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Natural supplement giving me results the same as gear !!

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Jul 13, 2002
Hi guys I have been using natural igf-1 from deer antler as a natural alternative to steroids, igf-1 and hgh. As most you guys know i have had health / heart issues that have been extremely bad. I have been looking for safe alternatives which still give great results. So u guys know I no longer take hgh , igf-1 or anything like that at all. I have replaced them with the natural deer velt and have been getting leaner more vascular and putting on hard muscle than I ever got with the synthteic version here are a couple of pics of me me from the last few weeks.

I feel healthy and I am getting leaner and more muscle without killing myself here link to our site Velvita: Deer Velvet Antler Dietary Supplement


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You are in incredible shape. So you believe this stuff is for real? Been hearing buzz about it.
you look fantastic!! where do you get this and how much do you use?
Crap! I've been making fun of this stuff for years now you come in and give it some credibility. Sonofa... J/K man. You look fantastic. While I'm still super-skeptical, your endorsement is enough for me to, at least, research it.
All i can say is i cant afford health wise to use hgh or igf-1 because of the sides i was nearly dead a few months back. I have brought the natural igf-1 into my regime slowly and started getting great results so I increased dosage and got even better results :) It def works you do need to use high dosages at the right times throughout the day, use the sublingual version and let it swirl around ya mouth for at least 5minutes. use an insulin mimicker or insulin 30minutes before use and test enhancer or test :)
Dam there some idiots on that bodybuilding.com forum. I saw that they had a couple of threads about deer velvet so I decided to add to them my expertise in the matter, I usually don't post at all there. You try and help some people but ........ hahahahah well anyway the children over there will learn one day 10 years down the track when we are all bigger leaner and uglier :) I mean better looking :)

Deer Velvet IGF-1 - Page 2 - Bodybuilding.com Forums
I feel healthy and I am getting leaner and more muscle without killing myself here link to our site Velvita: Deer Velvet Antler Dietary Supplement

When you say "link to OUR site", do you have a financial interest in the company and/or this product. No disrespect is intended as I'm a fan of yours, but until now I have never heard anyone speak to the validity of this product...In fact, just the opposite.
They had an article on yahoo news about this today, if anyone is interested.
If it pans out to be legit you can bet your ass big Pharmaceutical companies will be all over it, FDA will step in and make it a script. He looks great in the recent photos- despite widely known unfortunate health issues. his productmust be further investigated- atleast by me. Just read entire other thread and I can relate- literally. Hope you are Doing well man. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
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I think natural products are bunk and a waste of money.
I think natural products are bunk and a waste of money.

Pretty general statement. Some products start as "natural supplements" and then made prescription and taken off market. Some of the biggest drug companies are actually making a prescription form of fish oil for example as of recent. And GHB which is now sold as Xyrem.
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I get free product :) not going to say i don't get anything as I don't bullshit. I was skeptical about the product until l i was given product to try and got dam good results
The term "natural products" can have an array of definitions. Does creatine fall under that category? Protein powders? Who knows about this deer velvet stuff. Guess time will tell. Many pharmaceutical compounds are derrived from natural components one way or another. Does KIWI have a vested interest in this company? No way he looks like that off this. Thats an awesome physique with many years of gear etc. But- if he is truly able to maintain what he has with this stuff than thats a whole different story. Should be easy to test if it mimicks HGH. Take some and test your IGF-1 right? easy enough. It does sound like snake oil...but ya never know.
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In my humble opininon, It is worth a try, I'm gonna give it a go,I love to try natural supplements and mimickers, I have found a few prducts over the years that work well, very few but there is some. What's the worst that can happen you lose a few bucks, but you might just find something that works real good for you. Big K , I am so happy for you brother , that you are doing better, I know it was a rough go for a while, and you looking incredible, you are in my prayers, keep on taking care of yourself.God bless you brother. Minister.
If people use at doses and the way I say to use they will get good muscle gain, hardness and vascularity :)

It amazes me how people can pan something without actually using it ???

people mock natural products but must pharmaceuticals are someway related to natural products :)
Minister I agree. It seems inexpenive enough but with my daily HGH use it will be difficult to differentiate any positives so I look forward to hearing from you regarding giving it a try and hearing your feedback as I believe you to be objective and as honest as they come.

In my humble opininon, It is worth a try, I'm gonna give it a go,I love to try natural supplements and mimickers, I have found a few prducts over the years that work well, very few but there is some. What's the worst that can happen you lose a few bucks, but you might just find something that works real good for you. Big K , I am so happy for you brother , that you are doing better, I know it was a rough go for a while, and you looking incredible, you are in my prayers, keep on taking care of yourself.God bless you brother. Minister.
In my humble opininon, It is worth a try, I'm gonna give it a go,I love to try natural supplements and mimickers, I have found a few prducts over the years that work well, very few but there is some. What's the worst that can happen you lose a few bucks, but you might just find something that works real good for you. Big K , I am so happy for you brother , that you are doing better, I know it was a rough go for a while, and you looking incredible, you are in my prayers, keep on taking care of yourself.God bless you brother. Minister.

Thanks minister I thought I could feel a couple prayers coming my way much appreciated. Feeling the healthiest i have in years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and feeling a hell of a lot of young girls 18-23 at the moment to so it has to be good for ya :)
When you say "link to OUR site", do you have a financial interest in the company and/or this product. No disrespect is intended as I'm a fan of yours, but until now I have never heard anyone speak to the validity of this product...In fact, just the opposite.

my first thought as well. if jesus himself was paid to endorse a product i would be skeptical.
If people use at doses and the way I say to use they will get good muscle gain, hardness and vascularity :)

It amazes me how people can pan something without actually using it ???

people mock natural products but must pharmaceuticals are someway related to natural products :)

Panning a product without using it is simply not fair. Sounds as if you are living a healthier lifestyle as you mentioned which is something I personally need to work on- as well. I am always open to hearing about a new promising product especially if a straight shooter and accomplished BB'er such as yourself seems to be excited about. Unfortunately many products come and go. To name a few (only the old timers will recognize) would be dibencozide, HMB, Gamma Orazynol, Hot Stuff, testropinol. So we as a whole see these compounds come and go and as you know they make a quick buck and then vanish.We here have all probably been taken at some point- even by Muscle-tech if that. But...from what you are saying and how you seem to be turning your life for the better (healthier) and how ya look as of recent, and if you are truly not a paid endorser (gettin free product does not fall into that category) then this compound is woth investigating.
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