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Intermittent Fasting and Hypoglycemia


Active member
Jun 8, 2013
Going to start intermittent fasting next week just to give it a shot. Hoping to maintain lower body fat levels more easily through IF but we wil see.

Trying to be preemptive since I've had issues with hypoglycemia episodes before out of nowhere (not using insulin) before even when food hasn't been restricted. Wondered if anyone had this issue with IF?

I've been thinking about including BCAAs and glutamine during the fasting periods to help with anabolic response and blood sugar stabilization but obviously this technically breaks the fast and was just wondering if anyone could comment on real world results of including or not including those during fasting periods?
I have (and have always had even before bbing) the same problem without insulin while going long stretches without food.

It'll be rough at first and you might go hypo, but the longer you do it the less it'll happen--at least that was the case for me (your body gets used to it and quits going hypo so hard / often). I never did IF, but this was my experience over the years in certain situations where I couldn't eat as often.
That's good to hear, thanks for the input.

Anyone else experiment between BCAAs/glutamine during fasted periods vs not? I've seen a lot of discussion on it but no one to post experiences comparing the two. Probably trivial at the end of the day but was curious
That's good to hear, thanks for the input.

Anyone else experiment between BCAAs/glutamine during fasted periods vs not? I've seen a lot of discussion on it but no one to post experiences comparing the two. Probably trivial at the end of the day but was curious
If you're taking in BCAA's you are not fasting. Say you take in 15 grams of BCAA, that's 4 calories per gram. Better to stick to water and black coffee/tea (even though they have TRACE calories).
If you're taking in BCAA's you are not fasting. Say you take in 15 grams of BCAA, that's 4 calories per gram. Better to stick to water and black coffee/tea (even though they have TRACE calories).

I'm aware but branched chains don't have the same impact in my experience which is why I was curious to see if anyone had comments about comparing IF with and without.

Good example - my contest prep coach always allowed unlimited amounts of BCAAs and I consumed A LOT. If I went purely by caloric content then I shouldn't have lost the weight I did during prep, especially towards the end as they would have put me in a surplus.

Going to give it at least two weeks with just water/coffee/tea and then a probably add BCAAs.

Does anyone have any knowledge on the impact of stevia on insulin release? Tried to find studies but the ones I did find did not seem to be relevant for these purposes.
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well I have done the IF for a while and can tell you that even after I have stopped it and gradually added in some cals ,if I have just one meal prior to a workout I get very sleepy and yawn after I would say the middle of my session.. which I think is me going hypo
BCAAs can actually lower blood glucose levels because leucine is insulinogenic (it can make you release insulin). If you release insulin you will lower blood sugar levels.... if you elevate insulin while intermittent fasting then you might have problems.

I've done intermittent fasting (various forms) for a long time. My first stint on it was in 2006 when I read "The Warrior diet". And I've used it on and off for 10+ years. I have personally went hypo by ingesting leucine (my wife had to go buy me two Gatorades as I started to have tunnel vision).

I didn't get the same issue with BCAAs but the potential is there.

But as it was mentionned, BCAAs/glutamine is not fasting.
I have used an IF diet off and on for several years. I think It has helped shaped my metabolism. I really like it, for lean gains. Helps me keep my diet in check, even though I usually stretch my food Window to 9 or 10 hours..Just my exp

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And honestly I never noticed much of a difference between fasted and fasted w bcaa's. Even though I still continue to use them

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Whatever you decide on doing keep it consistent, and get a glucose monitor. Some people get reactive hypoglycemia from this type of dieting.

If you can't function well while fasting then it may not be the best for you. It's not a given that it will be superior for fat loss over spreading out the food. IF can help with improving insulin sensitivity, and giving the gut a break but if you feeling hypo is it worth it?

I prefer to have small snacks (fruits, bread, oats+whey, etc) throughout the day then have bigger meals around my workout.

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