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I'm tired of all the...


New member
Aug 19, 2002

This is a quote from an IFBB Pro on a board I will not mention. It sums up a lot of crap that a lot of guys think.

“And one more thing: I spent $2800 bucks getting ready for the NOC this year. $2800 TOTAL. That includes the GH. The 3 iu's I do, 6 days a week. That's 126 iu's every six weeks, or 252 iu's in 12 weeks. I paid $400 per box, so that's how much again on GH for the entire diet? Whoa... a whole $800. Fuck that $500 per box at 18 iu's a week bullshit, too. Where the fuck do you guys come up with this crap??

I don't mind telling people, because I get sick of hearing we (the pro's) are all drugs. But, like I posted before, the reason no one believes guys like me and Lee Priest, is because they can't get to our size. Has nothing to do with reality, or what we spend, or what we take, or how hard we train. It has to do with what other people CAN'T do. So they need an excuse. Nothing more than just a bullshit excuse.

Forgive me for this rant. But I resent my 15 years of busting ass in the gym being reduced to a cycle or two.”

Ok, here is the deal as to why some can get to top level and some can’t and why guys think pros take large amounts of gear.

Consistency. That is it. Why is that it you say? “Explain to me” you say. Ok. Here it goes.

I’ve been bodybuilding for around 8 strong years. In those 8 years I’ve put on some decent size. In those 8 years one would think I should be competing in top levels or top amateur levels. WRONG! Why. I wasn’t consistent in my lifestyle.

These pros eat, sleep, train, live, the bodybuilding lifestyle. 24 hours a day 7 days a week, maybe not every week of the year, but it’s close to it all year around. Can you do it? Maybe. Most of us can’t. I mean I’ve gone months without training and actually went a year without training. My diet sucked most if not all the time. My lifestyle was definitely not bodybuilding.

I think here is where youngsters think these guys must be doing something incredible to get that big or to get to that level of competition. Who here lives the lifestyle? I mean truly live it. 5000-6000 calories every day. 300-500 grams of protein per day. Train properly, rest properly, eat properly. How many will do this for the next 5 -15 years of their life? There ya go.

In closing, guys, it really doesn’t take a butt load of gear to get there. It takes…
1. stressing the body to make the changes. How, through training.
2. Feeding the body to make those changes.
3. Resting the body to make the changes.

In a nutshell all gear does is help utilize all three of the aspects just mention, better. It doesn’t take a lot to do it.

Sorry for the rant. Just tired of being told that I must take a lot of gear to get the size I am right now. I just happened to see a post on another board so I thought, “damn it, I’m tired of it”

Maybe some of you vets can throw some more in with this.

Later fellas!
Agreed to a point

We can all agree,the top level guys are able to live the lifestyle to the fullest extent,yes.But the genetics are also superior,this has to be without question.And this helps in their gear intake.If it is true that they do not take as much gear as is believed,then they are much better able to utilize the amounts they do take.Their receptors are like sponges,I fully believe that.

Im sure I can grow well on 1-2 grams a week,but not at a rate that these guys can,Therefore my genetics call for alittle more.I already train balls to the wall,my protein and caloric intake is high,my sleep patterns are good,and Im consistent as well.Im at a stage now,after training hard for some years,that I get looks wherever I go,Im big and thick.But to look like these guys,we are talking definetly about a big genetic gap. By no means am I saying they don't work hard for what they have attained and they rely on their genes,but that has to be part of the answer if its not the gear.
Good point, good post. I guess for us lesser gifted, it is hard to face up to the fact that pros generally have it all over us genetics wise, and desire wise also. I live the BB lifestyle always. I never miss workouts, eat as I should 24/7 (take a little more junk in on weekends-but still get required protein). I cycle intellegently and by the book-I map it out and follow that map beginning until end.
But I just dont have what the pros have, I can face it. But genetics considered (they suck!) Ive done very well.

There is a buddy of mine in the gym who cycles at pretty low doses. I believe him. He is big as shit. Strong as shit too.
Trains with great intensity (you know who you are). I do 4x the mg in a cycle, and just dont have what he does. The other guys in the gym think Im naive and that he is lying to me. He is not-Id bet on it. But I defend him to all the naysayers that think he is on big doses-they are jealous in the way Caninos post said. I guess its just human nature. The bad part of human nature!
yes some use like amounts as stated and train hard and some (most) use boatloads, some train all out and some train like wusses...all have superior genetics any way ya slice it

(and some lie their ass off and others are willing to tell the real deal)
Just like all sports there are always people who are faster, think quicker etc.

Like Mike says we all have seen or know people who because of the gene pool just grow looking at weights or get shreded with little effort.

