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Natural Pride.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
Now, dont get me wrong... I fully support the use of AAS and am debating starting my own cycle.

But do any of you ever get a sense of self pride when you sit down on a bench next to two water weighted tards..twice the size of you...(I weigh 190 at 6'1) one is doing bent over rows spotting the other one benching 275. While I casually make my way up through my warm up sets. I put 275 up on the bench..
I sit there...
Hands shaking....
head down...
the music is pounding..
the room fades...
It's just me and the iron.
That beat hits on your favorite song... my adrenaline goes off the chain.. im in the zone...
My hands are steady now..
i take one last deep breath and lie down...
i rep the shit out of it... theres not even weight there.. it doesnt even exist..
You feel no pain...
The burn is just my nerves letting me know im actually moving.
i finish up my set...sit up... and look over.
A quiet nod is exchanged...

This type of feeling makes me want to stay natural forever.
My only supps are creatine and whey protien.

Just something i wanted to share

whatever works for you bro, i just enjoy lifting weights . it's a fun hobby i do for myself and it doesen't really matter to me who else is there or what they're doing.
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I wouldn't know because I haven't been natural for so long I can't remember what it was like. :) But let me add this, I may not be natural but I'm very proud of what I have accomplished. The gear helps but trust me, people who juice usually work just as hard if not harder than natties, and I'm talking about all aspects of bodybuilding, training, diet, etc.
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Well said...this seems like a thread from one of those million posters that We have for a week or 2
I worked out natural from the age of 15 to the age of 27... Busted my ass, never skipped a workout. I wrestled in High School... Played Rugby in College, and kept at it after... I have to say after 12 years of natural training I didn't have much to be proud of. I was lean, and hard... Pretty strong, and I looked tough, but no way did my body turn heads.

Went to the doc got my Testosterone levels checked, had 161 ng/dl so I got on TRT. My life got SO much better.
I also didnt even think of touching gear till i was 27. Always just lifted weights and enjoyed it. I will be 29 soon and have dabled over the past year and a half the difference is phenomenal. everybody that sees me now ask's me what im on, lol!! I tell em just hard work and protein :D

I was already 200 before i started any gear now im 220 and i love it!!!
Now, dont get me wrong... I fully support the use of AAS and am debating starting my own cycle.

But do any of you ever get a sense of self pride when you sit down on a bench next to two water weighted tards..twice the size of you...(I weigh 190 at 6'1) one is doing bent over rows spotting the other one benching 275. While I casually make my way up through my warm up sets. I put 275 up on the bench..
I sit there...
Hands shaking....
head down...
the music is pounding..
the room fades...
It's just me and the iron.
That beat hits on your favorite song... my adrenaline goes off the chain.. im in the zone...
My hands are steady now..
i take one last deep breath and lie down...
i rep the shit out of it... theres not even weight there.. it doesnt even exist..
You feel no pain...
The burn is just my nerves letting me know im actually moving.
i finish up my set...sit up... and look over.
A quiet nod is exchanged...

This type of feeling makes me want to stay natural forever.
My only supps are creatine and whey protien.

Just something i wanted to share

Wtf is this post about?
Great 4th post on an open ANABOLIC forum... not natural bodybuilding.
Hey to each his own bro... but im not natural. I havent been since 1993. I am proud that im not. 275lb bench rep with your music jamming? Well, i was warming up with 275lb on straight bar curls in 2000 - and "repping" 405 for 12 on bench. So yes, im proud im not natural. The only quiet nod i ever got from someone natural was after i sold them there first bottle of dbol and they gained 20lbs in a month.
If natural is your thing... then fine but not all who choose to not be natural are weak "water weighted tards" .... some are fucking huge unnatural beasts.
I know, i see one in the mirror every morning.
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who was the quite nod exchanged with the two bloated tards?
Lol...dont get your rage all soaked into your jock straps... I wasnt making this post to brag about my Decent lifting max or to compare it to someone using AAS. It is just good to know that once i start using AAS i feel I will surpass these guys who just came into the gym on cycles before they even knew what they where doing. Im pretty sure those two boners at my gym started using AAS before they even hit a wall.
Wtf is this post about?
Great 4th post on an open ANABOLIC forum... not natural bodybuilding.
Hey to each his own bro... but im not natural. I havent been since 1993. I am proud that im not. 275lb bench rep with your music jamming? Well, i was warming up with 275lb on straight bar curls in 2000 - and "repping" 405 for 12 on bench. So yes, im proud im not natural. The only quiet nod i ever got from someone natural was after i sold them there first bottle of dbol and they gained 20lbs in a month.
If natural is your thing... then fine but not all who choose to not be natural are weak "water weighted tards" .... some are fucking huge unnatural beasts.
I know, i see one in the mirror every morning.

