My actuall quads look ok. My inner thighs are pathetic. By inner I mean up in the groin area. Ive never prioritized this area and I find it bizarre that this area is so disproportianetly small compared the rest of the quads. I was thinking of hitting some real wide stance leg press for like 4 sets. In my gym I dont have an inner/outer thigh machine either or I would try that. I also dont squat due to having sever GERD and instead i do heavy leg presses. Trust me I used to squat every leg day until i started having acid reflux so bad I would vomit for 2 days straight afterward. Thanks anyone for the help. BTW im doing a show in like 8 months and hope i may be able to bring this up in time. Im 5'5'' 192 about 11%bf. Thanks.