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WOW i just cant believe this is where society has come to... obese singer dancing and fat promoting?


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 5, 2015
She should be embarrassed but instead is proud :oops:
there was a time obese people didnt flaunt it... just unreal....
time stamp at 1:20 is when the fat promoting begins.....
That's nothing. The world...well more the US and certain Euro countries have gone crazy in so many ways. In regards to this there is now a fat scale (super fat, infinifat etc) and you have fat people telling other fat people they can't talk about certain issues regarding weight because they are not fat enough. It's the same as all the crazy people who go on about cultural appropriation etc. Large numbers of society are completely mental and some of the things I see/read are worrying. I just watched a video from a black women telling all white people they shouldn't be allowed to watch Black Panther and to give your ticket to a black person. There most worrying are the various videos from different people (sex theapist, uni professor etc) defending pedophiles and calling them MAP's (Minor Attracted People) and saying they are treated badly and it's essentially a sexual preference. Obviously that is completely different to fat promoting but highlights just how far the wrong way some people have gone. It's shocking what many are teaching kids these days and it's only going to get worse.
What pisses me off is when my movie finished, Amazon Prime put that crap on play without my permission and now it’s stuck in viewing section. I’m sorry but you woke a-holes aren’t going to brainwash me into thinking an obese women is attractive. Seriously, someone has to really work at it to get that fat! 🤮
Honestly sometimes i want to punch all those fucking weirdos straight in a nose break it and scream : shut you fucking mouth and if you ever will say something like that i will come back. I am really cool guy but allowing people talk like that without consequences we allow this world goes to shit. God how I miss traditional values almost nothing left in this society.
most important to know who these messages are coming from...and why...and they control all things that make life 'easy,' not by chance. it is thousands of years in the making and will get much much much worse..like total control if u don't go along with all commands, coming soon.
The way I view it is - they want over weight people to be happy in their skin - more accepting society is and the more people feel comfortable - the better they can get along in society

But honestly - everyone live your life the way you want - for us its taking care of ourselves...for others not so much
What pisses me off is when my movie finished, Amazon Prime put that crap on play without my permission and now it’s stuck in viewing section. I’m sorry but you woke a-holes aren’t going to brainwash me into thinking an obese women is attractive. Seriously, someone has to really work at it to get that fat! 🤮
regarding 'wokeisms' Victoria Secret lost a shitton of money trying to promote the fatty majority and a few trans people here and there, then quickly did an about face in an attempt to reclaim the fit and sexy women that they invariably alienated in their failed marketing quest to appease the Woke Movement!

Disgusting. The world is promoting many things now days that I'm not a fan of and are unhealthy this is one of them. There is no healthy overweight person and I'm not afraid to say I find fat gross.
Bottom line, if you have more body fat than you should, not only is it unsightly, but it IS unhealthy. This is the lie that is being perpetuated now in the woke attempt to elevate sensitivity over the truth, that one can be “healthy at any weight.” And it is bullshit. Too much body fat means too many adipocytokines, the blood has too many inflammatory markers and therefore every cell in the overweight or obese body is inflamed to a degree it shouldn’t be. It is why the Covid ”cytokine storm” was too much for so many to bear who were overweight.
regarding 'wokeisms' Victoria Secret lost a shitton of money trying to promote the fatty majority and a few trans people here and there, then quickly did an about face in an attempt to reclaim the fit and sexy women that they invariably alienated in their failed marketing quest to appease the Woke Movement!

Trying to change how we look at them has failed
The way I view it is - they want over weight people to be happy in their skin - more accepting society is and the more people feel comfortable - the better they can get along in society

But honestly - everyone live your life the way you want - for us its taking care of ourselves...for others not so much

easy to say, but the truth is... these fat people would cave your skull in for being fit - if they could get away with it

they are often the most vicious, envious, hateful people around

i've overheard so many fat, unsightly girls speak horrible things on girls who were fit and good-looking... simply because they were fit and good-looking
easy to say, but the truth is... these fat people would cave your skull in for being fit - if they could get away with it

they are often the most vicious, envious, hateful people around

i've overheard so many fat, unsightly girls speak horrible things on girls who were fit and good-looking... simply because they were fit and good-looking
Might be true but doesn't mean I have to be like them and obtain the same mind set

Sort of like racism, you have a choice

My choice is to be me - life is tricky
But honestly I've only had issues with people w mental illness, some uneducated - not all

What I noticed is people want you to respect them and others they love and I don't go out judging people -you do you I do me - leave me the fuck alone

Doesn't mean I don't curse out a few in my car now and again but hey I live in California and takes an hour to go 30 min...so many homeless and criminals on the street - so have to be careful

I'm moving next year and my wife and I started a game it's called "Get out alive!"

So any situation you treat with care... because here you never know
I live in California and takes an hour to go 30 min...so many homeless and criminals on the street - so have to be careful

I'm moving next year and my wife and I started a game it's called "Get out alive!"

i know this feeling all too well lmao.

im up in sonoma so it's not even that bad, but it's getting noticeably worse as the months go by
Disgusting. The world is promoting many things now days that I'm not a fan of and are unhealthy this is one of them. There is no healthy overweight person and I'm not afraid to say I find fat gross.
Obese women and anorexic women, two diametrically opposed ends of the 'abhorrent to look upon' spectrum

I'm convinced they both have mental issues, but then again, who doesn't nowadays?

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti
I got this from another board:

Fattest man in the world 1800s

He was in the Circus bc he was considered so “obese"

Nowadays this is your average Walmart

We've really gone downhill in terms of

I was doing Farmers Walks with two 70 lb dumbbells once. I'm not a big guy (~175), so with the 140 lbs of combined weight I was walking around as if I weighed 315. The sensation of MASHING/SQUISHING my shoes was just surreal, but that's a day in the life of many obese people.

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