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New great interview: Jason Huh with Dave Palumbo sit down

Pros use high doses out of fear, fear of missing out.

It’s not a necessity.

They’re also lazy, often unwilling to train as hard... or they don’t follow a strict plan of progressive overload... or they use out dated methods.

Most guys who’ve gained the size would have any way, if the right strategy was executed.

Ever run a few borderline red lights, drive 15mph over, then wind up where you were 1 or 2 minutes faster than you would have been there anyway?

Same thing.

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Ever run a few borderline red lights, drive 15mph over, then wind up where you were 1 or 2 minutes faster than you would have been there anyway?

Same thing.

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that's a very good analogy
ive thought about having friends inject me, and choose what to inject me with

that way, I'm the only one who doesn't know what I'm taking :cool:
Also to note-

A hyper responder doesn’t need 1500 total mg’s to grow. That’s not a normal dose either. Maybe a guy who shoots up to 290 on 2 amps of sustenon a week is a hyper responder... but not 1500mg.

The amount of food I had to eat, and heavy weight I had to use for 10 straight years... that’s not hyper responding. LOL!

Even so, this genetic fuck up makes it more difficult to metabolize gear in the first place! IMG_6894.jpg
Even so, this genetic fuck up makes it more difficult to metabolize gear in the first place!

I think I know a guy who has this..

he's on almost 4g of gear (including 1.2g of tren) and a kit of growth per week, and looks like absolute dog shit.

doesn't even look like he lifts LMAO

looks physically ill - probably from all the drugs

also, he doesn't train hard (absolutely no overloading progression), and doesn't follow any diet.

he is literally that guy
Also to note-

A hyper responder doesn’t need 1500 total mg’s to grow. That’s not a normal dose either. Maybe a guy who shoots up to 290 on 2 amps of sustenon a week is a hyper responder... but not 1500mg.

The amount of food I had to eat, and heavy weight I had to use for 10 straight years... that’s not hyper responding. LOL!

Even so, this genetic fuck up makes it more difficult to metabolize gear in the first place! View attachment 97048

I’ve got this gene also.

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The longer I do this the more I see that Dave is right on with what he's saying. Sometimes people find out the hard way and thats how they (myself included) learn and move forward. I'm a big believer in progressive overload (don't see how one can't be) especially if genetically you are not gifted in terms of putting on muscle, which I am not compared to some. It is ALWAYS food that gets me stronger...always. It doesn't matter how little I'm taking or how much I'm taking if the food is not in place nothing is happening. By that I mean if I'm not eating enough calories to grow..if I'm dieting and everything is 100% but cals are relatively low I can take all the tren and test I want my lifts are not going up. That alone leads me to believe food is the real difference maker and always will be. Now I think a certain amount of gear needs to be there, and other things like insulin, gh, etc will certainly help but they won't do anything if you aren't eating and training hard and progressing over time. Now what amount of gear that is depends on the person, but I think its generally going to be less than what we think it is. For me its still tough to not use "more than I need to" just because that mentality is still there that "more is better." Like I said live and learn and try to find that sweet spot as far as gear..I'm certainly still trying.
I think I know a guy who has this..

he's on almost 4g of gear (including 1.2g of tren) and a kit of growth per week, and looks like absolute dog shit.

doesn't even look like he lifts LMAO

looks physically ill - probably from all the drugs

also, he doesn't train hard (absolutely no overloading progression), and doesn't follow any diet.

he is literally that guy

I’ve got this gene also.

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I might be mistaken but I think this means that you end up with higher levels from lower dosages as the drug isn't metabolized as efficiently? So you get more out of less. Kind of like taking dbols with grapefruit. Of course this doesn't necessarily mean you are otherwise highly sensitive to said hormones.

At the same time, maximally effective dosages are still going to fall within a certain range, it will not vary by many hundreds of percent between individuals.
Last edited:
Also to note-

A hyper responder doesn’t need 1500 total mg’s to grow. That’s not a normal dose either. Maybe a guy who shoots up to 290 on 2 amps of sustenon a week is a hyper responder... but not 1500mg.

The amount of food I had to eat, and heavy weight I had to use for 10 straight years... that’s not hyper responding. LOL!

Even so, this genetic fuck up makes it more difficult to metabolize gear in the first place! View attachment 97048

Where did you find this genetic test? I did 23andme and all the other stuff like foundyourfitness. Where do I sync it to for this?
Where did you find this genetic test? I did 23andme and all the other stuff like foundyourfitness. Where do I sync it to for this?


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Also to note-

A hyper responder doesn’t need 1500 total mg’s to grow. That’s not a normal dose either. Maybe a guy who shoots up to 290 on 2 amps of sustenon a week is a hyper responder... but not 1500mg.

The amount of food I had to eat, and heavy weight I had to use for 10 straight years... that’s not hyper responding. LOL!

Even so, this genetic fuck up makes it more difficult to metabolize gear in the first place! View attachment 97048

Just ran my Prometheus report and have this exact same gene result
I might be mistaken but I think this means that you end up with higher levels from lower dosages as the drug isn't metabolized as efficiently? So you get more out of less. Kind of like taking dbols with grapefruit. Of course this doesn't necessarily mean you are otherwise highly sensitive to said hormones.

At the same time, maximally effective dosages are still going to fall within a certain range, it will not vary by many hundreds of percent between individuals.

It means I can’t break down and utilize such medications as well as others. It’s less useful, not more useful.

If it’s common in Caucasian men, but rare in African men, that would mean white dudes by and large need way less gear, which we know is false.
I think many who have run those crazy cycles will tell you, that it didn't result in anything more than side effects.

If 750 mgs of testosterone elicited good results, 2 grams maybe gave them a few more lbs, but a plethora of MORE side effects.

It just takes time to synthesize muscle tissue, and genetics overall when it comes to how much you will put on.

Justin Harris made a fantastic point on a podcast once when he said that guys go through stages in this game.

First it's: Man I'll take this steroid and It's going to make me look like X pro.

Then it's: Ok, it's the GH that's the game changer, that'll transform me.

Then it's: Insulin!! That's the secret!!

When they've finally done everything, they'll come back to the basics, focus on diet, and training, and realize what they themselves are capable of building. And if the DNA allows, they'll get to a pretty respectable size over many many years.

Then one day that same person will come across a young kid who is looking for the "BEST STEROID" to look like him, and the cycle will repeat :)

So true and a great post.
No. You don’t understand how this works.

You think a certain cycle or test dose is responsible because you might not be able to relate to people who
1- Have better genetics.
2- Are able to consistently eat more food for years on end.
3- Are able to make small progressive gains in strength over the course of years.
4- All of the above.

I did not gain more by using more.
I did not weigh my heaviest, grow the fastest, or get the strongest on more gear.
I got sick.

It’s accumulation over time + genetics.

My average growing cycles were probably totaling 1500mg’ish. Cycles would always start lower (around 1000mg), increasing in time, then peaking near 1500-1800mg. That’s TOTAL.

Starting dose for test is always around 400-500mg’ish.
Sweet spot for test is 700-800’ish.

I’ve tried over 1000mg, but didn’t put in more muscle. 1500mg made me physically ill, regardless of brand or time of year. I couldn’t train or eat.

I never could afford GH all year. Didn’t touch insulin at all until 2016.

Another great post.
Awesome interview. It's worth watching for the mercury toxicity stuff alone if you eat a lot of fish.
Fairly certain that was on our podcast.

Maybe he's used that analogy multiple times.

I think it was on Muscle Minds with Scott S, and Scott M.

Speaking of which; you gotta come back on another episode of muscle minds if you get time

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