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Little of Lots or lots of little?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 61292
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Deleted member 61292

For the least amount of sides when you run a cycle do you prefer to run less compounds and keep them at higher doses or run more compounds at lower doses?

Historically I'd just do my 200mg baseline test then blast one compound. Running 700mg Of NPP or 500mg of Tren was normal for me. The past year I've been running low doses of multiple things. EX: 125mg test, 75mg Tren, 200mg Npp, 200mg Mast. Sides are much lower. My physique and health has improved as well. What has your experience been?
Medium of little. Two compounds, medium amounts.
Test and something.
Although now it's a little test, and a touch of proviron.
Two compounds. Never understand guys microdosing a million things to "hit all the pathways". Used to be on a board a guy would run stuff like

25 dboll
25 var
10 Winny
100 npp
50 tren....you get the point

I wonder he ate the same. A meal may be 1oz chicken, 1 oz bison, 1 oz turkey, 1 oz steak, 1 oz potato, a tenth of a scoop of whey, doesn't make sense to me.
For the least amount of sides when you run a cycle do you prefer to run less compounds and keep them at higher doses or run more compounds at lower doses?

Historically I'd just do my 200mg baseline test then blast one compound. Running 700mg Of NPP or 500mg of Tren was normal for me. The past year I've been running low doses of multiple things. EX: 125mg test, 75mg Tren, 200mg Npp, 200mg Mast. Sides are much lower. My physique and health has improved as well. What has your experience been?
What are you trying to accomplish with your physique? Do you compete?
It depends on the compounds. For trying to grow I tend to just go with a moderate dose of test and nandrolone. At other times I like to use small-moderate doses of multiple compounds to minimize side effects I get from certain compounds. An example 40mg avar I feel great and get no side effects and nice results but when I dose over 60mg I get bad heart burn every time so I dose 40mg. With mast if I dose it high I can feel off and have issues when urinating so I dose it at approx 300mg per week. So I may end up with 3-4 compounds at doses that give me results with minimal side effects.
You have to sparse out the idiots, then the gym bros, then the serious meatheads, then local The competitors, then the elite

As you move up the chain, drug choice matters more. We go from…I took dboll for 4 weeks, got huge and lost it. Retired. The. We have the “i take 2ml test and 2ml deca a week”…ok retard that tells me nothing. Then we move to…i run moderate test, EQ, and growth at night. Then we get to oh I pair test/primo/and a little deca when i stall, and I run growth and insulin on lift days. The elite….well fuck…test, anabolic, low tren for its special properties, orals to push plateaus, IGF, hgh, TWO different insulins, carnitine injects, site enhancement….
If your like why do they make it so complicated? It’s because they weigh 15lbs more than you and are 3% lower body fat. It’s what it takes.
Two compounds. Never understand guys microdosing a million things to "hit all the pathways". Used to be on a board a guy would run stuff like

25 dboll
25 var
10 Winny
100 npp
50 tren....you get the point

I wonder he ate the same. A meal may be 1oz chicken, 1 oz bison, 1 oz turkey, 1 oz steak, 1 oz potato, a tenth of a scoop of whey, doesn't make sense to me.

Like with anything some people can go over the top (over complicate) and I have seen guys using low doses of 10 compounds (the kitchen sink) and it's very over the top. However using certain doses of specific (albeit multiple) compounds can be highly effective for the reasons I highlighted above. If everyone got amazing results and felt great from just taking 1g test we could all do that but for some of us we do much better using smaller doses (or larger) of multiple compounds.
I always figured total mg was the driving factor. And would use 3-4 compounds to get where i was going depending on growing or cutting. but generally used mostly the same things for each of those. I found food intake governed more of my gain or loss then type of compound ever did.
What are you trying to accomplish with your physique? Do you compete?
Ah great question. My goal is to very slowly improve. My physique is at a high enough level I am happy with where its at. I do not wish to compete, although I would do fairly well at an amatuer level show as I've been told. Only took 20 years of lifting 😅
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I always figured total mg was the driving factor. And would use 3-4 compounds to get where i was going depending on growing or cutting. but generally used mostly the same things for each of those. I found food intake governed more of my gain or loss then type of compound ever did.
See this is where I fucked up for too long with the total mg thing.

