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Large doses of test...

Big Fucker

New member
Apr 4, 2003
Does anyone else experience a decrease in libido with higher doses of test? I have always noticed a decrease in sex drive at the 1g mark even when running DBol along with it... I want to know personal experiences as I can't figure out why I'm getting such effect, maybe I'm just wired backwards????
after a certain point say 1500-2000mg of androgens the body
i soverwhelmed. You loose hunger, sex drive, depression.
Not always but its common at high doses.
No..................infact just he opposte, although I'm "spent" much quicker LOL

But I have never gone over 1,250mg. (week 4 after a Sust front-load)

Deca was, Detrimantal !

titan said:
after a certain point say 1500-2000mg of androgens the body
i soverwhelmed. You loose hunger, sex drive, depression.
Not always but its common at high doses.

Yea thats what I was thinking, maybe as a way to attempt homeostasis your body produces more shbg in response to the high level of Androgens thus the lower sex drive. I never saw a post related to the topic and was beginning to think it may just be in my head.

Winston- You lucky mofo, my sex drive is noticeably lower with 1g+ of test...:(
I am at the gr mark right now for the last three weeks. Still feeling pretty normal except when I see something that reminds me of sex then I am a freakin lunitic. Or if I visualize an act with a women it is crazy. So yea I am horny all the time. And I am throwing 600 mgs of deca with it plus other stuff.
From my own experience its due to the aromatise of the test into other stuff like estrogen, I found that using arimidex at higher levels when on higher levels of test brought back my sex drive back , and it had never been so strong, and made me feal dam good as well.

On 1g+ of test there's no decrease in drive - maybe due to my age :D

Really - I'm a strong believer in using a good anti-aromatase (like bloatedballs stated). I use letrozole, 1/2 tab ED. I also don't believe that higher than normal levels of a female hormone - such as estrogen - in a males body is "beneficial." Also, I'm very prone to e-related gyno, which is an indicator that "my" body can't handle the "extra" estrogen.

xcelbeyond said:
On 1g+ of test there's no decrease in drive - maybe due to my age :D

Really - I'm a strong believer in using a good anti-aromatase (like bloatedballs stated). I use letrozole, 1/2 tab ED. I also don't believe that higher than normal levels of a female hormone - such as estrogen - in a males body is "beneficial." Also, I'm very prone to e-related gyno, which is an indicator that "my" body can't handle the "extra" estrogen.


I never really do much to estrogen control since it has anabolic properties i always kept it in, however, i just read somewhere that very high amounts of E does have a negative effect on sex drive so that could be the culprit... I have some old liquidex left and nolva, i might run 10-20mg of nolva ed to control some E don't know if i want to take a chance with the anastrazole since it may screw my cholesterol levels more than what they probably already are... I have been thinking about getting some letrozole since its the only anti-e that does not negatively impact IGF-1 levels:)
XCEL- How would you compare Letrozole with Anastrazole in terms of E control?
To anyone - please feel to step in here as I really don't do a good job of explaining this. Letrozole and Anastrozole are anti-aromatase, which means it "prevents" test from aromatizing to estrogen.

Nolva and Proviron (& clomiid somewhat) are anti estrogens, which do not prevent test from aromatizing to estrogen - they block the estrogen receptor sites in your body (breasts, testes, etc.).

So nolva and proviron are effective at preventing say gyno by blocking that receptor site. Anastrozole and letrozole simply don't let the test aromatize to estrogen! I'd say based on this assessment, you'd want to opt for letrozole or anastrozole

the 1gm area is the peak IMO
after 2gm or so it shoots down.
Well said Excel, Im not much for the science of things but thats correct to the best of what Ive learned.

I find that 1 gram Enanthate is a nice mix, sex drive is great and gains are decent. Ive done 2 grams sustanon for a month last year. Gains were out of this world for as restricted as my diet was(summer), sex drive was average.

I wonder 3 grams of Enanthate will do :D
Hey Madmatt 3grams will proabably do the same as 2grams with the exception of break your pocket book.MM:D
I was thinking that as well. The last crazy one was 2g sust a week broke into ED injections which isnt as steady as enanthate. I may decide to just stay at 2g Enan with ED inj with Dbol.
Big Fucker said:
Does anyone else experience a decrease in libido with higher doses of test? I have always noticed a decrease in sex drive at the 1g mark even when running DBol along with it... I want to know personal experiences as I can't figure out why I'm getting such effect, maybe I'm just wired backwards????

at 1750mg of sus a week i was hard 24/7 so... no?
I found that too much femara killed my interest in sex. It was scary when I realized that I didn't care if I ever got laid again. When I quit taking it I had major wood the next day.

can you say priapism? dont roll over to fast in the am, you may break something.

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