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Just got out of Hospital


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Hello, I just got out of the hospital. A few nights ago I went to the ER with a feeling of not being able to breath. Turns out I have Congestive heart failure. I have an EF of 27%. which means my heart is running at about 27% of what it should be. I am 30 years old. I don't really have a prognosis. Just take my meds and hope things will turn around. Wish me luck.
Holy shit... VERY sorry to hear this.

I'll keep you in my thoughts... please take care and keep us updated.

I hope you're healthy again very soon bro.
Hope things turn around for you, watch your diet and water intake, did you get an echocardiogram?
wow man :(

keep us posted... hope u feel better
I don't know what to say. I hope and wish the best for you. And will keep you in my prayers. Keep us updated.
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Hello, I just got out of the hospital. A few nights ago I went to the ER with a feeling of not being able to breath. Turns out I have Congestive heart failure. I have an EF of 27%. which means my heart is running at about 27% of what it should be. I am 30 years old. I don't really have a prognosis. Just take my meds and hope things will turn around. Wish me luck.

Heart failure is a syndrome of ventricular dysfunction. Left ventricular failure causes shortness of breath and fatigue, and right ventricular failure causes peripheral and abdominal fluid accumulation; the ventricles can be involved together or separately. Diagnosis is initially clinical, supported by chest x-ray, echocardiography, and levels of plasma natriuretic peptides. Treatment includes diuretics, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, β-blockers, aldosterone antagonists, specialized implantable pacemakers, and correction of the underlying disorder.

Heart failure (HF) affects about 5 million people in the US; > 500,000 new cases occur each year.
Generally, patients with HF have a poor prognosis unless the cause is correctable. Mortality rate at 1 yr from first hospitalization for HF is about 30%. In chronic HF, mortality depends on severity of symptoms and ventricular dysfunction and can range from 10 to 40%/yr. Specific factors that suggest a poor prognosis include hypotension, low EF, presence of CAD, troponin release, elevation of BUN, hyponatremia, and poor functional capacity (eg, as tested by a 6-min walk test).

HF usually involves gradual deterioration, interrupted by bouts of severe decompensation, and ultimately death, although the time course is being improved with modern therapies. However, death can also be sudden and unexpected, without prior worsening of symptoms.

Immediate inpatient treatment is required for patients with acute or worsening HF due to certain disorders (eg, acute MI, atrial fibrillation with a very rapid ventricular rate, severe hypertension, acute valvular regurgitation), as well as for patients with pulmonary edema, severe symptoms, new-onset HF, or HF unresponsive to outpatient treatment. Patients with mild exacerbations of previously diagnosed HF can be treated at home.

The primary goal is to diagnose and to correct or treat the disorder that led to HF.

Short-term goals include improving symptoms and hemodynamics; avoiding hypokalemia, renal dysfunction, and symptomatic hypotension; and correcting neurohumoral activation.

Long-term goals include correcting hypertension, preventing MI and atherosclerosis, improving cardiac function, reducing hospitalizations, and improving survival and quality of life. Treatment involves dietary and lifestyle changes, drugs, devices, and sometimes percutaneous coronary interventions or surgery.

Treatment is tailored to the patient, considering causes, symptoms, and response to drugs, including adverse effects. Treatment of systolic and diastolic dysfunction has become more similar, although there are more evidence-based therapies for systolic HF.
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First of all, good luck man. I pray for your recovery.

Second, read this study:
Anabolic Steroids, Growth Hormone, and Hypertrophy of the Heart by Willem Koert

"... the study suggests that

1. just like the Australians proved before, steroids are not as disastrous for the heart morphology as some agencies want you to believe;
2. the combination with growth hormone does however add considerable cardiovascular risks to steroid cycles; and
3. the deleterious effects wear off during wash out periods.

Especially athletes in their late thirties and older should take their wash out periods seriously. The age of the subjects in the Finnish study ranged from 25 to 43. In this population age was the strongest predictor of the E/A ratio. The older they were, the lower their ratio ratio. (The Pearson’s correlation coefficient was –0.70. The coefficient of mean steroid dose and E/A ratio was –0.42.)"
Hope you get better soon!

I have cardiomyopathy with an EF for 15 for about 18 years now.
Initially they said I needed a heart transplant.

I am doing fine, totally healthy and lifting weights.

I have a specialized pacemaker and am on a good regimen of medication. I have been totally stable and symptom free for a long time. Once you get a handle on it you will be fine.

You need to get to the proper doctors that specialize in heart failure not just a cardiologist. You will find these at larger hospitals or teaching university hospitals.

If you need anything or want to talk just PM me.

Again hang in there I know what you're going through.

Also don't sweat the 27 percent it does not mean your functioning at 27 percent, it's not based on 100 percent being normal.

Read this...

Know your ejection fraction (EF). This number indicates how well your heart pumps (the amount of blood pumped) with each heart beat. A normal EF is generally greater than 50 percent, which means that over half of the blood entering your heart is pumped out of the heart with each beat
Take care of yourself and get well soon.
Get well man I wish you the best of luck with everything and have a good Christmas and New Year!
Hello, I just got out of the hospital. A few nights ago I went to the ER with a feeling of not being able to breath. Turns out I have Congestive heart failure. I have an EF of 27%. which means my heart is running at about 27% of what it should be. I am 30 years old. I don't really have a prognosis. Just take my meds and hope things will turn around. Wish me luck.

Im really sorry to hear that..please look after yourself and your health .. I hope all goes as well as can be expected my thoughts are with you..Take good care of yourself and keep us posted...
goodluck to ya bro.

Is there anything that could trigger this ailment?
dragon is this a family related condition also/dude i'm so afraid of this shit.my dad had his first of many heart attacks at age 40-41.now he's got a pacemaker/defibrilator implanted in his chest,his heart is only a certain percentage alive so to say and i'm 42! i've had a few ekg's over the years and cholesterol checks and they always come out fine but you never know.i'll be praying for your recovery Dragon.God does some strange things for us at times without us having to know why.please keep us all up to date.please.
Heart Health

I am very sorry to hear about your situation brother, to have that type of problem at such a young age is absolutely horrible. For what it is worth I had a good friend in the same situation as you are, he was actually on the transplant list. He went to see several different doctors and everyone of them came to the same condlusion about his condition. One day while laying in the hospital bed a nurse came to him and said try taking CoQ10 in higher doses every day for 6 months and then get your heart readings again. Well, my buddy took 100mgs of coq10 3 times a day for 6 months and then went and had his readings taken again. to his suprise the doctors came back and told him that he no longer needed to be on the transplant list. Today my friend is still doing ok, it's been 6years now and his heart is still going strong. Do some searching on the effects of coq10 on the heart, and draw your own conclusions. The chinese have been using this antioxidant for years to help their patients maintain a healthy heart.

Im not saying that this is going to help your situation but it really worth looking into, if your going to take this product please let me know. It saved my friend from having a transplant, it may be worth a try for you. Please keep me informed of your situation, Good Luck
Hello, I just got out of the hospital. A few nights ago I went to the ER with a feeling of not being able to breath. Turns out I have Congestive heart failure. I have an EF of 27%. which means my heart is running at about 27% of what it should be. I am 30 years old. I don't really have a prognosis. Just take my meds and hope things will turn around. Wish me luck.

this may not help you, but......

did you get a second opinion????
and a third????

just a though

all the best

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