Just got back from the gym.. (max effort bench) shoulder and elbow hurt. so no joint relief either. And sex drive is not down.
They look exactly a like (test and deca) same thickness too.
How about this: draw up a ml of test and draw up a ml of deca in the same syringe. If you dont see the two substances mixing (and the oily-like waves which indicate an attempt to equalize distribution), then you can be sure that what you have is, in fact, test labeled as deca. Usually labs make a big batch at once and then transfer into the smaller 10ml vials.
However, even if you do see the two "mix", it does not nessecarily indicate that what you have is deca; it still could simply be two different batches of test (slightly different ba/bb ratios, oil, etc..) mixing. Or even test and a completely different compound other than deca.
Don't be too concerned on the color, when i homebrew AAS for my horse, they all turn out pretty much the same in color, with tren being really the only exception.
Did you say you were taking 75mg of aromasin per day? That is ALOT. Everyone is different, but 25mg EOD is enough for me and i use close to 2 grams of test weekly.
This leads me to believe that possibly your aromasin is fake??
Are you sure what your experiancing are gyno symptoms? You could just be paranoid about it. Is it just a lump you are noticing now, are you sure it was not there before? Many of us will have some sort of lump behind the nipple, even if not taking AAS, some are just born with it, it could just be genetic. Whats your bodyfat like? If its high, it can sometimes be harder for the individual to distinguish a gyno lump from plain fat tissue.
i think the most important question i could ask right now is: how bad is the pain? For this lump you speak of to be gyno, you should be expierancing pain even if your nipple happends to run against your shirt the wrong way (not necessarily a rule set in stone, as everyone is different, but i know for me pain is the biggest indicator of gyno) . It is also strange that you have NO symptoms on your other side? My opinion is that its in your head bro.
Signs of gyno: puffy, itchy, painful nipples ultimately followed by tissue build-up (lump) behind the nipple