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Improve cholesterol numbers without statins?

Last year, I was having some major back problems and not doing my cardio. I was getting ready to have surgery and went to my heart doctor for clearance, my total Cholesterol was 315, she prescribed me 10 mgs of Crestor and told me it was probably genetic and would most likely be on the highest dose (40 mgs), I laughed at her. I went home and started doing my cardio, 1/2 hour/day and cleaned up the diet some, got a better fish oil (Carlson Fish Oil). I did not start the Crestor and got the total down to 254 in a month naturally. I take the Crestor 3X per week and do not feel any ill effects and my Cholesterol ranges from 140s-180s now. I do notice if I am "on" my HDL and LDLs get out of range.
Can you shed some light on dosage and how long it took to achieve those results? Any other changes of just adding krill did the tick for you?
Viva krill, 3600mg every day
I made no other changes to diet or supps 0506171641_HDR.jpg

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Last year, I was having some major back problems and not doing my cardio. I was getting ready to have surgery and went to my heart doctor for clearance, my total Cholesterol was 315, she prescribed me 10 mgs of Crestor and told me it was probably genetic and would most likely be on the highest dose (40 mgs), I laughed at her. I went home and started doing my cardio, 1/2 hour/day and cleaned up the diet some, got a better fish oil (Carlson Fish Oil). I did not start the Crestor and got the total down to 254 in a month naturally. I take the Crestor 3X per week and do not feel any ill effects and my Cholesterol ranges from 140s-180s now. I do notice if I am "on" my HDL and LDLs get out of range.

The irony of statins is that they are harmful to your heart.
Statins save lives. There are lots of studies showing one weird thing or another, so much so that you can get lost. However at the end of the day, the real stat that matters is this. Since the creation of statins, heart attacks and deaths from cardiac causes are down dramatically. The rest is signal and noise. Ask an epidemiologist and they will put it into perspective.
Statins save lives. There are lots of studies showing one weird thing or another, so much so that you can get lost. However at the end of the day, the real stat that matters is this. Since the creation of statins, heart attacks and deaths from cardiac causes are down dramatically. The rest is signal and noise. Ask an epidemiologist and they will put it into perspective.

Actually Heart Disease have been increasing. It is at an all time high. Number 1 cause of death in America.
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Good work! That's a shit ton of krill! I may need to up my dose, I was only planning for 1500 daily. How long did it take for the 20% difference?
60 days

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Krill is superior to omega 3's as posted many times.
Krill oil is a superior source of EPA and DHA because the polyunsaturated fats are packaged as phospholipids, which can be used immediately by your body. The EPA and DHA in fish oil, on the other hand, are typically packaged as triglycerides and have to undergo additional processing in order to make them bioavailable. Krill oil is also more stable because it includes astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant, that protects the fragile fats from oxidizing. I take extra astaxanthin every day!
Animal-based omega-3’s from krill and fish oils are both better sources than vegetable-based omega-3’s, such as the Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA) in flax oil. Only about 1-4% of ALA is converted into DHA, so getting those higher potency sources from krill and fish is more efficient. Vegetable-based sources also contain oxidized inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, which is another reason that they aren’t Bulletproof.
Taking too much EPA and DHA can be detrimental since they do cause blood thinning, they can suppress healthy levels of arachidonic acid (AA), and delicate fish oils can be inflammatory since they break down so easily in light or heat or air.
The reason why the phospholipid form found in krill oil is easier for the body to use is that the majority of every cell membrane in the body is made of phospholipids. Cell biologists talk about all the other components in cell membranes floating in a sea of phospholipids. Omega-3s phospholipids make cell membranes more fluid and flexible. Meanwhile, triglycerides are how lipids are stored for later use and transport in the body, such as in adipocytes (fat cells), so it takes more steps to get fish oil omega-3s into cell membranes where they’re needed the most.
Like many on here this is something I have struggled with. Total is under 200. My HDL is always between 33-41 and my ldl is 150 or more. I have tried a lot of the over counter supplements recommended on here and would maybe see a small improvement but nothing dramatic.
The biggest change I ever saw was simply losing weight. I am over 40 and decided that there was no reason to weigh 260 anymore. I am not interested in competing anymore so who cares. I always ate a good diet but an excess of calories. I lost thirty pounds by dropping the excess meals and my ldl dropped 40 points while my hdl went up. I didn't add cardio or take any supplement. I know it's a no shit idea but the answer you may be looking for may not be in all these different supplements. Especially if your over 40 and done competing then you may want to ask yourself if you are carrying too much weight or if you really need too. I always said I would downsize once I got to a certain age and size but for a lot of guys they never seem to reach that point even though it's obviously not healthy.
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Actually Heart Disease have been increasing. It is at an all time high. Number 1 cause of death in America.

