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MR.O 2002 PIX!!!


New member
Jun 8, 2002

**broken link removed**
Dont know if its the camera angle but Kamali looked really small. Priest was the only that had no gut. Ruhl was a big freak!!!
I really liked GUNTER

No GUT, crazy striations, and incredible professionalism.

Good signs of becoming a pro
Thanks for the pics......


I would like to see what a 6' 220 lb guy looked like compared to Coleman..... Small as hell!

Kevin better not cry about being ripped off again. His legs suck-no quad sweep at all. Ruhl brought his legs up after injury, so I dont know what Kevins problem is. I guess 10 weeks training is not enough to build up after injury. News flash-Kevin, try training year round!!!
Priest looks good, so does Ruhl although blocky. And of course Gunter in those individual poses!
Ruhl made DJames look small!
MikeS i hear what you're saying but Kevin basically placed as high as possibly as no one was going to unseat a Coleman in condition and so it is real impressive that he came in the shape he did---due to the injury his wheels probably needed more time but he likely had to hold back on some key exercise to stay healthy---i'm impressed though, sick genetics
btw why did Haidar not place higher as he has a very balanced, full physique--yeah, he's not huge , but he looks very aesthetic--was his condition off?
Uncrowned Champs

I think the Choice between Gun, Priest, and Corm as the new MR O would have been justified. To me there was a big rash of smoothness in the whole lineup they all looked like they were holding water. The only thing is that this is fixed the next MR O has not yet been picked it could be Cutler or Gunt and I don't think it will ever be Corm. Titus looked nice and dry. Kamali had way too many beers he was small and smooth. Levrone as always gets a gift every year. Out of his previous wins I would have put Coleman second you would have to do that no champ ever looses his crown by going down lower than that but it was a rip off rigged show as usual.
"To me there was a big rash of smoothness in the whole lineup they all looked like they were holding water."

You would!! From the looks of it Fathead, the only water you hold when you get into shape is in a glass to knock back some precontest capsules. :D


Yea bro "it's true" "it's true".:p

Yea bro "it's true" "it's true".:p
cheers to flex!!

Hey Flex was great too!!! I was always a fan of his, but never as much as now. He said he was doing it ALL NATURAL!! and he got all of the paperwork to prove it!! Cheers to flex for trying to make bodybuilding a healthier sport for all of the upcoming guys!
It's gonna take more than 1topguy, but hey it's gotta start somwhere!


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cheers to flex!!

Hey Flex was great too!!! I was always a fan of his, but never as much as now. He said he was doing it ALL NATURAL!! and he got all of the paperwork to prove it!! Cheers to flex for trying to make bodybuilding a healthier sport for all of the upcoming guys!
It's gonna take more than 1topguy, but hey it's gotta start somwhere!


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Kevin had plenty of time to recover from his hearnia-it was before the beginning of 2002, I believe. I mean, I like Kev-I know him and used to go to his gym. He was always pretty cool to me. Just calling a spade a spade.
He and Kamali are also club boys-extacy and all that. Bad news.
And of course Cormier too. Who, is usually in descent shape,
but nothing about him ever jumps out at me (except those
rectus fermoris/mid quad seperations) and doesnt have Mr O
quality IMO. You should have something special-I never saw the big deal over him. Again just my opinion.

Flex did look good I agree.
My thoughts

I looked at the pics above, and I thought Ernie taylor looked pretty damn good, as did Priest, Flex, Chris Cormier, and Dexter jackson. I think I like the smaller guys with no stomachs. I think haidar also looked amazing. Coleman does look too amazing from the back, but his front is so so. I also thought Atwood, and ruhl didnt look good at all, so watery, and whats with those 40inch waist. I mean I aint shit, no pro, wont ever be one, but that is my thoughts, so please no I would like to see you do betters. just my .02 cents.
I have to agree that the smaller guys look better aesthetically. But lets face it, the O is not about aesthetics much anymore. You will never see a small guy win again. Its the age of the mass monsters now. Like it or lump it. Sure, some of the better small guys will place well, but you will never see them win and probably not even place top 3. It is too bad, but thats how things are shaping up. I think flex looks great, but I also think that when going by the criteria judges go by, he did get the placing he deserved. Now if you changed the criteria and weighted aesthetics more heavily, then yeah, he got ripped off. But that is just not the case.

I have to say I think coleman desrved to win it , I don't think the others where even close. Gunter certainly looked great though. Pics never really do justice and I must say you don't realise how huge Ronnie is untill he stands next to you on stage.
IMO gunter is better than Ronnie, take a look at gallery 7, there they are side by side!
Gynter have the same mass, but he is more cut, and have way better seperation in the quarterrips.
By the way, I have nevver liked the abs of ronniepic
Oh My God

Kiwi I respect you bro but the uncrowned champ is on the left/ How old is Gunt anyway??


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