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Low fat , High Carb Diet


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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 11, 2004
Who follow a low fat , High/Medium Carb diet?

The reason im asking this, its because i did try a Low Carb diet and High Fat and it seem i dont respond well to this diet...

The goal is too Reach 8% Bodyfat... Im 15% BF, 214 Pound

It seem my thyroid was slowing down.

To tell the truth i have a Ectomorph with some mesomorph Build, i was never Fat in my teens... so thats why im wondering maybe i should add Clean carbs...

I was thiking Rice and small Potatoes as carb source.

Im just wondering if i would respond better to Very Low Fat and high Carb + protein, Kinda like jay cutler Diet...
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How long did you endure the high fat, low carb before you quit? Typically, you will need at least eight weeks to get in the groove.

I'm sure high carb, low fat could work for you, but it's going to take a whole lot of extra chemicals.
My dad spent 20+ years on this diet. Had bodyfat barely in the double digits. But, maybe he was eating very low calories overall.
My dad spent 20+ years on this diet. Had bodyfat barely in the double digits. But, maybe he was eating very low calories overall.

High carb, low fat and low calories? Isn't that what the mainstream, Susan Powter crowd preaches?
High carb diets are by far superior over low carb diets, your body needs carbs to burn fat, simple as that. I had bloodwork done on stints of both a non and high carb diet at almost equal kcal levels and TSH was much lower on the no carb diet (duh).

This coming from a fool who was once an Anabolic Diet advocate (me)
High carb diets are by far superior over low carb diets, your body needs carbs to burn fat, simple as that. I had bloodwork done on stints of both a non and high carb diet at almost equal kcal levels and TSH was much lower on the no carb diet (duh).

This coming from a fool who was once an Anabolic Diet advocate (me)

If your an athlete you need carbs period. Oats, brown rice and sweet potatoe is my base.
High carb diets are by far superior over low carb diets, your body needs carbs to burn fat, simple as that. I had bloodwork done on stints of both a non and high carb diet at almost equal kcal levels and TSH was much lower on the no carb diet (duh).

This coming from a fool who was once an Anabolic Diet advocate (me)

Sorry dude, I don't agree. Somewhat at least.

A simple Keto diet kills the above mentioned idea, correct?

A diet high in good fats help burn more fat with little carbs then the opposite.

I highly doubt it since my (and others post low carb fucked up blood work) says otherwise. I was nearly put on thyroxine after months on no carbs, while in fact later on I was close to the upper range on a normal carbohydrate based diet, go figure.
I highly doubt it since my (and others post low carb fucked up blood work) says otherwise. I was nearly put on thyroxine after months on no carbs, while in fact later on I was close to the upper range on a normal carbohydrate based diet, go figure.

Fair enough.

However, one thing we can agree on then is "everyone's body responds differently"
First thing I found on google

From a certain tatyana on elitefitness:

I had some bloods done today, and guess what, a low carb diet doesn't suit me at all.

I have been doing the anabolic diet, which is five days low carbs, typically less than 30g/day, and then on the weekends, carb up.

I have been eating around 2000-2200 kcals/day on low carb days for the last 2.5-3 months, and 3000 kcals/day on the weekends (at least) .

June 6 - high carb/high Protein/low fat comp diet

(all normal good results)

Cholesterol 4.4 mmol/L

HDL 1.95 mmol/L

Total:HDL ratio 2.32

Cortisol: 209 IU/L

TSH 1.58 IU/L

December 22 - low carb/high Protein/high fat off season anabolic diet (elevated cholesterol and thyroid suppression)

Cholesterol 6.7 mmol/L

HDL 2.13 mmol/L

Total:HDL ratio 3.2

LDL: 4.2 mmol/L

Cortisol 424 nmol/L (170-540 for early morning)

TSH: 5.24 mU/L (0.4-5.0)

FT4 - 11.3 pmol/L (12-23)

May be consistent with primary hypothyroidism

As my results are a bit abnormal, one of our consultants added on thyroid antibodies to check for Hasimoto's disease.

Thyroid antibodies: 9 ng/L (negative)

Needless to say, I am going to stop the anabolic diet and go back to eating carbs, Protein and fat everyday.

They say low carb diets suppress the thyroid gland, I am just going to say, NO KIDDING.

I was only worried that my cholesterol may have been bad, and it was far worse than I thought it would be.

Even if I corrected the cholesterol by eating less animal fat (take out the cheese and butter), I still have the thyroid suppression.

My GP is going to freak, and I will probably be a case study again for grand rounds.
That is with 2 high carb days per week, imagine if she'd gone straight keto for weeks on end. Similar stories everywhere to be found, the truth is out there :D
I feel HORRIBLE on low carbs. I lose all my strength, energy is down, joints feel like two chunks of sandpaper rubbing together.
If you're ectomorphic/mesomorphic. Or in better and practical terms, lean and work with insulin well from it. Then carbs should be your basis.

If you're fat, or "endomorphic", where insulin sensitivity is low then they shouldn't be.

Nothing outside of the ordinary.
Low Carb vs Low Fat

Listen to your body.
Low carb diets will sap you to the point where you can't even think straight let alone you feeling drained and sick.
A balanced diet with 1/3rd protein, 1/3 fiberious cabs, 1/3 complex carbs and trace fats work best and is the healthiest
I only do low fat diets. I am on one now. I stay way from white carbs on it(potates, white bread, corn,etc)
I cannot tolerate low carb diets at all. I hate them. No energy, feel like shit, don't want to work out.
Listen to your body.
Low carb diets will sap you to the point where you can't even think straight let alone you feeling drained and sick.
A balanced diet with 1/3rd protein, 1/3 fiberious cabs, 1/3 complex carbs and trace fats work best and is the healthiest

LMAO! According to whom may I ask?
Fat is needed for all body functions.
Carbs are certainly not bad but you need fat also and more than trace.
Listen to your body.
Low carb diets will sap you to the point where you can't even think straight let alone you feeling drained and sick.
A balanced diet with 1/3rd protein, 1/3 fiberious cabs, 1/3 complex carbs and trace fats work best and is the healthiest

Man you could not be more wrong. Not taking a shot at you, however, research and my own body has proven that healthy fats are paramount.

Also, I feel the opposite of sick and tired.

Am I the only one who actually thinks much clearer on low carbs high fat/ high protein????

I have twice as much energy, I work harder and train harder and feel x2 as good.

My case in point again, everybody is different. Pay attention to your blood work and listen to your own body.

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Listen to your body.
Low carb diets will sap you to the point where you can't even think straight let alone you feeling drained and sick.
A balanced diet with 1/3rd protein, 1/3 fiberious cabs, 1/3 complex carbs and trace fats work best and is the healthiest

I thought you said a balanced diet is the best... where are the fats :confused:


Listen to your body.
Low carb diets will sap you to the point where you can't even think straight let alone you feeling drained and sick.
A balanced diet with 1/3rd protein, 1/3 fiberious cabs, 1/3 complex carbs and trace fats work best and is the healthiest

how do you figure this is healthiest?...there is a reason whey there is ESSENTIAL fatty acids and not essential carbs...
If you're ectomorphic/mesomorphic. Or in better and practical terms, lean and work with insulin well from it. Then carbs should be your basis.

If you're fat, or "endomorphic", where insulin sensitivity is low then they shouldn't be.

Nothing outside of the ordinary.

Nailed it! I am a firm believer in eating for you somatotype. Being an ecto, I can drop bf easily with 350-400g CHO as long as my fat is lower. Then again, I am a trainer, and I am highly active on top of my workouts.

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