thebrick said:
Awesome progress Mack! Keep thinking and acting on the positive and positive things will happen.
How did that pec tear happen? Bench press? Anything would would have done differently looking back? That's an injury that worries me when I am heavy on the bench
I don't know brick. Overtraining for sure. But that also happened one week after my divorce and sometimes I think my body had been under too much stress. The other thing was that I was following Leo Costa's titan training at the time and I think I was pushing it too hard. The way that program works is that you do say a light 3 to 4 sets (12-15reps) on monday on chest, then a down pyramid (8reps, 7,6,5,4,3) on Tues., and then on Thurs. you do muscle rounds ( 10 secs, 10 secs, 4 10 secs, 4 10secs, 10 secs, 10 secs) and you repeat this 4 more times. I made great progress, and it was on my 8th week that my pec blew. I had added 80lbs to my bench by that time, 100lbs to my squat, and 80lbs to my bent over rows. Not bad for being natural.
Then I did a lot of reading on pec tears, and they all pointed to overtraining and that 90% happen on bench press b/c at the bottom of the lift you are overstretching the pec and putting a lot of load on the tendon(which is a very thin and wide tendon sort of fan shaped). It also generally happens when going very slow while lowering the bar. I read a study by some doctors who simulated the bench press on a cadaver with a pulley system. This is where they found the pec tendon overstretching like this at the bottom. I can't remember the percent that it overstretches, but I can find it. I tore mine where the muscle attaches to the tendon. I recovered but it took time. Now I have this scar tissue mass inbetween my bicep and my delt. You can see it. I have my right arm flexed but its not as defined as my left. That's b/c of the scar tissue.

I don't know what to do about this except maybe have surgery and have it removed one day. I guess if I were a pro bb'er I would have it removed. ha. I don't mind. I am trying to massage it at night and see if that works. I hear it takes as long to break up as it did to form(which is a that should be slow going). ha.
Thanks man for the kind words.