tbonus said:
I don't equate them either, but also, if someone wants to do them and can do so without driving a car, robbing someone or abusing a child, then so be it.
I don't want them on the streets, I want them legalized, show they are not on the streets.
“I'm in favor of legalizing drugs. According to my values system, if people want to kill themselves, they have every right to do so. Most of the harm that comes from drugs is because they are illegal.”
Milton Friedman
Well that does not work under any system but socialized medicine my friend. You really don't understand 'Economic Impact' of such a policy. At the moment we are paying for ONE person to lay in the hospital costing MILLIONS of dollars to keep them alive with possible lung and heart transplants etc that should go to a younger needier people all because of smoking. Under Socialized medicine it has less impact but under our system, the cost is passed on to the healthier people. I'm not prepared to pay higher health care to take care of people that destroyed themselves to a proven SLOW killer. Thank God you're not in charge either.
Before you make some witty retort, I remember sitting in an office apartment building whereas my wife was the office manager. I was talking to a guy sitting beside me. We carried on a typical conversation for what must have been an hour. He was very quick, intelligent, and happy. After he walked out my wife said "did you know he was a section 8?" (Section 8: people we pay to live, eat, drink, shit, piss, the groceries, apartments, expenses etc. because they can't do for themselves). I said no and she explained the system. Aparrently he talked the State into believing he burned his brain out on drugs (he was only in his early 20's). We will pay for him to live until he dies.
Even if the guy wasn't playing a game... getting section 8 because one destroyed their body on illegal drugs is just fucking wrong! It's not my fault they fucked themselves up.... they knew drugs were illegal, took them anyway and destroyed themself and I pay for it. hmmmmmmm
I have no problem paying for my brother and sister to live comfortably through their life whom were fucked up by NATURAL means or were born that way, or was attacked by an animal...stuff like that... but to fuck themselves up by illegal means and I have to pay for it... oh fuck no! your policy doesn't work in America.
The system is strained now with the boomers retiring, add the smokers, people that destroyed their bodies on illegal drugs and can't work, people that can't find work, those that won't work, illegal immigrants, people that work in a job that has under the Federal requirements and don't get insurance.. the system is overloaded.... now add drug legalization... the accumulated living corpses will increase exponentially and who's going to pay for it? YOU? Do you understand that at this very time when I go to the hospital, I pay a double fee which pays for a person that can't pay? and I have insurance!!!! the money has to come from somewhere, it's passed on..that's how it works. I pay approx. $300 a month to cover my wife and I.
There are literally MILLIONS and MILLIONS taking medical benefits that don't have insurance.... I and others like me are paying for it.
Don't return with "socialized med is the way to go man" either. I'm not standing in line for months for substandard medical care either. Remember... nobody from America swarms to another country for great medical treatment...they swarm here, yes... even Canadians.