I wouldn't even call these camel humpers terrorists. They are something the english language has no word for. However , I feel as an american after watching that, we finally have to assert our dominance. People all over the world burn our flag and spit at us. And thats fine. We really haven't done as much as people think we have to deserve it, but here is what I think....
if people think the United States is a bully. Lets show them how big a bully we can be. I say we make the Roman Empire and the third Reich Nazi regime look like panzy asses. I say we go through each of these muslim countries, Iraq, iran, palastine, saudi arabia, afgahinistan, pakastan, all of them and just level them one after another.
I say we blow the fuck up the city of Mecca and let the muslin asswipes pray to a pile of rubble all day long. The muslims call us a bunch of infedels. Well lets show them how powerful we " Infedels" can be. Just march through all of thier towns and leave them in ruins. Just like the romans.
Conquer and destroy. Just for the fun of it. If the rest of the world is going to hate us. Lets give them a real reason to.
I am gonna say this and alot of people might not like it. But I don't give a damn. Fuck muslims, fuck iraq, fuck iran , fuck all thiose countries, fuck the terrorists , fuck bin laden, fuck mecca, and fuck mohammed. They can all suck on the stars and stripes of the american flag.
Our new motto should be changed from the land of the free to - " Fuck 'em and feed 'em pork".