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insulin useage and results


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Kilo Klub Member
Oct 9, 2003
Ok I have read sooo many threads on slin and how to take it and every one is diffrent. So to those who used it what is the best way to get the most results and still stay semi safe.....I use the word safe loosely of course. I have used it before but need to know your thoughts

1. Pre workout 3-4ius with a drink then another drink mid workout?

2. Post workout only at 6-10ius then a shake with carbs and every hour or what works best for you a solid meal low fat?

3. AM and post workout shots?

Please help a brother out. Thanks for any input.
I find it a waste unless your in some type of competition level bc its just too risky compared to the benefits... Its not a miracle drug ,,, nothing is but it is a good tool in your bag to use to get you where your going a little faster..
I find it a waste unless your in some type of competition level bc its just too risky compared to the benefits... Its not a miracle drug ,,, nothing is but it is a good tool in your bag to use to get you where your going a little faster..

actually its the closest thing to a miracle. i agree with you, it can be dangerous, but so can too much tylenol.

BUT slin being the most anabolic out there, it has made the biggest difference in many peeps appearance.

i myself did a ton of reading before i tried it and i sure am happy i did

i cycle mine and have tried many many methods under the sun, i definately am NO expert but i can offer what i have done and what has worked the best for me

i do slin on training days only. 4 weeks on 2 weeks on at a time.

8 ius pre workout (1.5 hours before i train) with a solid meal
drive to workout drinking a vitargo shake

workout, post workout 8 ius, drink vitargo shake
go home and eat a solid meal

this has been the best method for me.
actually its the closest thing to a miracle. i agree with you, it can be dangerous, but so can too much tylenol.

BUT slin being the most anabolic out there, it has made the biggest difference in many peeps appearance.

i myself did a ton of reading before i tried it and i sure am happy i did

i cycle mine and have tried many many methods under the sun, i definately am NO expert but i can offer what i have done and what has worked the best for me

i do slin on training days only. 4 weeks on 2 weeks on at a time.

8 ius pre workout (1.5 hours before i train) with a solid meal
drive to workout drinking a vitargo shake

workout, post workout 8 ius, drink vitargo shake
go home and eat a solid meal

this has been the best method for me.

Take an extra few iu's of slin and maybe forget to take your vitargo shake or dont properly carb up and see what happens.. Id rather take my chances on 10 tylenol than an extra few iu's of slin anyday... but thats neither here nor ther.. Bigman is probally gonna use it no matter what anyones says so we need a veteran slin man to chime in and give a proper protocol.. Me myself bro would start low (real low) and gradually increase. Play it safe bro till you get some more experience..
Take an extra few iu's of slin and maybe forget to take your vitargo shake or dont properly carb up and see what happens.. Id rather take my chances on 10 tylenol than an extra few iu's of slin anyday... but thats neither here nor ther.. Bigman is probally gonna use it no matter what anyones says so we need a veteran slin man to chime in and give a proper protocol.. Me myself bro would start low (real low) and gradually increase. Play it safe bro till you get some more experience..

hopefully someone who decides to take the plunge into the slin world WILL take all precautions that are necessary

i myself, as mentioned, read a ton and asked a ton of questions like he is doing before i started.

i have the luxary to ask a few pros on their secrets of slin usage.

i have done it all sorts of ways and still feel like im learning everyday. one thing is for sure, and you're right, make sure you are extra careful when you do it.

i didnt mean for him to start at 8ius, pre and post, i was just saying what I DO personally now. shit the pros i talk to are up in the 30iu range, its crazy!
hopefully someone who decides to take the plunge into the slin world WILL take all precautions that are necessary

i myself, as mentioned, read a ton and asked a ton of questions like he is doing before i started.

i have the luxary to ask a few pros on their secrets of slin usage.

i have done it all sorts of ways and still feel like im learning everyday. one thing is for sure, and you're right, make sure you are extra careful when you do it.

i didnt mean for him to start at 8ius, pre and post, i was just saying what I DO personally now. shit the pros i talk to are up in the 30iu range, its crazy!

Dam bro 30 iu's is just plain syk!!
actually its the closest thing to a miracle. i agree with you, it can be dangerous, but so can too much tylenol.

BUT slin being the most anabolic out there, it has made the biggest difference in many peeps appearance.

i myself did a ton of reading before i tried it and i sure am happy i did

i cycle mine and have tried many many methods under the sun, i definately am NO expert but i can offer what i have done and what has worked the best for me

i do slin on training days only. 4 weeks on 2 weeks on at a time.

8 ius pre workout (1.5 hours before i train) with a solid meal
drive to workout drinking a vitargo shake

workout, post workout 8 ius, drink vitargo shake
go home and eat a solid meal

this has been the best method for me.

Hey Bro..
What are the benefits of taking slin pre as well as post work out as opposed to just post? How does the pre-wo shot affect your workout?


Thanks for the info bro.. I'm starting my first slin cycle after this evenings workout.. I will definitely be changing up to pre and post once I see how my body reacts to the slin..being a first time user and all.. I'm looking forward to seeing how my body will respond to it..
Thanks for the info bro.. I'm starting my first slin cycle after this evenings workout.. I will definitely be changing up to pre and post once I see how my body reacts to the slin..being a first time user and all.. I'm looking forward to seeing how my body will respond to it..

Keep us in the loop as to how this plays out for you. I'm interested as well.
Just started mine tonight, I went only 2ius pre workout and 6 post workout. I took the pre 1/2 hour before and when I got to the gym drank my carb drink. I took my post drank a protein shake and then my carb drink again then ate hour later then had a shake and all is good. I hope this works out well. With all that is going on Im wanting to stay with all legal items....1 4ad, slin, and a few other legal items. I will keep you posted
Just a note, those thinking about slin usage should invest in a glucose meter - it is a must to learn how you react.

The first few times, every 30min measurement is recommended to see how you respond.
Things can and do go wrong. I'm type 2 diabetic and really fed up today. I woke up and BS was really high. I took the amount that normally would fix it. An hour latter I'm sweating like crazy and shaking. I get a reading of 44 and start eating like crazy. I probably ate too much and slept for a couple hours. I was fine, 104, when I woke, but It sucked. I missed the game I wanted to see AND it could have been a LOT worse.

Start with a low dose and slowly build. Get use to the feelings of being high and low. TEST ALWAYS. I still am too skidish about trying it before a workout and I've used officially for a few months and unofficially for around 9.

Go to the drug store and get some special low blood sugar drink. This stuff is a LOT quicker if you go low. Maybe that waxy maise would work well, but I'm not sure...

ALSO NOTE: A blood sugar reading is vital, BUT it doesn't tell the direction of the reading, if your going up or down. That is what likely screwed me today. I think my morning reading, take a while after eating, was a spike and I was headed down quick. I didn't realize that and assumed it was steady, thus I took way too much insulin..
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i do it pre w/o because it gives me a really nice pump

again. i have done slin many many times and this way is by far my favorite.

but i stress again and again, just because this works for me and the doses i do, i do NOT recommend that someone else do the same

YOU MUST try it yourself to see where you are comfortable at.
its sounds like people are talking about Humalog. i havent tried it yet. i have done humalin R in the past and will be starting one or the other soon. just wondering, every1 that posted experiance which one are u using and why??? i know humalog cant be bought over the counter and humalin R can that is way i might just stick to humalin R. what are the opposing benefits...

i use log because it gets in and out of your system a lot quicker

i have used R before, with good results but i like log now because of what i said above.
I use Actrapid slin PWO only 2-3 times EW.

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