well, the word i got was that he is having a supply problem and that things are backed up about two weeks.. that is really the only thing i can tell ya.. it is the same as what dragonfire said..the first orders were going out fine with a few exceptions.. hopefully, he will get things in line very quickly..and DAROOSTER, before you go calling people out, you should know that all the mods can do is report info that is given to them..most boards will not even do that..i spend alot of time checking on sources for people...and it is free of charge. we make no money in this endevor but, only try to make sure the boards members are covered as much as possible.. it is not a fool proof game.. never has been and never will be..i myself have checked dozens of complaints about various sources and got more than a few sources to get their butts in line and ship out the product..but, there is only so much you can do with threats of outing them and with me sitting behind a computer...so, if i saved a couple of guys money, it is worth it..