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my little story about how bad life can FUCKING SUCK!


New member
Jun 11, 2002
whats goin on guys? Well before I even start to tell you this story, I JUST WANT TO NOTE THAT IN NO WAY AM I ASKING FOR DONATIONS, MONEY OR HANDOUTS. I'm only asking for ideas, advice and guidence. so with that said here we go.
those who know me have heard my talk about my little brother a thousand times. he's probley one of the most naturaly gifted bodybuilders I had ever met. he's 19 yrs old. 5'9" 214 lbs @ 7%bf. he has 18 3/4 in arms and 31in quads. three weeks ago I spotted him on free weight BB inclien where he pushed 405 for 6. he squats over 500 for reps and can deadlift 675. and to make it even better he's 100% clean. he had NEVER used once in his life.. infact we just ordered a few weeks ago to get him started on a pretty good size cycle for a first timer. he planned to do his first show in april of '03 as a junior.
well to get to the point on my story. two weeks ago on friday night, the two of us went out to have dinner and shoot some pool. well, we ended up going to a few bars downtown and diden't leave untill the kicked us out at 2:00a.m. so we carried our dumb asses out of the bar and jumped in with a friend that was sobber to drive us home. Well, on the way to my brothers house this little honda civic rolls out to us and starts honking there horn and yelling shit. so when we look over at them there flipping gang signs at us.
so of course we flip them off and yell shit back. so they go ahead and start throwing glass bottles at our ride. and they pull over like they want to fight. and we see that theres only two of them. so as I'm sure you all can figure out. we jumped right the fuck out of the car ready to have a little fun with some punks that have NO IDEA what there in for. but as soon as we got out of the car. they started to try to run us down. they came at us few times and missed. so we ran into a parking lot that was near by. and we thought that they were gone. but a few seconds later they came around the corner. they had to have doing atleast 35mph. they came up over the curb right at us. I pushed my brother to run south and I turned and run north. they decided to turn south.
my brother saw it coming and new it was going to hit him so he jumped. but thats what did the damage. when the car hit his legs it shot his forehead into the windshield. then they turned and he came off the front of the car hitting the back of his head on the ground. I got to him right when he hit. he was on his back and not breathing. I started CPR and he spit up blood. when I roled him over to let him breath I could feel that his head was fractured really bad.( 7 places to be exact). and he never woke back up. they did brain surgary that night on him, where they removed bone fragment and blood clots from both of the frontal lobs of the brain.
well to get to the point, he fought his ass off to stay alive and he decided to let go. we pronounced him dead the following friday morning at 8:17 A.M on aug 30th.
the police contacted us and told us that they had cought the guy that killed my brother. and they also told us that he had been convicted of the the EXACT same fucking crime in the past. infact, he was due in court the following thursday for a Strike 2 felony. so why the fuck is this guy even on the streets????
on a little lighter note, he was an organ doner. and they did take some of his organs. infact, friday night they had 5 succesful transplants at the university of washington medical center. so he was able to save 5 lifes atleast. I'm glad that something positive can come out of something so horrible.

but my question for you guys is this. my mom diden't have medical insurance on him. Victims of Violent crimes is paying for the hostpitol bills, but there is still a deductable of 10% and all the other expences. what I'm trying to do is start some fund raisers in my area to help with his expences. I'm just looking for ideas on how to go about this or where to even start. I've never had to do something like this before and I'm kinda in the dark. so if ANY of you have any ideas on what or how to do this, it would be a HUGE help to myself and my family and like I said before, in no way am I asking for ANYTHING other than advice. thanks alot for reading this guys. and thank you ahead of time for any input any of you may have. thanks alot and god bless you all!!!!
good luck and be safe...


P.S huge your families and tell them you love them. cuz you NEVER know.......
Sorry about you brother, I know what I would do...hunt down those punkass mother fuckers and blow ther asses away, but in the real world we cant do that. try a local church or something like that. As far as these gangs, I say we bring in the US Army weed these pussy ass gangs fuck out of this country. sorry about your brother though. good luck
Sorry about your loss bro. Gangbangers - need guns and cars (as weapons) beause they're nothing but a bunch of puny, weanie-asses that can't accomplish anything on their own.

Thats a horrible and tragic story. Im sorry for your loss bro.
I hope this doesnt sound out of place, as Im sure you have learned, but for anyone else too-next time just turn away!
You never know what can happen. Obviously the worst case scenerio CAN happen. Prayers are with you. :(
Sorry for the loss

I'd say contact a church your family may go to and they can help set up something.

MikeS is right, you should have just kept driving. Had a good friend in KC that was going down I-435 when these 3 guys came along side staring him down. He stared back and they started saying shit. Of course he couldn't tell what they were saying so he motioned them over. They pulled over. He got out. All 295 of him. I'm not talking fat either. In fact BigKiwi reminds me of him. Anyway, they wanted no part of him so they took off only to fire a few rounds back at him. Luckily missing him completely, but to this day he just smiles and keeps going becuase he doesn't hve to prove anything. He isn't the running scared gun toaten pussy. Keep going guys. It's not worth it.
I'm sorry for your lost bro

I have a little brother myself, he's 22, and even tho we fought like wild animals with each other growing up (and to this day we have our lil disagreements), I love him to death.

Like the others have said, I would start at the local church, while I don't practice anytype of religion, I have helped a few people get the money they needed to have their loved ones buried.

In fact, recently (maybe a yr ago, I lose track of time sometimes) in my way a female bar tender was shot in the chest and robbed, and her family couldn't afford to have her buried, so they went to the local news channel and one of the news reporters helped them raise some money, I guess now and then reporters are good for something.


