I agree for the most part with Quad.
It is rare today to see experienced people do cycles with two and possibly three orals. The trends I have seen, personal experience only, is zero oral cycles. Sort of a risk/reward safety thing. While I do not think your dosing is out of line, there seems to have been a lot of movement away from the orals.
With that said I made my biggest size, strength gains of all time with a oralD-Bol, test, deca cycle that was deriguer for the day (20 years ago or better). I also lost a fair amount of my gains. (water) My first cycle was D-Bol only, (27 years ago or so, and I blew up, and then shrank by two thirds of the amount I gained.
I used to love "cruising" on injectable winny in the summers, but never felt the same results from the orals. Problem is I have never only done orals, whereas I did do injectable Winny by itself so I could never really make the comparison.
I am be far not in the upper levels of knowledge, but because of my age and use/abuse, I have a good bit of personal experience to draw on.
Good luck in your endeavors, and put safety first.