True. Heart disease continues to be the number one cause of Death in America and most countries around the world. And despite all medical procedures and drugs, the numbers keep going up. Not because the population is larger, but because people develop heart disease art a younger age and in greater numbers. On big reason for this is because ALL procedures and drugs are created to TREAT the condition, rather than preventing and reversing the condition and thats were the problem is.
Is interesting how everybody focus on fish oil and nobody mention to change your diet to a more plant based diet, most of the supps you are mentioning comes from plant except fish oil, Chia seeds, flax seeds are higher in omegas than fish oil, most plants contain omegas, green leaf vegetables especially
Lower your intake on high animal protein diet and get over 200 grams of protein from plant, switch milk for plant based, there's now milk w pea protein,flax milk with pea protein that has 8 grams of protein per cup and 1,200 grams of omegas, Good Karma is called, look for it in whom foods or Amazon
Change your diet to plant based for 2 weeks , eat only egg whites as only source of animal and get blood work after and you'll see how your lipids are gonna drop
Now in terms of excersice, add cardio to your work out every day you go to the gym as well
I will tell you that this is the only solution instead of taking pills
I'm not saying to go vegetarian or vegan but if you keep a balance and incorporate half of your diet to plant source, you'll see a huge improvement
Is interesting how everybody focus on fish oil and nobody mention to change your diet to a more plant based diet, most of the supps you are mentioning comes from plant except fish oil, Chia seeds, flax seeds are higher in omegas than fish oil, most plants contain omegas, green leaf vegetables especially
Lower your intake on high animal protein diet and get over 200 grams of protein from plant, switch milk for plant based, there's now milk w pea protein,flax milk with pea protein that has 8 grams of protein per cup and 1,200 grams of omegas, Good Karma is called, look for it in whom foods or Amazon
Change your diet to plant based for 2 weeks , eat only egg whites as only source of animal and get blood work after and you'll see how your lipids are gonna drop
Now in terms of excersice, add cardio to your work out every day you go to the gym as well
I will tell you that this is the only solution instead of taking pills
I'm not saying to go vegetarian or vegan but if you keep a balance and incorporate half of your diet to plant source, you'll see a huge improvement

My post must of been indiscernible :)
Like many on here this is something I have struggled with. Total is under 200. My HDL is always between 33-41 and my ldl is 150 or more. I have tried a lot of the over counter supplements recommended on here and would maybe see a small improvement but nothing dramatic.
The biggest change I ever saw was simply losing weight. I am over 40 and decided that there was no reason to weigh 260 anymore. I am not interested in competing anymore so who cares. I always ate a good diet but an excess of calories. I lost thirty pounds by dropping the excess meals and my ldl dropped 40 points while my hdl went up. I didn't add cardio or take any supplement. I know it's a no shit idea but the answer you may be looking for may not be in all these different supplements. Especially if your over 40 and done competing then you may want to ask yourself if you are carrying too much weight or if you really need too. I always said I would downsize once I got to a certain age and size but for a lot of guys they never seem to reach that point even though it's obviously not healthy.

I'm 34, don't compete and hover around 195-200

Is interesting how everybody focus on fish oil and nobody mention to change your diet to a more plant based diet, most of the supps you are mentioning comes from plant except fish oil, Chia seeds, flax seeds are higher in omegas than fish oil, most plants contain omegas, green leaf vegetables especially
Lower your intake on high animal protein diet and get over 200 grams of protein from plant, switch milk for plant based, there's now milk w pea protein,flax milk with pea protein that has 8 grams of protein per cup and 1,200 grams of omegas, Good Karma is called, look for it in whom foods or Amazon
Change your diet to plant based for 2 weeks , eat only egg whites as only source of animal and get blood work after and you'll see how your lipids are gonna drop
Now in terms of excersice, add cardio to your work out every day you go to the gym as well
I will tell you that this is the only solution instead of taking pills
I'm not saying to go vegetarian or vegan but if you keep a balance and incorporate half of your diet to plant source, you'll see a huge improvement

And what if after 2 weeks nothing changes, what's your answer?

