This was my idea on them as well and actually the main reason i want to try them. I am sure all of you know about milos Sarecevs ideas about insulin and the 3 shake thing where you have a drink pre , middle and post workout . He tells you that insulin can greatly inprove this protocal but will not tell you how he uses it. what i think he does is really uses a small amount of insulin pre workout and that is it. I am almost certain he uses the insulin preworkout not post because it wouldmake more sense based on his 3 shake theory. I would also think humilin r wouldbe a better choice as you could line it up better to be absorbed by all 3 shakes then eat a real meal a little after your workout it done. I think humilin is a safer product as well, i agree with BIG A on that. It has a more natural curve to it absorption and you could take adavanatge of that to give more gains with teh 3 shake protocal.
now as far as LBA's are concerned my idea was to replace all the protein and aminos in the Milos 3 shake protocal with LBA's. I reall think they would be even better as they should get into the blood stream very quickly and the gycerol would help as well. Along with the insulin you will have no choice but to blow up. I really think milos 3 shake thing makes very good sense. delivering nuitrients when blood flow is atg its highest would create better gains for sure. I do have one problem with it but i think this can be eliminated . teh problem is if look at his shake mixes thereis a shitload of stiff in there which i think would make it difficult to drink and still work out.I would think it is hard to work out with all of that in your stomach. I know many of you have presented the same concern. the volumeof teh drink seems like too much. My idea to get around this is to cut out everything you do not need, cut volume and use products that are easily digested very quickly and do not feel like they are sitting in your stomach, you cannot have this feeling and work hard. So number one as the liquid for the drink . i would use coconut water. you guys really have to read up on this stuff. On its own it is basically the perfect drink and you body will suck it up like sponge it will not just sit in you stomach like plain water does, it goes down way easier , i have drank it in hight volume during workouts and you feel great. it also has teh simple carbs you needfor this protocal so you would not have to add them to the water like the reguler shakes in milos protocal , this by itself will tremendously cut down on the volume of the shape.coconut water will beat any isolated simpole sugars you could possibly use in you shake , the stuff is amazing. it rehydrates the body and will keep you from cramping. it has lots of magnesium and potassuim in it.
Funny thing Phil mentioned pedialyte used as an IV ,well coconut water has been used for years as an IV especially in wars where reguler IV is not available. It has save thousands of lives as an IV.
Research has shown it to be best fresh but there are some good brands out there.
This is the brand i use
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second we have all heard just a little amount of LBA's replaces all the protein powder and Aminos we have take have taken previously, So a light bulb went off in my head thinking how great it would be if LBAs can replace all the Protein poweder and Aminos/bcaas is Milos drinks. This would cut much of the rest of the added bulk of the drink
Anyone else think this is a great idea? I think it is the perfect way to bring together Milos intra workout shake idea , insulin and LBAs and should really pack some muscle on.
I would have bough the LBA's already if they did not have sucralose in it but will probably do it anyways as I really think LBAs used with insulin in that 3 shake protocal will make you blow up big time, as soon as i saw lba i though this is what they are perfect for. that and as something to have before bed and if you wake up during the night