I used to blast with lets say 300mg Test and 700mg NPP. Thats 1000MG. Now I'm on 125mg test, 75mg Tren, 200mg Npp, 200mg Mast. Thats 600mg. Results are superior, blood work is improving, sex drive is significantly higher and I feel much better.
Once I got past my first few cycles, I have always done 2-3 injectables, 1-2 orals, plus GH, and always in progressive cycles (start under 1g and 2-4iu, finish at 3g at 8-10iu). For the orals, I would usually have one that I would only take 2-3x per week (usually drol or dbol) the whole time, then another that i would use ED for 2-3 weeks to break through plateaus.
Once I got past my first few cycles, I have always done 2-3 injectables, 1-2 orals, plus GH, and always in progressive cycles (start under 1g and 2-4iu, finish at 3g at 8-10iu). For the orals, I would usually have one that I would only take 2-3x per week (usually drol or dbol) the whole time, then another that i would use ED for 2-3 weeks to break through plateaus.
Lmao that’s called lots of lots.
Lmao that’s called lots of lots.

At the end, sure, but that is 4-6 weeks of a 16 week cycle, and I take 12 weeks between cycles. So the average load throughout the year is pretty low. I know lots of guys much smaller than I am blasting 2-4g for 10 months out of the year. Big difference.
Like with anything some people can go over the top (over complicate) and I have seen guys using low doses of 10 compounds (the kitchen sink) and it's very over the top. However using certain doses of specific (albeit multiple) compounds can be highly effective for the reasons I highlighted above. If everyone got amazing results and felt great from just taking 1g test we could all do that but for some of us we do much better using smaller doses (or larger) of multiple compounds.
I can see the logic behind it but I think in the real world it's silly to take more than 2 or 3. Like we said, people make it too complicated. They don't tolerate tren, take a tiny dose with 250mg test. Vs a tiny dose a long side 100 test 100 npp 50 primo. I doubt that anyone, or most, are in tune with their body enough to know what is working when they run 3-4, what needs to be drippy, what is causing problems, etc. I think people too often like to experiment, re invent the wheel, for fun but it doesn't give the best results.

I'm in my late 30s tolerate all compounds just fine a few I haven't used suoerdrol primo halo, but the rest are fine. I see many posts of people saying they can no longer tolerate tren etc, but keep in mind many people are now on BP meds, various other drugs they didn't use when they were younger. I personally think that has something to do with people saying they can't tolerate certain compounds as well along with the fact they are older, havd more stress, responsibility, etc.

Just bro science but IMO there has to be a minimum dosage to illicit a benefit.

We see lots of threads advocate 10mg of AAS per day, but none saying.5iu gh Ed or 3 iu slin pre. People are microdosing AAS but not other compounds, just food for thought.

I think the trt cash cow industry has really affected the way people use AAS. I'm seeing a trend of lower dosages, more anti e, almost like a contest to run the least AAS possible. It's not a bad thing better than a contest to run the most, but I think for most people a solid 200-400mg of 1-2 compounds is good unless they are looking to put on serious size. Worrying about the minute details is better served for diet and training as IMO that is where more people are screwing up vs selecting the wrong AAS or running 100mg to much or 100mg too little.
At the end, sure, but that is 4-6 weeks of a 16 week cycle, and I take 12 weeks between cycles. So the average load throughout the year is pretty low. I know lots of guys much smaller than I am blasting 2-4g for 10 months out of the year. Big difference.
You can take whatever you want, I’m not judging you, I just thought it was funny in the context of the thread.
Two compounds. Never understand guys microdosing a million things to "hit all the pathways". Used to be on a board a guy would run stuff like

25 dboll
25 var
10 Winny
100 npp
50 tren....you get the point

I wonder he ate the same. A meal may be 1oz chicken, 1 oz bison, 1 oz turkey, 1 oz steak, 1 oz potato, a tenth of a scoop of whey, doesn't make sense to me.
I loled hard at the meal example lol
Good post... the last few years I have been doing lower amounts of several compounds and getting good results. Also started tapering up instead of just going full bore week 1. I used to taper up because thats how everyone did it back when I started , thats how we were taught. Then 2000's it was just get in the top amount week 1 or even frontload. I find my bloodwork is better on lower amounts of several things and I can run a cycle longer and I feel better. When I was in my 30's even 40's I'd run test and Eq at reasonably high doses with not really any sides, now Im older and I prefer to taper up and use a few things at a time even in smaller shots, smaller doses more frequently so each inject might have 2 or 3 compounds in it, the last few years when I bump it up from TRT dose I'll go up to 300-400mg test, NPP at 100-150 for joints, Primo to 600 or EQ at 400 with proviron or anti e when needed which is usually when test is over 300.. its usually around 1000mgs or so pw which is all I need anymore on a blast.
I get pretty good results like that and really no sides.
I can see the logic behind it but I think in the real world it's silly to take more than 2 or 3. Like we said, people make it too complicated. They don't tolerate tren, take a tiny dose with 250mg test. Vs a tiny dose a long side 100 test 100 npp 50 primo. I doubt that anyone, or most, are in tune with their body enough to know what is working when they run 3-4, what needs to be drippy, what is causing problems, etc. I think people too often like to experiment, re invent the wheel, for fun but it doesn't give the best results.

