so frustrating. when i was backstage i felt like i was losing my conditioning. i am so much harder in the morning after i wake up. my plan is to do the 2008 nats and try to maintain my weight at 230 for a full year and yes bring up my back and shoulder width and my arms. i couldnt use my shoulders for site injections due to the fact that i had surgery on my left shoulder to remove a lump of scar tissue. i had to cycle off in the summer and train light thru the month of august. i am sure that didnt help me but i couldnt step on stage with unsighlty lump. this for me was one of the toughest preps. my wife had knee surgery a month out and was basically on crutches and i was left to take care of her, my 4 dogs and myself as well as prepare for a contest. i was happy that i made it thru it!