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Intense sprinting -- wow...


Jun 5, 2002
First off, I'm NOT a cardio guy, but after ten years of keto diets, I started a version of Big A's Competition Diet 8 days ago to try something new.

For the morning workouts I'm doing cardio on an empty stomach and been mixing things up between heavy bag work, jump rope, jogging, etc. The last two days I tried some intense sprints -- I run all-out lengthwise 100 yards, then jog back and do it again. 10x and I'm on the verge of passing out/puking.

Today my legs are as sore as after the most hardcore squat workout I've done! Shocked that my calves are killing me, my inner thigh is destroyed, etc. Started out just trying to keep my cardio sessions interesting and suddenly I don't think I'll be able to make my leg workout tonight! :D I can see how those sprinters develop such huge legs....
Yes, sprints are no joke especially if you don't sprint very often. I'm still confussed how sprints make my legs so damn sore...more so than a hard leg day w squats, leg press etc.....
This sounds like a good addition to a cardio plan. After all, sprinters have some of the nicest physiques in sports.
Sprinting SUX! I use to play pitch in highschool and had to do windsprints all the time. They are hard as hell. Can't imagine what they'd do to me if I tried them now lol.
This sounds like a good addition to a cardio plan. After all, sprinters have some of the nicest physiques in sports.

Kinda hard not to have a "nice" physic when you're 130-140lbs... No disrespect, just sayin...
Try sprints with a prowler or sled dragging. The prowler is pure hell.
the best cardio for leaning out.

Silencer, maybe those fast -slow interval cardio sessions are hurting you now, but let me tell you , I started doing that style of cardio about 3 years ago, and it has made a huge difference when trying to shed unwanted fat. I don't do it all year round but only before summer, for 8 to 12 weeks and it works real nice. I change it up a bit every week, I do what you just did, slow- sprint intervals, and I also do the 6,7,8, 9 method, which consists on running at 60% for a minute , at 70% for a minute and 80% for a minute, then you do this 10 times and last minute you go 90 to 100 %, which would be all out sprint,then you cool it down jogging at 50% for 2 minutes,I also do this on stairs and there is all kinds of different fun things you can do with it. Keep it up your body will get over it and you will like the results. God bless you bro.
Sprinters weights.......

"Kinda hard not to have a "nice" physic when you're 130-140lbs... No disrespect, just sayin... "

No flame but some of those guys look great. For the hell of it I went and checked some weights of the better known guys and they're not exactly waifs....

Usain Bolt -200 lbs
Ben Johnson - 180/90
Carl Lewis - 180
Maurice Green - 175
Michael Johnson - 175
Silencer, maybe those fast -slow interval cardio sessions are hurting you now, but let me tell you , I started doing that style of cardio about 3 years ago, and it has made a huge difference when trying to shed unwanted fat. I don't do it all year round but only before summer, for 8 to 12 weeks and it works real nice. I change it up a bit every week, I do what you just did, slow- sprint intervals, and I also do the 6,7,8, 9 method, which consists on running at 60% for a minute , at 70% for a minute and 80% for a minute, then you do this 10 times and last minute you go 90 to 100 %, which would be all out sprint,then you cool it down jogging at 50% for 2 minutes,I also do this on stairs and there is all kinds of different fun things you can do with it. Keep it up your body will get over it and you will like the results. God bless you bro.

Minister, thanks for the info on how it worked out for you. I've heard quite a few guys say that such interval/high-intensity training helps shed fat. Seems counter-intuitive because I've always read that the best rate for fat loss is a pace at which you can still hold a conversation and anything faster is "cardio" and less fat burning, but I thought I'd give it a try.

6,7,8,9 method sounds brutal; are you saying you end up sprinting at various intensities for over 40 minutes?? That just exhausts me thinking about it. I'm barely breaking 20 minutes and can hardly walk at that point. Might have to ease into it... Thank God there are no hills nearby, and the local highschool with its football sleds is too far away... :)
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Minister, thanks for the info on how it worked out for you. I've heard quite a few guys say that such interval/high-intensity training helps shed fat. Seems counter-intuitive because I've always read that the best rate for fat loss is a pace at which you can still hold a conversation and anything faster is "cardio" and less fat burning, but I thought I'd give it a try.

6,7,8,9 method sounds brutal; are you saying you end up sprinting at various intensities for over 40 minutes?? That just exhausts me thinking about it. I'm barely breaking 20 minutes and can hardly walk at that point. Might have to ease into it... Thank God there are no hills nearby, and the local highschool with its football sleds is too far away... :)

Silencer, you're right about easing into it , and it's not sprinting for over 40 mints, since sprinting would be 90 to 100%, you only do that in last minute. You start at 60% of your running capacity for a minute, or even 50 or 40%, depending on your cardio shape, when I started, all I did was 10 mints going 5 and 6 , and then I started building up from that. I like this method because it seems to help you hang on to more muscle, and my legs have developed better since starting this. Hope this helps bro. God bless you.
Punishment !!!

Sprinting SUX! I use to play pitch in highschool and had to do windsprints all the time. They are hard as hell. Can't imagine what they'd do to me if I tried them now lol.

Funny, throughout my 10 years of football, sprints seemed to always serve as punishment for poor performance. To this day, I still feel the same feelings about doing them but now really appreciate all the benefits. Still tough to do them without the association of screwing up. Gassers anyone ??
Sprinting Release Growth Hormone(HGH) In huge Amount.

Sprinting also Preserve Muscle Mass compared to Marathon.

Sprinting is great to shed bodyfat and release GH.

One must do it not too much or it will burn you out.
Doing it in a hill sprinting up walking down is one of the hardest things I´ve ever done in my life
First off, I'm NOT a cardio guy, but after ten years of keto diets, I started a version of Big A's Competition Diet 8 days ago to try something new.

For the morning workouts I'm doing cardio on an empty stomach and been mixing things up between heavy bag work, jump rope, jogging, etc. The last two days I tried some intense sprints -- I run all-out lengthwise 100 yards, then jog back and do it again. 10x and I'm on the verge of passing out/puking.

Today my legs are as sore as after the most hardcore squat workout I've done! Shocked that my calves are killing me, my inner thigh is destroyed, etc. Started out just trying to keep my cardio sessions interesting and suddenly I don't think I'll be able to make my leg workout tonight! :D I can see how those sprinters develop such huge legs....

Just wait till you hit a plateau and have to do the hill version. :D

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