I don't know how you can state it's silly to take more than 2 or 3 compounds. As I have posted I have experimented so extensively and I respond badly to certain compounds so how is it silly if I run 3 or even 4 compounds and get better results and less side effects. An example could be say someone wants to look their best and feels great on 200mg tren but horrible with 600mg and they feel great with 40mg avar but not 80mg and they feel great on 300mg test but not with high doses. How is it silly for him to run 300mg test, 200mg tren and 40mg avar instead of 700mg test and 500mg tren. Say he feels crap on 500mg mast and he even adds that in at 200mg and it's a 4th compound but it compliments his cycle nicely. Is that even more silly because he is running 4 compounds. No one is stating run 50mg of 10 compounds but each compound is different and some people can benefit from running more than 1 or 2 at times.

You think most people would do best with 200-400mg total of 1-2 compounds yes they would if they want to be 200 pounds and look shredded on a beach. What about the guys wanting to be 250 pounds and shredded. What about guys competing at a high level. What about guys who make money from their physiques. Guys who wants to be huge and ripped. Guys who want to be their best possible. I think to state it's silly for people run run multiple compounds is ridiculous. No one is stating a guy should use 50mg of a, 100mg of b, 50mg of c, 50mg of d, 40mg of e etc... that could be over the top but if it works for him it's not exactly silly.

Lot's of people reinvent the wheel and are over the top but this is different. Fact is most of the guys I know who look amazing run multiple compounds at certain times and there is reason for that. Yes they could look amazing running test and hgh but there is a reason why all of them are running at least 3 compounds when they are looking their absolute best. For me it could be test, tren and avar. Then you have hgh, insulin, l-carnitine etc. This is promuscle and many of us want to look freaky. If a guy wants to be lean and athletic then great and he could run just test but even most of those guys are running multiple compounds as well and they do that because they usually look better doing it that way.

Just bro science but IMO there has to be a minimum dosage to illicit a benefit.

We see lots of threads advocate 10mg of AAS per day, but none saying.5iu gh Ed or 3 iu slin pre. People are microdosing AAS but not other compounds, just food for thought.

Of course there has to be a min dose to illicit a benefit. It's also very smart using the lowest possible dose if health is a priority. Some people run low doses due to health but often it's also because of side effects. You are overthinking this and it's really simple. I don't want to state you can't get results using certain compounds at very low doses because any dose is more than none. However anyone who has experimented and understands this stuff realizes there are big differences between compounds. No one is stating to use 10mg primo daily for good reason. Fact is 10mg tren daily can make a difference and it's worth trying but most AAS do need to be dosed higher. Could a natural dose 10mg test... yes but most males naturally produce 7-10mg per day (unless they are old) so what's the point. Obviously TRT is different and many dose 10mg per day and that is perfectly fine but a natural guy shouldn't cycle 10mg per day to build muscle because it's likely just replacing his natural test and it would be very pointless unless he medically needed testosterone. We aren't producing 10mg tren a daily naturally :D Could someone run 10mg primo and get results... yes... but most people realize they will likely need atleast double that to get noticeable results. Guys wanting to be huge and ripped will likely have to use much more.

No one is going to state microdosing HGH is beneficial (well one person on here does) because it's pretty much a waste of time. Yes you could run 1iu and have some effect but it's a waste of an injection. I am not one of those people who think you need to use high amounts either. 80% of the time I have used HGH I have only used 2-3iu per day. Now if you are 60 years old then sure dose 1iu but for a healthy younger male you are going to have to dose it higher to get a decent response. There are people who use very low doses of insulin. Loads of people use 3iu slin especially on this forum. Although again anyone who has used it would know 5-10iu is more of a worthwhile dose and goes better with what most people eat when trying to build muscle. It's comparing apples to oranges and very silly.

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