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^^^both NANDROLONE & BOLDENONE are produced by the body in trace amounts

..just sayin'

^^^why ya wearin' pants brother ..aren't you at home recovering?!

.. @Virtuous 's statement is still valid ..was just sayin' that "technically"

True true lol. You’re spot on.

But that’s also true of DMT, and I’m not out here licking poison toads to trip balls either 😂
That’s interesting. I did not know that
^^^true story

Luki’s doctors told me that I should stick with testosterone so I reckon im probably best off keeping it super basic
^^^i prob should not have posted that ..it's gonna spin half the board

(..i digress ..bc if i post the "scary-but-true" on Estrogen ..1/2 the board would be jumping off roof-tops)

►►►now watch for new threads on the topic ..lol

Test is best after all
^^^it really is

@Virtuous 's advice was/is solid

^^^i prob should not have posted that ..it's gonna spin half the board

true, but their analysis was based on my genetics (dispositions and mutations) as indicated by the results of my biopsy

so, highly individual and people shouldnt apply it to themselves necessarily
Just keep in mind that androgens in general (and estrogens too) have a permissive role in liver adenomas development, it's not just about 17alpha-methylated AAS.
what do you mean by "permissive role" ?

How do we prevent these things? Watch our estro levels?

I abused orals (Not so much tren) like fleezy here. So far I'm clear. Had an ultrasound back in Jan, liver looks good. But now I'm totally scared of touching orals even though I love them lol.
did Luki’s docs mention the use of AI with test being an issue?
did Luki’s docs mention the use of AI with test being an issue?
^^^why would you think that using an AI with TEST would be an "issue"

..not loaded ..just genuinely curious

^^^why would you think that using an AI with TEST would be an "issue"

..not loaded ..just genuinely curious

I didn’t really. It’s just that nowadays there is a kick back by some against the use of AI’s, I was curious if that had been mentioned basically, especially if test is going to be run high.
Just got off the phone with the surgeon

She seems convinced that I still have more adenoma.. but we will see

Perhaps she was mistaking my hemangioma For additional adenoma

I have an MRI in a couple weeks

We discussed embolization and ablation, and I’m definitely interested in pursuing those over more surgeries
Just got off the phone with the surgeon

She seems convinced that I still have more adenoma.. but we will see
^^^just WTF!!!!! ..sue the fuck out of them!!!!!

^^^it's their fuck up

^^^ "damages" can certainly be argued ..the surgery ..common as it may be ..is no walk in the park

..while you'r at it ..mention the "bonus" gall-bladder extraction to your attorney

..i mean how the fuck do you know that these boobs won't do the exact same thing AGAIN

^^^just WTF!!!!! ..sue the fuck out of them!!!!!

^^^it's their fuck up

^^^ "damages" can certainly be argued ..the surgery ..common as it may be ..is no walk in the park

..while you'r at it ..mention the "bonus" gall-bladder extraction to your attorney

..i mean how the fuck do you know that these boobs won't do the exact same thing AGAIN


She could be wrong.. we will see

She’s just the scalpel jockey

Also, removing the gallbladder is very common with liver surgery, almost standard operating procedure.. gets in the way a lot of the time

We will see how things go from here.. she didn’t seem bothered that I’m still taking testosterone

As long as I’m not on any orals or tren… orals in particular
She could be wrong.. we will see

She’s just the scalpel jockey
^^^i understand ..but you'r not a dog ..& as such, somebody should be accountable for NOT getting them all

Also, removing the gallbladder is very common with liver surgery, almost standard operating procedure.. gets in the way a lot of the time
^^^ok ..were you told that prior to your operation? ..i'm guessing not
..& that could be the difference

..had you know prior to ..you may have made a different decision

We will see how things go from here.. she didn’t seem bothered that I’m still taking testosterone
^^^well that's a surprise ..i don't think much bothers "them" unless it's "their" ass on the chop block

^^^the whole fuckin' thing just pisses me off ..like BIG TIME

As long as I’m not on any orals or tren… orals in particular
^^^bc you mentioned it..

Estrogen is another thing to seriously address

did you know that Estrogen IS a carcinogenic?????

i told you i could scare the masses

^^^ok ..were you told that prior to your operation? ..i'm guessing not
..& that could be the difference

..had you know prior to ..you may have made a different decision

It might have come up, I’m not certain

I do know now, that going back, I’d definitely go for ablation or embolization

Would have been SO much better and I could have gone right back to my routine the next day

Oh well
It might have come up, I’m not certain

I do know now, that going back, I’d definitely go for ablation or embolization
^^^did they even give you that option?

Would have been SO much better and I could have gone right back to my routine the next day

Oh well
^^^hey i'm not looking to gas you up about it ..& i prob should not have voiced/posted my frustration

not my first run-in with the Medical establishment ..or watching them hurt a friend
..it just genuinely pisses me off how nonchalant they seem to be about it

i KNOW everything is going to be fine for you brother ..just made me angry, that's all

@Virtuous @Performance Based

Do you boys remember how long it took the swelling in the surgery site to go away?

Small update

Go an MRI on the 13th to check for additional adenoma
@Virtuous @Performance Based

Do you boys remember how long it took the swelling in the surgery site to go away?

Small update

Go an MRI on the 13th to check for additional adenoma

Hate to say it but hard to remember. I spent a minimum of a week in the hospital post surgery, want to say two weeks. Think after a month I was fully mobile again and having light workouts.

I’d guess after 2-3 weeks swelling substantially subsided

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