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Need suggestions


World Record Holder/Featured Member/KiloKlub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 8, 2003
I am finally ready to open my gym but im still having creativity problems with the name. i have a few ideas, ill put out there, u can comment on those, take ur own spin or give me a new idea. Let me tell u what kind of gym it will be. First of all, i am doing this because i am tired of the coperate and fluff that goes on in comercial gyms. They cater to old people and women... which is understandable, cause they have all the money and buy PT which is big $$. But, people like us have nowhere to go. I am sick of the metrosexuals, the old people sitting on the equipment for 20 minutes talking about their golf game. My gym will be just that... a gym. A place to TRAIN. To get serious, get loud, and train. Bring ur own cds, and crank it up. I will have all the essential training equipment plus competetion powerlifting equipment, OLY lifting bars and plates, as well as Strongman implements like tires, atlas stones, logs... It will be THE place to go if ur goal is to get bigger and stronger. Its all about an atmosphere. a place where u walk in after a long day at work and dont feel like doing shit... but as soon as u step inside u can feel the energy! You hear weights slamming, yelling, and loud music. All ur buddies pushing to do that last rep or goading u to try 10 more pounds! Our personal trainers have real experience, not just some 2 week course and have never done the things they are having u do. Our memebers will include me (a world record holder and top ranked power lifter of all time), James Sansom who won Jr. Worlds for OLY lifting, been to the Olympic trails, trained at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado, Trey Smith the Teen National Heavyweight winner and multiple local shows, several competitive bodybuilders, my powerlifting team, several 500 pound bench pressers, and professional strength athletes from the southeast coming to train with me all the time. I want to work with athletes, from HS and college for PT. The membership will be selective and u have to earn and keep ur place among the ranks. There will be record boards to track progress, and if someone is slacking it is our responsibilty to call them on it. If the athletes dont want to work, ill warn them i dont have time for them to half ass in my gym and ill send them on their way. I know it sounds harsh, but i only want the serious lifters and athletes at my gym. if u want to train with and be the best, u have to work. if u dont want to work, i have no problem sending them to a fluffy gym. so anyways, im excited....

here are some possible names, feel free to add.

Athletic Edge
Competitive Edge
Iron Evolution
Iron Zone
The Lifters Club
Chattanooga Lifters Club
Chattanooga Iron Sports
Iron Will
Chattanooga Strength Sports
Iron Quest
Chattanooga Power Sports
Iron Asylum
Iron Athletics
Sons of Samson
Something with MILO in it?
Iron Playground

and from the last time i asked... Johnsons Gym- home of the largest members!

oh and once i open, if anyone is nearby, make the drive and come train with us.
Your gym sounds exciting and quite inspirational! I feel like training after reading your post!

Here's two that play on your name:

The Byrd's Nest
The Iron Byrd

May be corny, but your lifts speak for themselves. If you are not counting on people rummaging through the phone book looking for a place to train, it doesn't need the connotation of lifting.

ps - best of lifting to you in your prusuit of your goals. I have been following your training log and it is tremendous! You are to be congratulated on some very hard work, very well done!
I absolutely LOVE The Byrd's Nest, what great name! Could make some cool t-shirts from that.

Wow Mung, shredded, huge, smart, successful, must be nice for you Iowa guys to be so gifted. Excuse me while I wallow in a bowl of olive oil and pasta. :D
Damn that gym sounds awesome...ideal for the environment I would want to train in. HELL YES! So this is in Chat., TN?? I may have to drive up there some time and train, sounds great.

I happen to like "the byrd's nest" as well.

Just curious, if you don't mind me asking, how much will a membership cost at your gym?
Sounds like a freakin' awesome gym, Big Byrd. I'd love to be able to go to a place like that. I don't have any name ideas, but with an atmosphere like that you could probably call it the pink tutu gym and still get all the hardcore guys in there.
How about "PROFESSIONAL MUSCLE" Im dead serious ,the name is perfect.What you think?:confused:
Ang said:
How about "PROFESSIONAL MUSCLE" Im dead serious ,the name is perfect.What you think?:confused:

I think that is a great idea. I think it plainly states the goals, atmosphere, and work ethic you have in mind for your gym.

