple of years and never had any problems last cycle ran BD Test Cyp, BD EQ & BD dbol. Best gear had yet only problem was that it was TOO good. Ended up with medium sized lumps behind nipples and also puffy nipples. Ran 3 weeks of nolva after cycle but didnt help. Was poorly educated about gyno because never thought would get it. BIG MISTAKE! Learnt alot since then ( so i hope ) want to start another cycle in the next couple of mths but want to try minimise or even reverse this stupid gyno i got now.

1-3 week Letro tapered up to 2.5 down to 0.5 ( IP CHINA )
4-9 week Winny tabs 50mg ED ( British Dragon )
1-9 week Proviron 50mg ED ( Schering )
10-12 week Nolva week1 60mg ED week2 40mg ED week3 20mg ED ( IP CHINA )

Hopefully come the 12 weeks i should have reversed most if not all the gyno i hope.

Never used IP China just hope their PCT is good using them for my nolva & femara 2 of the most important ingredients in my attempt to reverse this gyno. If they aren't what they say they are im f**ked!

Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated

PGCL will work, BUT

ALLEX said:
I read that this new "PGCL" reverses gyno...

Yeah PGCL will work on gyno, but if I understand correctly you must inject it directly into the gyno to get rid of it.:eek:
* itself will kill the gyno with adequate dose & time. I have heard * will do the trick. Don't complicate things. Keep it simple.
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I got two good size lumps, which ended up going away on their own in about 2 months after I got off cycle. This was a LOOOONG time ago.
Yes Femara/Letrozol works. Now just run Masteron as your main AAS with all of your cycles and you will probably not have a problem again.
Does PGCL even reduce gyno formed from puberty. Or does it not matter?
I am curious to pgcl's effects on gyno too (as well as other info about this substance)... Anyone know much about it or could point me to some good info on it?

Cheers Kasier will make sure i do....

Anyone comment on IP CHINA for nolva & femara? Strong? Just want piece of mind really guys some personal experiences will be greatly appreciated
rosko said:
Cheers Kasier will make sure i do....

Anyone comment on IP CHINA for nolva & femara? Strong? Just want piece of mind really guys some personal experiences will be greatly appreciated

I've used both and they worked well.
ALLEX said:
I read that this new "PGCL" reverses gyno...

I'm going to talk with Ip about this specific goal and see if it works. I've not known anyone personally that has tried this before, so this should be an interesting experiment. If anyone has tried this before for gyno reduction I would like to hear about your experience.
ALLEX said:
I read that this new "PGCL" reverses gyno...
I also heard it can turn lead to gold:rolleyes: .........I enjoy the hype these things get everytime something "new" comes out ,cmon guys how long you been in the game?My prediction................nobody will be talking about this product in a few years.........As far as your gyno goes ,I would diet down to single digit bodyfat levels while on a cycle with anti-estros to see how much is really fat ,if you are still bothered by the gyno ,then while still lean have gyno removed by a surgeon,and mabey a little lipo around the nip/chest.This is really the only way that it is going to be completely taken care of ,just start saving /dieting.Just my opinion
Kaiser said:
Yes Femara/Letrozol works. Now just run Masteron as your main AAS with all of your cycles and you will probably not have a problem again.

seriously? masteron and masteron only will prevent getting gyno on a cycle with highly aromatizing compounds? how?

is that why everyone stacks masteron with tren, since tren causes gyno in a lot of people? thanks.
PGCL" reverses gyno

PGCL stand for Prostaglandins. They have been around for awhile. There are all different kinds. The most popular PGF2a aka (lutylase) which is nothing new and been around in bodybuilding for at least 5 years and used in animals a lot longer to induce birth.

lipostabil injectable lecithin and PGF2a don't work IMO for gyno glandular tissue. It will only work on non glandular fat. So the lump will remain. I have known a few people who have tried it including myself with disappointment.
Not saying there is no merit in its fat reducing abilities. It works systematically for fat loss and locally for site enhancement, but I don't believe on gyno. I thought it may work for gyno after reading these studies,but glandular tissue is a little different.