Sorry for your loss. Have you tried contacting a local radio station. Tie the fund raiser into a organ doner awareness event?
That sucks, I'm really sorry. But JAG has a good idea. Use it to the fullest. Also the church's will help and there are alot of antigang causes out there that may help. Hell you can even go to grocery stores and gas stations and setup donation drops. But a radio station will probably do most of this for you as an anti gang and doner awareness act. Good Luck, Keep Us posted.
As someone once...

...in revenge business I will say one thing bout it. Although it works and makes you feel better that person will always have family that are now in same position as you. But, he was in a gang so fuck him. As someone that in past year alone has lost a lot of family members I will say remember him way he was and don't dwell on it too much. As for the money thing buddy I am sure guys will help you out. Why don't you do this?? Open an evocash acct and have guys just annonymously send money. I am sure that will help.

Good luck,
BTY, I don't know how anybody can really say they know how you feel. That has to be just about the worse thing that can happen to a person. Like MikeS says you and your family are in my prayers.
On the legal and $ front, as a lawyer I might suggest that you maybe talk with a lawyer locally. I don't know if you or you mom guarenteed your brothers medical bills. If not, neither of you are responsible, at least in any state I know of, since he was a legal adult. If the Vctims of Violent Crimes is paying 90% of the bills, I can also tell you as a lawyer who has spent a lot of time over the years negotiating medical/hospital bills if they can get 90% paid they should be damn happy and leave the family alone for the rest. The hospitals and the entire medical business have a lot of cushion in their bills. Most of them even have "special" deals with most med insurance programs. Sometimes the insurance programs literally only pay about 50% for some things that the hospitals charge a guy off the street the full price for. So knocking off 10% is nothing for them. Even if you or someone in your family is legally responsible for his bills, they should be willing to forget the 10%, especially with a little legal help, which I would think in those circumstances you should be able to get for no charge also. I know you are in a state of terrible grief - anybody would be - but I thought some practical suggestions like this might help with some of the $ stuff anyway. God bless.
im verry sorry to hear that bro there just isnt any words to offer for something like that just dont beat yourself up thinking about what you could have done differnt we can always make better choices after the fact things just dont come to mind in the heat of the moment on the other i dont have anything to add that hasnt been said take care bro again verry verry sorry
thank you guys sooo very much for your suport and prayers. It truely means the world to myself and my family. this morning I opened a memorial fund in my brothers name. I contacted the local radio stations and local news channels to get on board. the community seems to really be behind this situation. we have a real gang problem starting here and it looks like everyone is real sick of the shit. I hope we can get things covered. and what ever amount of money is left over from the account after his expences (if there is any) I would like to start some type of scholarship in his name. Some good bro's of mine got ahold of some local hardcore bands and explained the situation to them. It sounds like there totaly cool with throwing a fund raiser to help and donating the proceeds. and I really like the idea of using the Organ doner awarness approach and gang prevention ideas. I'll poke around tomorrow and see what we can come up with. but I just can't thank you guys enough. it truely means alot to me to know that there are good bro's out there like all of you!~
good luck and be safe...

your friend

please keep us posted on the progress you make in this ordeal.
Your friends are right here, supporting and praying for you-we want to know how things turn out for you.
sorry for your loss bigger

I cant even imagine how you and your family feel but you all will be in my prayers as well. I was going to suggest a music benefit but your already on it. Sounds like you have a great start and I hope your community pulls together for this. Best wished and good luck.
My Condolences

I lost my brother a little less than a year ago. No matter how it happens the pain is unimaginable. Losing your's to such a senseless act of violence must really be hard to understand and accept. Honestly bro, almost a year has passed for me and it still seems like a horrible dream. To wake up everyday and realize that dream is in fact reality is something I would wish on no one. My heart goes out to you and your family. Best of luck in your efforts!
Sorry for your loss bro, that is a shitty story man. I just want to add this experence of my own, Being 280 if someone pulls me over I won't get out of the car till they do (got dark windows too) and I can asses if they are alone, if they have a gun ect. The one time I got out first.. the guy saw me and knew he was gonna get an ass kickin there comes the gun, scary moment in time, one that I won't forget soon. These fucking pussies have to either shoot ya or run you down rahter than back up their actions and mouths with their fists. Makes me sick. Hope this helps someone in the future and prevents something bad from happening, again, sorry for your bro.
man in a way a wish i would of never read that story, but in in another sense i think we all learned a valuable lesson, i know i can atleast speak for myself and say next time im in a similar situation i will just walk on.

i am really sorry to hear about your loss, i hope you and your family can stay strong.

Take care buddy,

bro, im so very sorry for your family's loss, its ridiclous that this guy was allowed to be on the streets...

i had a friend who blew his brians out (after stopping prozac cold turkey) anyways the next week my friends GF's little bro got his eye transplant that he needed, and it just so happens that it was my dead friends eye....when someone dies its good to know that some one benifited from his passing...it probably helps to know that your brother helped others....

again very sorry and good luck...
Re: I'm sorry for your lost bro

JustWannaBeHuge said:
needed to have their loved ones buried.

In fact, recently (maybe a yr ago, I lose track of time sometimes) in my way a female bar tender was shot in the chest and robbed, and her family couldn't afford to have her buried, so they went to the local news channel and one of the news reporters helped them raise some money, I guess now and then reporters are good for something.

Talking to TV and radio stations would work very well.

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