If it is in Chattanooga TN, send me some directions, I'd love to drive over and train with you guys.
an idea

you could have a few tv's bolted to the wall playing strength/lifting dvd's...i would personally LOVE that...to see some of the most inspirational people (lifting wise) doing thier thing right before a set...or maybe watching some guy you would be competing against in the future...watching him compete and being able to visually see him seconds before you train...OH MAN!!! i would be fired up like crazy.
I'm with terry, give directions, I'd love to come train at a gym like that.
You know The Rush from Knoxville is opening clubs in Chattanooga already. The Powerhouse Gyms that a "certain" person owed/ran is going down. The Rush will be the final blow. I know they have already checked out the Sports Barn and just like they did in Knoxville they'll slowly put away any other small gym. All the old hard core lifter gyms couldn't last. The Lifter's Club, the Gold's, Powerhouse all fell in The Rush's wake. Are you aware of this and if so do you care? I am for you! The Rush is a machine and they generate sells. It's sick! Just prepare yourself carefully and trust that you can market your product to a different crowd. The Rush will find all the normal and fitness people(where the $ is) and pull them in. It's a hard business to make money in, at best you can break even and be your own boss(doing what you love) which matters most in my opinion. They plan on having five clubs in Chattanooga within five years. Cleveland, Dalton, Fort O are all other locations that have been mentioned. These are 3 million dollar complexes. They will have over 10 lines of equipment and all the weights for powerlifters and what not. There will be a NPC bodybuilding show in Chattanooga in June that many people don't know about and don't be surprised in they get their name on that giving the image of hardcore along side fitness. You were at the prejudging at the NPC GreaterKnoxClassic so you should know. All the hard core guys in Knoxville train at The Rush "West" because they carry the most dumbbells up to 150lbs, powerracks, and the most leg equipment. Anyone who thinks they are bodybuilder trains there. Good luck man! I am in your corner! I would love to have my own gym too. Just be ready for them. I hope you can do it. I feel you, but I don't know if it can ever go back to those gyms of old. Most people by into corporate crap. Now a days old, young, metro, and hardcore tend to have to train together.:( I have ran a Gold's gym in ATL to being an assistant manager at a big LA Fitness in ATL. The Gold's was so hard core, it rocked! But, sadly it had to go the fitness route if money was to be made. Prove it can be done buddy!
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I personally like Athletic Edge, The Lifters Club, Chattanooga Strength Sports is probably my favorite though. Sounds real professional, yet really hardcore in a way!
Pumpputnam have you ever tried any of the little gyms over in that little town that starts with an "M" about 15 minutes south of the West Knox gyms? They are usually quiet, not many people, enough equipment to do whatever you want, and the very minimum of dumbasses to get in your way. I've tried the Rush once, and I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than do it again.

Big Byrd I wish you were a little closer to me, that sounds like the kind of gym I need and no longer exists around these parts. Good luck with whatever you choose!
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Hey Peter, yea i know the Rush is invading. I dont really care though. They have everything u could possibly want almost... they dont have attitude or atmosphere. They scared me off last year when i started this, but i have found a place i know i can make it work. Chattanooga is a small city where everyone knows everyone. Get all those guys together and it will be a great training facility! I know all the managers of the chain gyms and they all know what im doing. i told them im gonna come to their gym and drag the hardcore lifters out of there. They are glad, and said they will even send them my way. We actually lift weights, and thus break down equipment. We dont get personal trainers or buy froo-froo drinks, there is little money to be made off us. If i can draw just 5-10 lifters from each gym then i have already paid my overhead! i have 30 committed already already so im already breaking even, if each one of them can bring just 1 person, we are set. i know its a tuff businees, but damnit, i dont want to do anything else! the oppertunity is there for me right now, and im gonna jump on it!

I want to work with Athletes not the froo-froos. I will build a name for the gym with guys that train, compete, and win from the gym. The experience and knowledge will be unmatched anywhere in this area alone, for miles around probably. People will know that if u are serious about ur training or sport, u better come train with us. Cause u better believe their competition is! i already have guys from everywhere wanting to come train with us, steve goggins and NGBB, Travis Mash and Joey Smith along with ECBB crew of NC, The Cell Block in Manchester, Chain Gang in Nashville, Josh Bryant, Guys from all over AL. I have alot of guys that are gonna drive 2-3 once a week to train with us, either Squat or bench.

The Strongman toys alone will be a big draw too. I will be hosting stronjgman events over the next year, along with a 'strongest or best HS athlete' competition.

As for the name, my team likes Iron Evolution. I like Athletic edge, competitve edge, Chattanooga Strength Sports, and Underground Athletics. i think i like the last 2 the best.

I like Iron Asylum, but there is already a gym in PA i believe with that name, part of the metal Militia Crew.

Peter, i appreciate ur insight. U and Streater are welcome to come check it out too. i'ld like to see him and trey showdown in the off-season! trey is about 285 now, down from 296!
Ill get address and direction up for u guys when we get open towards the end of Feb.
We already have a sports barn here.

I like iron dungeon. How about "The Iron Playground"?
Recently went out of town to a small town in Nebraska and trained at a cool dungeon gym called the Barbarian. Thought that was a cool name for a dungeon gym.
The Iron Playground,place where u go and play with iron....sounds good.:D

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