Inhibition of adipose differentiation by 9 alpha, 11 beta-prostaglandin F2 alpha.
· Lepak NM,
· Serrero G.
W. Alton Jones Cell Science Center, Inc., Lake Placid, NY 12946.
Prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) is a potent adipose differentiation inhibitor for the adipogenic cell line 1246 and for adipocyte precursors in primary culture with an ED50 of 3 x 10(-8) M. In this paper, we examined the effect of several prostaglandins which have structural similarities with PGF2 alpha on the differentiation of 1246 cells and of adipocyte precursors in primary culture. The results show that only 9 alpha,11 beta-PGF2 alpha is as potent as PGF2 alpha to inhibit differentiation of adipocyte precursors in primary culture and of the adipogenic cell line 1246. In the presence of 9 alpha,11 beta-PGF2 alpha, the cells remained fibroblast-like, typical of undifferentiated adipocyte precursors. Triglyceride accumulation and increase of specific activity for glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were inhibited. In addition, mRNA expression of early markers of differentiation such as lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and fatty acid binding protein (FAB) was decreased. The isomer 9 beta,11 alpha-PGF2 alpha and other PGF2 alpha derivatives were inactive. These results provide new information on the biological activity of 9 alpha,11 beta-PGF2 alpha as an inhibitor of adipose differentiation and about the structural characteristics of prostaglandins required for maintenance of a high adipose differentiation inhibitory effect.
PMID: 8295981 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Prostaglandin F2 alpha inhibits the differentiation of adipocyte precursors in primary culture.
· Serrero G,
· Lepak NM,
· Goodrich SP.
W. Alton Jones Cell Science Center, Inc. Lake Placid, N.Y. 12946.
Influence of arachidonate metabolite pathway on adipose differentiation was investigated using primary culture of adipocyte precursors in defined medium. Treatment of the cells with cyclooxygenase inhibitors stimulates adipose differentiation by at least 2-fold. Among the various arachidonate metabolites tested, only prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) was found to inhibit the differentiation of adipocyte precursors in a dose dependent fashion. Other eicosanoids tested did not have any effect. A 50% inhibition of adipose differentiation was observed with a dose of PGF2 alpha of 3 x 10(-9)M to 7 x 10(-9)M according to the strain of rats used. Maximal inhibition occurred at PGF2 alpha concentrations equal or higher than 10(-8)M. PGF2 alpha inhibited not only the expression of late markers of adipose differentiation such as G3PDH and triglycerides accumulation but also the mRNA expression of early markers of adipose differentiation such as clone 154, lipoprotein lipase and ap2 gene. These results indicate that PGF2 alpha represents a physiological negative modulator of adipose differentiation.
PMID: 1550552 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Gyno's fat is down with pgcl!

I am on the third day of pgcl at minimum dosage,I lost over 2 lbs and my gyno is down of about 50%...obviously only the fat tissue,it will not help with the gland...but for me this compound is one of the best things I have tried in my life...and the effect is also faster than any other thing I have injected before...

Who is the best person to get this PGCL off? I am currently living in the UK
rosko said:
Who is the best person to get this PGCL off? I am currently living in the UK

Go with ip china,no problem to get the stuff,I am in Europe too
BeenGone said:
I also heard it can turn lead to gold:rolleyes: .........I enjoy the hype these things get everytime something "new" comes out ,cmon guys how long you been in the game?My prediction................nobody will be talking about this product in a few years.........As far as your gyno goes ,I would diet down to single digit bodyfat levels while on a cycle with anti-estros to see how much is really fat ,if you are still bothered by the gyno ,then while still lean have gyno removed by a surgeon,and mabey a little lipo around the nip/chest.This is really the only way that it is going to be completely taken care of ,just start saving /dieting.Just my opinion

Best advice on this issue. Diet and then get the remaining (if there is any) surgically removed. I allways wonder about taking a drug to combat the sides of another drug...
Yeah PGCL will work on gyno, but if I understand correctly you must inject it directly into the gyno to get rid of it.:eek:
Letro itself will kill the gyno with adequate dose & time. I have heard 2.5 mg / day for 12 weeks will do the trick. Don't complicate things. Keep it simple.

PGCL will not reverse gyno, but it may reduce the fat deposits ,,, drugs will only stop gyno getting worse. The only thing that reverses gyno is surgery, If anyone knows otherwise please post the research.
jeeeze thougth i could have a little more faith in you guys... ok ur straight out answer?

During the time you developed the gyno... did you gain bodyfat? If not, its straight gyno, not fat. If you did... diet and figure out how much is fat.

Get on anti-e/a's and give it about 4-6 weeks to work. It should go down a little (whatever has not solidified) Whatever is left is solid gyno. It must be removed surgically...

plain and simple... and no there is no super secret cure that is going to work magic.. what i just said above is pretty much the facts you have to accept

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