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not so littlemack anymore...


Featured Member/Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jan 12, 2004
littlemack, i saw those news pics you posted in that beef aminos thread and wanted to openly say i was SUPER impressed man! thats encoraging as hell seeing those improvements and also knowing how hard times are for you right now. everyone should go check out those pics...great job mack!!!
Agreed, great progress. Keep at it!
Hell Yeah, looking good mack!!!
Aw guys...you gonna make me jerk a tear on here.... You guys are the best. I really appreciate it. Its been so damn rough guys. You know you just want to support your family and everyone around you and the weight gets heavy. The best part of Christmas was my family and I stayed with my brother and enjoyed the holidays with family. That made up for the lack of presents under the tree. I still wanna make it up to my girl though. Things are getting a little better. My girl is a graphic artist and became swamped with more work than she can handle. So I spend a lot of time helping her with the business end of things. She's the shooting star right now so I gotta make sure she gets to her destination b/c starting that business was her dream. Then I talk to Phil about this stuff and he says man look at where you started. Go all the way back on that photo album and you'll see when I started getting into bodybuilding. It was right after my divorce and towards the end, my wife constantly complained about how out of shape I was and how fat I was. That's what bodybuilding has really done for me. Gotten me through really bad times and helped me to feel halfway good about myself...when I really needed it.
Man. I could go on with this stuff for hours, but I just want you guys to know that this really means a lot to me.
Now just imagine what would happen if I went to the darkside! hahahahaha Oh yeah, and I did that on a really crap diet too... I'm too embarrased to tell you what I ate. It was part of the depression I was in you know. You start feeling like your a failure b/c you can't take care of the people you love and you start to not care about yourself or your health. Phil really tried to keep me positive and focused, but there's only so much you can say over the net or phone. He's really been looking out for me though and bodybuilding talk takes my mind off the bad circumstances. I'm really excited about my progress. The photos at the beginning were pump n' pose photos but the last few times I would rather take cold photos. The most recent photos I haven't worked out in a week b/c of a bad virus or cold I caught. Its like I told Phil today, I just wanna develop a good solid foundation to work with so that if I ever decide to take it to the next level I can. If not then I still feel good about where I am. I don't have anyone in the gym anymore to look up to, and so you guys provide my inspiration now.
Thanks again!


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Great frickin progress Mack! Keep it up man, you're doing awesome...:)
Thanks guys. I'm gonna bump my own thread. I don't care how much flack I get for posing in my tighty whities...:D

I want to send out a public thanks to the guys that replied and those that sent me pm's. I woke up smiling this morning and feeling good about life and I don't think I'll be able to wipe this silly grin off my face for weeks. I'm generally a very humble person who keeps his head down and nose to the grindstone. Yeah, I like to kid around and joke with everyone on here and act like a clown at times. That's just me having fun. Laughter gets me through hard times.
Its nice to feel accepted, though, by you guys...many of whom I look up to. Some solid guys on this board. I may not be the freak, yet, that many of you are but I'm beginning to feel like I have the potential to be decently big. Phil and I are gonna change a few things up, clean up my diet, and see what I'm really made of...
Alright. Now you bastards can all look at me in my undies and get a good laugh....hahaha...and no...I'm not putting on that damn dress so quit asking!:D
Especially you toopoo! I know your hard up for women and all but there's only so much I can do for you bro...hahahaha
Thanks Str8Jacked. Man, I can't believe its been 2 years since I tore my pec and had surgery. Time flies fast.
Awesome progress Mack! Keep thinking and acting on the positive and positive things will happen.

How did that pec tear happen? Bench press? Anything would would have done differently looking back? That's an injury that worries me when I am heavy on the bench
thebrick said:
Awesome progress Mack! Keep thinking and acting on the positive and positive things will happen.

How did that pec tear happen? Bench press? Anything would would have done differently looking back? That's an injury that worries me when I am heavy on the bench

I don't know brick. Overtraining for sure. But that also happened one week after my divorce and sometimes I think my body had been under too much stress. The other thing was that I was following Leo Costa's titan training at the time and I think I was pushing it too hard. The way that program works is that you do say a light 3 to 4 sets (12-15reps) on monday on chest, then a down pyramid (8reps, 7,6,5,4,3) on Tues., and then on Thurs. you do muscle rounds (4reps..rest 10 secs, 4reps...rest 10 secs, 4 reps...rest 10 secs, 4 reps...rest 10secs,4reps...rest 10 secs,4reps...rest 10 secs) and you repeat this 4 more times. I made great progress, and it was on my 8th week that my pec blew. I had added 80lbs to my bench by that time, 100lbs to my squat, and 80lbs to my bent over rows. Not bad for being natural.
Then I did a lot of reading on pec tears, and they all pointed to overtraining and that 90% happen on bench press b/c at the bottom of the lift you are overstretching the pec and putting a lot of load on the tendon(which is a very thin and wide tendon sort of fan shaped). It also generally happens when going very slow while lowering the bar. I read a study by some doctors who simulated the bench press on a cadaver with a pulley system. This is where they found the pec tendon overstretching like this at the bottom. I can't remember the percent that it overstretches, but I can find it. I tore mine where the muscle attaches to the tendon. I recovered but it took time. Now I have this scar tissue mass inbetween my bicep and my delt. You can see it. I have my right arm flexed but its not as defined as my left. That's b/c of the scar tissue. :( I don't know what to do about this except maybe have surgery and have it removed one day. I guess if I were a pro bb'er I would have it removed. ha. I don't mind. I am trying to massage it at night and see if that works. I hear it takes as long to break up as it did to form(which is a year...so that should be slow going). ha.
Thanks man for the kind words.
thanks for that info on pec tears Mack. Don't worry about that scar tissue. I wear my scars as a badge of honor. ;)
Congrats Bic Mac!!

Awsome progress and all the best to you in reaching your future goals.....I like reading stories like these....
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congrats mack.....thats real inspirational for alot of us other bros to look at

great progress!!! hope things continue to get better with everything

best of luck bud:)
littlemack said:
Especially you toopoo! I know your hard up for women and all but there's only so much I can do for you bro...hahahaha

LOL hey im tied down now for the moment, i found a cutie. You can see her on my page and a pic in my comments from my friend.... BUT i have all the pix of her body whoah shes got a lil hot body.. nicest baby apple booty iv ever seen and those eyes are just gorgeous... not to mention how sweet she is :D ..so looks like all the women are urs little matck... i wont steal any more from ya... well maybe one if i get bored:p

By the way... great improvements, dont stop now. I wanna see abs and 20lbs more on that frame!
Thanks guys. Cool having my friends show up like this to rescue my dumb ass from posting photos of me in my undies...hahaha...
U my boys. Hmmm....so 260 with abs Toop??? haha...I like the idea of that...let's make it a two year goal.

Now let me round up Bulldog and Vander wherever the hell he is and head over to your page and see what this girl looks like...she sounds perfect for you man.
littlemack said:
Now let me round up Bulldog and Vander wherever the hell he is and head over to your page and see what this girl looks like...she sounds perfect for you man.

Yeah lets go myspace crusin....lol....:st:r-wars

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