For the rest of us it is the grind that makes it worthwile, with or with juice, cos yuo know the effort it took, especially when soembody says how good or big you look

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
I agree with MikeS (of course!) and also religously follow the bodybuilding lifestyle. My Asian (Japanese) genetics (very small frame) really limit how far I can reach. I'm very pleased with what I've achieved and I could probably compete well at the "local" level but not beyond that. My genetics (small frame) may be my salvation as well as my crutch - the amount of muscle I've developed make me "appear" much larger.

If it were just a matter of taking a boatload of gear and eating/training properly, there would be so many IFBB pros around that it wouldn't be a challenge to anyone :D

i have said this many times before. DO NOT BLAME YOUR LACK OF PHYSICAL POTENTIAL ON NOT ENOUGH DRUGS!!! if one does not have the potential to have the size to be a state title winner let alone nasser do not think more drugs are the answer. the answer is genetics and as canino said, consistent lifestyle. when i see some of the cycles guys post i frickin' gringe at the thought. i always tell guys to every once in a while, back up and check your potential. if you lack the potential to be "huge" do not make the mistake of upping the dosage....do not risk your health for a frickin' trophy or worse yet, so that you can look above average on the beach. i am not saying to stop trying, just to back up and try to figure out whether it is worth it. i know my lifestyle prevents me from really reaching my potential. i can not devote myself to it as i used too(kids, business ect). so, why take outrageous dosages. a limitation is a limitation, whether it is genetic or lifestyle. the pros do one thing...eat, lift, sleep their lifestyle. drugs do play a part but, i can tell ya this... most of us take more shit than they do...they are the luck ones. all sports have them. i can tell ya one pro that is good friends with one of my closest friends told him his off season cycle. it consisted of 400 mgs of test cyp a week and 25 mgs of dbol a day. insulin was done for two weeks then off two weeks. he said he could not afford gh at that moment. my friend is tight with him and said that he took more than him.lol but, one thing this guy did was train smart and eat like a horse....
then i would like to know where those "gh" or "roid" guts or whatever you want to call them come from. if they dont take more shit than the average bodybuilder, why doesnt the average bodybuilder look pregnant. and also, do you guys believe that it is possible to attain and maintain damn near 300lbs of muscle with "moderate dosages"? no facts coming from me, only opinion.
xcelbeyond said:
I agree with MikeS (of course!) and also religously follow the bodybuilding lifestyle. My Asian (Japanese) genetics (very small frame) really limit how far I can reach. I'm very pleased with what I've achieved and I could probably compete well at the "local" level but not beyond that. My genetics (small frame) may be my salvation as well as my crutch - the amount of muscle I've developed make me "appear" much larger.

If it were just a matter of taking a boatload of gear and eating/training properly, there would be so many IFBB pros around that it wouldn't be a challenge to anyone :D


Very good point. We could not all play for the NFL, or be Olympic athletes no matter how hard we try. These people have determination, dedication, and the Genetics it takes to go there. You can't inject genetics....

The same goes for body building, Yes the drugs are a necessary evil if you want to be the best in the world, but That dosen't mean the drugs can make everyone the best in the world. Do it because you love it and it makes you feel good. Use the pro's as inspiration, but respect the fact that not everyone can reach that level.
i 'd like to take up a point that bigmusclz brought up. the so- called gh gut is not always what it seems. i remember chad nicholls and dave palumbo brought this up in a issue of muscular development i believe. they basically said that the heavy bodyweights that the guys are holding on their frames is responsible for the bellies more than any gh. basicaklly , you always hear guys say that so and so does not have a gh gut so he must be a moderate user. more than likely he is one of the "smaller" guys and has a bodyweight of under 240 pounds. you can not expect a guy at 270 pounds ripped to have a small waist or bellie. i guarantee that if wheeler came in at 260 pounds, his gut will protrude a little. mass can only be spread so far. i brought this point up to a internal medicine doc who works out at my gym. he said that he doubted very much that the gh was alot of the cause for the guts. instead , he believes that the internal pressures of the weight and the constant feeding of food has more to do with the distended gut than gh. he said "you show me a three hundred pound guy under 6'0 who does not have a distended gut. i do not care how lean he may be"....
LATS said:
i 'd like to take up a point that bigmusclz brought up. the so- called gh gut is not always what it seems. i remember chad nicholls and dave palumbo brought this up in a issue of muscular development i believe. they basically said that the heavy bodyweights that the guys are holding on their frames is responsible for the bellies more than any gh. basicaklly , you always hear guys say that so and so does not have a gh gut so he must be a moderate user. more than likely he is one of the "smaller" guys and has a bodyweight of under 240 pounds. you can not expect a guy at 270 pounds ripped to have a small waist or bellie. i guarantee that if wheeler came in at 260 pounds, his gut will protrude a little. mass can only be spread so far. i brought this point up to a internal medicine doc who works out at my gym. he said that he doubted very much that the gh was alot of the cause for the guts. instead , he believes that the internal pressures of the weight and the constant feeding of food has more to do with the distended gut than gh. he said "you show me a three hundred pound guy under 6'0 who does not have a distended gut. i do not care how lean he may be"....

