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Little Help Please


Active member
Feb 6, 2008
I am on a TRT dose of Test Cypionate at 200mg per week. I am also taking 0.5 Arimidex EOD, and 2.5mg Finasteride daily. Is this enough Arimidex to prevent gyno from the Test & Finasteride? AND Is that enough Finasteride to combat hair loss associated with the Test Cyp.

I have used Finasteride before at 1mg per day for 3-4 years and then switched to Dutasteride 0.5mg ED. The Dutasteride along with the Test Cyp & Arimidex at 0.5 EOD began to give me gyno, so I got off the Dutsteride. Now because of Duta’s ridiculously long half life (4 weeks or more), I am still facing some gyno. Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am on a TRT dose of Test Cypionate at 200mg per week. I am also taking 0.5 Arimidex EOD, and 2.5mg Finasteride daily. Is this enough Arimidex to prevent gyno from the Test & Finasteride? AND Is that enough Finasteride to combat hair loss associated with the Test Cyp.

I have used Finasteride before at 1mg per day for 3-4 years and then switched to Dutasteride 0.5mg ED. The Dutasteride along with the Test Cyp & Arimidex at 0.5 EOD began to give me gyno, so I got off the Dutsteride. Now because of Duta’s ridiculously long half life (4 weeks or more), I am still facing some gyno. Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Bro I don't know about the rest of the members here but I am bewildered. You are experiencing these sides on a low dose and yet you continue to use. If you are under your doctors care then you should be consulting with him/her. If you are suggesting that you are doing otherwise 200mg per week is far from a prescribed TRT dose. If I were you you I wuld quit while I'm ahead and just lift naturally. if 200mg/week is causing you all this grief now then this may not be for you!! I mean gyno? Hair loss? What does your blood work look like? DO you even know?
Bro I don't know about the rest of the members here but I am bewildered. You are experiencing these sides on a low dose and yet you continue to use. If you are under your doctors care then you should be consulting with him/her. If you are suggesting that you are doing otherwise 200mg per week is far from a prescribed TRT dose. If I were you you I wuld quit while I'm ahead and just lift naturally. if 200mg/week is causing you all this grief now then this may not be for you!! I mean gyno? Hair loss? What does your blood work look like? DO you even know?

I am on a TRT dose of Test Cypionate at 200mg per week. I am also taking 0.5 Arimidex EOD, and 2.5mg Finasteride daily. Is this enough Arimidex to prevent gyno from the Test & Finasteride? AND Is that enough Finasteride to combat hair loss associated with the Test Cyp.

I have used Finasteride before at 1mg per day for 3-4 years and then switched to Dutasteride 0.5mg ED. The Dutasteride along with the Test Cyp & Arimidex at 0.5 EOD began to give me gyno, so I got off the Dutsteride. Now because of Duta’s ridiculously long half life (4 weeks or more), I am still facing some gyno. Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are you just being proactive by taking the armidex and finasteride, or did your hair start falling out at this dose and your tryign to prevent it? Just curious becuase the duta could of caused gyno, as can finasteride so maybe its not even the test causing your gyno. The hair loss is what i'm curious about
Are you just being proactive by taking the armidex and finasteride, or did your hair start falling out at this dose and your tryign to prevent it? Just curious becuase the duta could of caused gyno, as can finasteride so maybe its not even the test causing your gyno. The hair loss is what i'm curious about

Yes I am being proactive. I am getting sides because of the duta I think. I never get sides with a 200mg Test dose. The thing is...the dutasteride really works for hair. I mean nothing was falling out and it was getting thicker. But its a double edged sword. On the one hand you want to keep your hair but you dont want it to give you tits. I thought maybe if I take it every other day then maybe that would be sufficient to halt hair loss and not give me tits. Does anyone have good experience with dut dosing? I know every one is different and what might work for some wont work for others. .05 EOD of Arm should be enough also right? Thanks fellas.
Yes I am being proactive. I am getting sides because of the duta I think. I never get sides with a 200mg Test dose. The thing is...the dutasteride really works for hair. I mean nothing was falling out and it was getting thicker. But its a double edged sword. On the one hand you want to keep your hair but you dont want it to give you tits. I thought maybe if I take it every other day then maybe that would be sufficient to halt hair loss and not give me tits. Does anyone have good experience with dut dosing? I know every one is different and what might work for some wont work for others. .05 EOD of Arm should be enough also right? Thanks fellas.

Whats wrong with taking Propecia (Finasteride)?? Also, if you do not get any sides at all from 200mg of test, then why are you taking any meds for hair loss? I guess i'm lost on why you are taking anyting if you say you have no sides. Also, what is the purpse of the armidex if there are no sides? Maybe you are very paraniod which may be leading you to THINK you have to take these meds?
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Whats wrong with taking Propecia (Finasteride)?? Also, if you do not get any sides at all from 200mg of test, then why are you taking any meds for hair loss? I guess i'm lost on why you are taking anyting if you say you have no sides.


If your hair wasnt falling out, why take a drug for hairloss?? u may not even NEED it.. and its just givin u man boobs...
possibly paranoid. I appreciate your guys input. I did some cycles over the last couple of years (mostly test and dbol cycles). Never went over a gram per week and never over 45mg of dbol per day for no longer than 4 weeks. I noticed that with the high dose of test I saw a lot of hair fall out. I have a history of baldness on my moms side (grandfather died with a full head of hair) but uncle is as bald as a cueball. I guess I may be overly paranoid but I notice I have accumulated some fat on my chest (no knots under the nipple though) and my hair has thinned out a little bit. So I took the dutasteride to step it up a little with keeping the hair and the arimidex to prevent the gyno from both the duta and test. I have since dropped the duta because it has aggrivated the gyno or pseudogyno and gone back on the finasteride. I know the half life of the dutasteride is long as hell so I may be seeing the side effects from that still. I am just trying to find a happy balance between my test dose, keeping my hair, and not developing breasts. The dosing of everything really is a tricky thing and I wanted to see what other guys experiences are. Thanks.
Whats wrong with taking Propecia (Finasteride)?? Also, if you do not get any sides at all from 200mg of test, then why are you taking any meds for hair loss? I guess i'm lost on why you are taking anyting if you say you have no sides. Also, what is the purpse of the armidex if there are no sides? Maybe you are very paraniod which may be leading you to THINK you have to take these meds?

I guess what I'm getting at is that I have some already occurring hair loss and some fat on the chest and I am trying to do everything possible (short of going off the test) to manage it and keep it in check. My bodyfat is 15%, I am hoping that I once I reduce it that I will see some of the chest fat go down.
I guess what I'm getting at is that I have some already occurring hair loss and some fat on the chest and I am trying to do everything possible (short of going off the test) to manage it and keep it in check. My bodyfat is 15%, I am hoping that I once I reduce it that I will see some of the chest fat go down.
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