Post some non-biased actual medical/scientific research that supports your claims, otherwise it's nothing more than your opinion. You are under the assumption that I consume little to no vegetables and only consume high amounts of animal protein. What basis do you give to not eat the yolk of the egg and to only consume the egg white?

I known it sounds as if I'm being confrontational, but I would like you to support what you say with non-biased research/studies
There's plenty research about how plant based diet are the best solution to lower cholesterol, I don't need to prove you any medical research cause I have done it myself every time I do blood work, continue eating egg's yolk and look at the nutrition facts in 1 whole egg and the amount of cholesterol, by eating plant based you don't have to live on fruit and vegetables, vital
Gluten also known as Seitan contains more protein by weight than any meat, there's ground Seitan, hot dogs and any type of meat made out of it
I'll leave you with 2 pictures of pure Wheat Gluten so you can see how much protein is in just a quarter of a cup
Here is a picture I took from a package of gluten wheat


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good post - richiec

So I got blood work and my cholesterol numbers aren't that great. My "good" is low and my "bad" is high.
My diet is fine, I'm on Test Cyp TRT from doc, Metformin 2 times a day (my blood sugar was low, she's concerned but Metformin does this so that's why it was low).
Liver values are good.

Question is, without taking statins, how can I get my cholesterol #'s to improve?

Search function doesn't work on my phone so don't flame please

I don't want to interrupt this thread but this initial post is our weekly contest winner. I think it's a post that can help or benefit many members of ProMuscle. I will also send a pm.


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There's plenty research about how plant based diet are the best solution to lower cholesterol, I don't need to prove you any medical research cause I have done it myself every time I do blood work, continue eating egg's yolk and look at the nutrition facts in 1 whole egg and the amount of cholesterol, by eating plant based you don't have to live on fruit and vegetables, vital
Gluten also known as Seitan contains more protein by weight than any meat, there's ground Seitan, hot dogs and any type of meat made out of it
I'll leave you with 2 pictures of pure Wheat Gluten so you can see how much protein is in just a quarter of a cup
Here is a picture I took from a package of gluten wheat

Dietary cholesterol is pretty much a non-factor when it comes to lipids in your blood stream.
I'll put my numbers below. This was 1 month after a 12 week blast. During the middle of it the only thing that was high was my LDL, but everything else was in range. Several years ago my Dr put me on 5mg of Crestor but that was in the middle of me taking TBOL or something. I just kept getting the prescription refilled but never really took them after my next blood test with all really good values. So now I only take it when I'm blasting...cruising or briefly off, nothing. I know it probably doesn't make sense but I feel really good and I know my numbers never really get out of whack while on a blast and recover nicely even only a month after which is when these were from. I also have not been doing much cardio these past 6 months due to trying to put on some weight or at least maintain.

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There's plenty research about how plant based diet are the best solution to lower cholesterol, I don't need to prove you any medical research cause I have done it myself every time I do blood work, continue eating egg's yolk and look at the nutrition facts in 1 whole egg and the amount of cholesterol, by eating plant based you don't have to live on fruit and vegetables, vital
Gluten also known as Seitan contains more protein by weight than any meat, there's ground Seitan, hot dogs and any type of meat made out of it
I'll leave you with 2 pictures of pure Wheat Gluten so you can see how much protein is in just a quarter of a cup
Here is a picture I took from a package of gluten wheat

Anecdotal evidence is what you are claiming as gospel. There's evidence out there to substantiate your claim (which I never said was wrong btw) but you will not support it with the "plenty research" out there, gotcha.

If eating cholesterol will increase lipids in the blood stream, perhaps everyone should simply stop eating fats so they won't be fat anymore, right?

Up until recently, my cholesterol has always been within range. My HDL and LDL were where they were supposed to be. My recent blood work is after being off tren for 2.5-3 weeks. I was running 300mg/wk and did so for 8 weeks so I'm wondering if that had anything to do with skewing #'s. I will grab a bag of the Wheat Gluten as this interests me. I'm not trying to be confrontational about what you're saying, I would just like a little more than anecdotal evidence and unbiased research legitimizing what you're saying. Every vegan/vegetarian site will speak of the evils of meat with biased and skewed "research". So I'd like an objective view

What's your diet like? Do you eat a lot of sugary foods?

I abstain from a lot of sugary foods. My diet is clean, maybe 1 cheat meal a week to stay sane.

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