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Multiple small suspension shots for best gains


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Kilo Klub Member
Oct 28, 2009
So after reading Dats articles it seems as if the best overall growth comes from HGH at more frequent SPIKES aka multiple smaller IM or IV GH shots or multiple smaller gh shots 20min after ghrp6 or ghrp6/mod1-29. So im thinking this could be similar for testosterone as well. Think about when you were going through puberty. You have highs and lows spikes of testosterone throughout the day. So I recently kept a base dose of testE around 400mg and added 3-4 small suspension shots per day. Only 4mg suspension 3-4x per day. thats right, 4mg, i had to use a 1/2cc slin pin. BUT what i noticed is my libido was sky high. More than it ever was. Im thinking this could have possibly been due to mimicking the bodys response when it was going through puberty which im thinking would be optimal for overall growth. And at only 4mg 3-4x per day thats not enough for estrogen to sky rocket like most people who use suspension at 100mg/day. What do you all think?
I have a bro, that when he uses Tren A, will shoot 2X ed. He will run 100 ml/day, so, he shoots 50ml twice.
No disrespect to Dat...the man is smart
but the only "effect" I ever got from ghrp6/mod1-29 is similar to insulin...didn't do much for my muscles.
As far as Suspension you need to shot it everyday or even more often.
So after reading Dats articles it seems as if the best overall growth comes from HGH at more frequent SPIKES aka multiple smaller IM or IV GH shots or multiple smaller gh shots 20min after ghrp6 or ghrp6/mod1-29. So im thinking this could be similar for testosterone as well. Think about when you were going through puberty. You have highs and lows spikes of testosterone throughout the day. So I recently kept a base dose of testE around 400mg and added 3-4 small suspension shots per day. Only 4mg suspension 3-4x per day. thats right, 4mg, i had to use a 1/2cc slin pin. BUT what i noticed is my libido was sky high. More than it ever was. Im thinking this could have possibly been due to mimicking the bodys response when it was going through puberty which im thinking would be optimal for overall growth. And at only 4mg 3-4x per day thats not enough for estrogen to sky rocket like most people who use suspension at 100mg/day. What do you all think?

not just true for puberty.

adult males test levels spike and drop all the time throughout the day.

higher upon waking. (morning wood anyone?)

lower after eating

lower after alcohol consumption


so in reality its a sound idea.
though i doubt it would produce any real significant gains over the normal dosing/shooting schedule of a test
I've been thinking about this same notion. Please give us some updates whenever you can I'm following your thread to see your progress.
I was thinking about doing this soon , run a base of 200mg a week and shoot suspention two times a day , 3hr pre training and 3hr post traing at 50mg per shot , only shooting on training days
I was thinking about doing this soon , run a base of 200mg a week and shoot suspention two times a day , 3hr pre training and 3hr post traing at 50mg per shot , only shooting on training days

Personally My labrats have LOVED thr results they have gotten from only 1x a day anymore then that is a pretty painful cycle
I've been thinking about this same notion. Please give us some updates whenever you can I'm following your thread to see your progress.

Bump this in a few weeks i'll forget

only thing I hate about suspension is I always get sick. Even little baby doses I get the test flu and literally 24hrs after stopping im fine again. This is with multiple brands too.
I like the idea of running a "base" with this to keep levels from dipping too low. That said, be prepared for more sides all around along with the better gains. So much of the harsher sides are seen from fluctuating levels as much as anything else and this is the epitome of fluctuation. There is a fellow on a couple of other boards (5'5" or so and was a muscular 270 lbs) who did this kind of thing exclusively- blasts with high doses of suspension (3 g per week) for 3 weeks followed by a week or two of lower doses. Got good results obviously, but also serious, serious heart problems. He said that when he'd come off the high dose blast he'd feel like such shit almost immediately and would rarely make it to the gym for those couple of weeks "off."

I don't think anyone in their right mind should go that extreme! There are other ways to make up the difference in a more sane way. For one thing, having a base of cyp or something is a good start. A constant base of 300-500 mg of test cyp per week. Using insulin and GH in a synergistic way with the suspension opens up some interesting possibilities: Having a shot of suspension a 1/2 hr before a workout, 10 iu of humalog 15 min pre-workout (along with appropriate shake!) and 10 iu post workout GH would give a crazy anabolic mini-blast every time you workout.

For those running or about to run test suspension keep us updated!

Going to give this a go instead of prop. I can't imagine how suspension would hit you. Prop, compared to enan or cyp, makes me a damn animal.
I was thinking about doing this soon , run a base of 200mg a week and shoot suspention two times a day , 3hr pre training and 3hr post traing at 50mg per shot , only shooting on training days

If you shoot suspension 2 times per day than you don`t need 200mg base, and I would shoot every 12 hours.
So after reading Dats articles it seems as if the best overall growth comes from HGH at more frequent SPIKES aka multiple smaller IM or IV GH shots or multiple smaller gh shots 20min after ghrp6 or ghrp6/mod1-29. So im thinking this could be similar for testosterone as well. Think about when you were going through puberty. You have highs and lows spikes of testosterone throughout the day. So I recently kept a base dose of testE around 400mg and added 3-4 small suspension shots per day. Only 4mg suspension 3-4x per day. thats right, 4mg, i had to use a 1/2cc slin pin. BUT what i noticed is my libido was sky high. More than it ever was. Im thinking this could have possibly been due to mimicking the bodys response when it was going through puberty which im thinking would be optimal for overall growth. And at only 4mg 3-4x per day thats not enough for estrogen to sky rocket like most people who use suspension at 100mg/day. What do you all think?

How is he able to draw and shoot with a slin pin without it clogging? Ive had trouble before with a 23g...? Can you shoot test suspension SQ?
How is he able to draw and shoot with a slin pin without it clogging? Ive had trouble before with a 23g...? Can you shoot test suspension SQ?

Depends on who makes it. Most water based suspension should flow through a slin pin. Sometime you have to draw a little, shoot it back in vial and draw more,etc.. to create more of a vaccume to suck it out better. Not sure about SQ.
I was thinking about doing this soon , run a base of 200mg a week and shoot suspention two times a day , 3hr pre training and 3hr post traing at 50mg per shot , only shooting on training days

I've been thinking of doing almost the same thing, except for 200mg Test E every 5 days, for my next cycle but with 25mg-50mg of Proviron daily to control SHBG.
Keep us posted on your progress

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