LMAO, how true!
Lol...dont get your rage all soaked into your jock straps... I wasnt making this post to brag about my Decent lifting max or to compare it to someone using AAS. It is just good to know that once i start using AAS i feel I will surpass these guys who just came into the gym on cycles before they even knew what they where doing. Im pretty sure those two boners at my gym started using AAS before they even hit a wall.

Bragging are u kidding u dont even bench 100lbs. over ur body weight any serious natural guy should atleast be able to do that. plus i know plenty of natural power lifters that bench in the 500's that wieght under 250.
Bragging are u kidding u dont even bench 100lbs. over ur body weight any serious natural guy should atleast be able to do that. plus i know plenty of natural power lifters that bench in the 500's that wieght under 250.

? What are you getting at here are you insulting me? for what? lol??
If I was bragging I would say something about a mile I can run under 5:10.
I am new to bodybuilding...Im just saying...I see alot of my peers start cycles before they even got close to thier natural potential..isnt it a good idea to at least get somewhere in the ballpark of your natural max?
I just thought it was interesting that you needed the approval nod from the two tards. You must really care about what they think.
Staying natural is like when people go to a party and claim they dont need to drink to have fun.. well, yea, sure, you could prob have some fun, but you damn well know if you drank you would have a way better time. the same goes for juicing.
Staying natural is like when people go to a party and claim they dont need to drink to have fun.. well, yea, sure, you could prob have some fun, but you damn well know if you drank you would have a way better time. the same goes for juicing.

Both of those examples are fucking stupid.
Staying natural is like when people go to a party and claim they dont need to drink to have fun.. well, yea, sure, you could prob have some fun, but you damn well know if you drank you would have a way better time. the same goes for juicing.

So much negativity in this geez lol!
First off..I support AAS.
Second..I am an ex marathon runner interested in bodybuilding. So of course I cant lift a whole lot I am all endurance.
But third! what I was trying to say here was...I dont have to type it again do I lol!?

And I am usually the DD when I go out with friends.. I take them home passed out/puking and then I take my date home for some endurance training ;)

I am very much interest in trying my first cycle... I am trying to decide on one now...

Lex...It was just a nod. I saw them and they saw me. I am just proud that I am where I am at the moment without AAS and dont try to tell me you dont care what other people think, bodybuilder.
Uberpump, good for you.
Its awesome that you are proud of your progress and cool that you are willing to share it on this board.
Keep up the good work, and don't mind the haters.

I think sometimes people need to be reminded that we are all brothers here.
Uberpump, good for you.
Its awesome that you are proud of your progress and cool that you are willing to share it on this board.
Keep up the good work, and don't mind the haters.

I think sometimes people need to be reminded that we are all brothers here.

Dude, we are not all brother here. This place is like any other place. We have friends and we have people we just dont like. Be honest... just because we all lift and most of us juice doesnt mean we are "brothers".
Back in the day when we had our circle of trusted bros we then where "brothers".
Do you walk into your gym and automatically assume everyone is your "brother"? No.. i bet not.
There are guys here i respect and there are guys i would knock the fuck out if i ever seen them face to face. Some are cops, some are just plain arrogant assholes... and yet some are really knowledgeable nice people.
I amnot downing this dude for being proud of him self. I am all for it. The original post made it sound like he was calling everyone that juices "water bloated retards" ... and that i am not.
I am just as proud of the accomplishment if have obtained and i pumped shit loads of anabolics to do so. Yet i never got a single nod from a natural flat tard in my gym.
So... here ya go... natural dude, i am proud of you. You pushed it to your natural limits. You got a nod from some anabolic tards... Who do you know you are at your natural limits? You say you might do a cycle now that you have accomplished that goal. Whos so say you cant add another 20lbs on your bench over the next 2 years? See what im saying? You either choose to juice or you choose not to. Reaching your natural abilities is not an excuse.
Point is... you want to go stronger and do it faster... then juice. If you want to slag ass around for 2 more years... then stay natural.
Either way... dont name call people you do not even know (water bloated tards) just because they took a different approach then you.
I'm sure that everyone on this board has a different background. Mine is different than most on here, that's for sure. I used to not care about bodybuilding... I never read muscle mags, got into the latest max muscle supplements, did online stuff on a muscle board like I do now, or anything like that. I came from a somewhat recreational cycling and weight lifting background, and grew to appreciate working out in the gym and developing my body. After 9 years of training or so, and having an endurance background (like you), I decided to push through my plateaus and do it legally through HRT/TRT. I think that people's background's contribute to their opinions... and accordingly, I don't look down on anyone who uses performance enhancing drugs. Now that I've started down that road, I am slowly gaining a perspective on AAS. I think that it takes years of experience with a thing to have a real opinion about it. That's why I'm sharing this... it's because I don't think that you can really explain anything except how you feel about taking your first shot. What other people do is as complicated and hard to understand as anything, and you can't judge someone for it. I'll let you know how I feel in a few years after learning for myself. In the end, I just want to look and feel better, and how I pursue that isn't up for discussion among anyone.
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