Great post Josh ..............Food is the most anabolic substance period ..............I have 3 guys that work security that are 6'4 427 , 6'3 434 , and the one 6'4 408 ........these guys are huge and yeah they are fat ......but they are reasonabily athletic [ all have played semi pro football , can fight , and bench over 500 lbs ] .......they are huge and when they are in the same room they make me feel tiny ......they like to sandwhich me and call me skinny .......It is funny, they call guys under 230 skinny guys anyway ,tonight we were just sitting around talking and trading ideas ......and one of my other guys that is lean at almost 6'5 270 sayes what do think about this cycle? And I say ,"what does your diet look like ?" I said food is the key ...."bbing is more of a battle of the knife and fork more than anything else " I said ,repeating something cool that I read somewhere .....I said ,"think about our big boys here ,if they all dieted down ,they would still be over 280 easy , and there training is shit , and they like to party .........and they would still be monsters lean with maybe a few workouts a week........" What is the key to there great size ? easy .......FOOD .......they each proablly eat 800 to a 1000 grams of protien a day ......and probally 7000 - 8000 kals ........he smiled and said," it looks like my food bill is going to go up "and I said, " it looks like I will soon have another 300 lber working for me " is key..........drugs are so not the answer ....but when I was young I thought they were the key too .....I thought there were secrets reality , the only secrets were the things that went on the guys did to live the bbing lifestyle .......progessive resistance and great eating were the real keys ..........drugs are about a 10 % advantage in the genetically gifted and a 25 % to the less gifted in my expirence generally ..............Food constancy is most of the game period .........