Interesting argument, but when you look at guys like Ronnie Coleman and Dennis James and compare them to Chris Cormier and Gunter Shlierkamp, the argument doesn't hold up. Ronnie can barely suck in his stomach to hold a relaxed pose. Granted he gets up to 320lbs in the offseason, but when he is onstage, he is no heavier than Cormier and certainly no heavier than Gunther.

The bodyweight plays a part, but there is more too it than that.

And when we are considering genetics in the overall equation of muscle growth, let us all remember that Kevin Levrone is able to turn himslelf into a superfreak in just 12 weeks. I guarantee that none of us can do that and most other "pros" could not do what he does. Training, consistency, diet, drugs, and genetics are the combination from which each of us sculpts our physiques. For some, lack of genetics may be compensated by more chemical assistance, and for others proper training and nutrition makes all the difference.
Half Right

Your about half right and about half wrong. The reason I say that is I speak to a guy once or twice a month for the last 5 yrs who is now an IFBB judge who retired due to illness and competed for quite a while was the next big thing, he had no genetics and used tons of drugs to get his size. The other reasons listed helped he was consistent, he did train his ass off he did eat right but he went from a 160lb dork to a competitive 255lb monster onstage in only 6 yrs. He had no one in his family that were big so his genetics played no part.

I worked 15 yrs won a bunch and lost a bunch of shows so I know about consistency and I have absolutely the smallest potential in the world.

LATS that internal doc is wrong it is pure scientific fact that GH does make organs grow.

One more thing Kevin Levrone is a freaking liar 12 wks my ass he trains all year.
Re: Half Right

Fathead said:

One more thing Kevin Levrone is a freaking liar 12 wks my ass he trains all year.

Wish I was lying but I've even seen pics of him before and after. It's virtually "common knowledge" that he only took 12wks to prepare for last years Mr. Olympia as he decided last minute to do the show.

Mike S...verification???
amen brother

sing it canino bro.. can i get an amen!!!!!!!!!! my change in my physque is do to bust ass training and a little gh and well help from some smart mofos
guys, no one is saying that gh is not a factor. but, there are other things that contribute to the distended bellies also. i am sure that cormier takes as much gh as others but, he for some reason, does not possess the gut that many others do. as for gunther, he is a tall s.o.b. and i am also sure he does his fair share of gh. they all do. why does it effect some and not others.???? we may not ever know but, the internal medicine doc was not all wrong. the constant eating to get to 300 pounds in the off season is a big contributing factor. once that ab wall is stretched over and over again...well it is not going to be perfect.

you haven't seen my tummy. I haven't done that much GH in my years of training and in a relaxed position when you let your midsection just relax, everything drops. I know the theory of GH and organ growth, but I just don't believe that it all points to GH. Hey, what about this. This is just a thought. I know when you eat large amounts of food your stomach lining expands. Could this expansion of the stomach lining have some effect for the extended belly. I know when I getup from a huge meal, I have to undo my pants. Hmmmmmm. Could be a factor.
I believe gh AND test are contributing factor in gut growth.
I also believe that its when you gain mass/weight and reach a weight that is close to your absolute limit, depending on your genetics. So a 240lb guy with a small frame can have a gut similar to a large guys gut at 290lbs. Its overeating in a mass gaining phase that also contributes so heavily (obviously).

Pycholifter- Hey! YES-me (and other guys from MD) can verify that Kevin will get BIG and CUT in 12wks. Going from 230lbs and not training and looking great compared to most guys (but a shell of his best)-to going to 275 in a matter of weeks. Its truly amazing.
Its also a shame he takes such a gift and toys with it, instead of giving it his all, year round. But to each his own-Kevin has other priorities too.
I agrea that genetics plays an increable role in things. Some are gifted some arnt, i believe the deciding factor though is the sensitivity of your receptors. Genetics in a way suck at least they do for me iam short as hell with a large frame. The thing we never get to see is most of the pros with there parents. Iam guesing if you wouls see guys like ronnie coleman standing next to his dad, his dad wouldnt by any means be a small guy.
One thing I must state

If there never was any drugs to take, the pros who are on top now would still be on top! They live what they compete, therefore they have what it takes to pe a pro.

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