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O/T; Squatters

I’m sorry to hear that… It’s a shame for renters to be given soooooo many bullshit chances all while destroying the home and not paying shit. They need to be shot immediately upon exit so they don’t do this to another person!


That's a bit harsh 😅. But I think my Grandpa would have agreed with your sentencing after he saw the apartment once they have been evicted. I personally would never invest in real estate like this, only in commercial units, with commercial clients. Having to deal with renters can be awful - it just takes one asshole to ruin it for every one, unfortunately.
It’s not just renters.. rando couch crashers, your kids, your friends, pretty much anyone can have rights these days if you let them spend a few days in your house. Yes, like while you’re living in it, too, they can squat.

My mother is going through some shit in Texas right now with a piece of shit ex bf that refuses to leave her house. She had to get an eviction notice sent, and he hired a lawyer to fight it.

I’d be the one going to jail if I forcefully removed him from MY childhood home. Fuck how times have changed.
Yea one of my buddies ex gf. Moved into this new bf house. They break up and he removes all her shit out of the house. She calls the cops and they say he just can't do that and she moves back in. Due.to him throwing her shit out she.gets a.retraining order and now the dude can't even live in his own home anymore. So he has to evict her which.took 6 months. So this poor sap had to pay all the bills on his house and couldn't even go there for six months due to this bitch. lawn car and everything but he couldn't even do it. She asked one of my friends.if she.could live with him and he asked me about it I am like hell no dude. He said he never heard from her since he told her she couldn't move in. And this chick was about as ugly as women get. Absolutely no redeeming qualities at all. I do not know what people.found attractive about this woman at all.
an old pal of mine had an RTO put on him by his wife after he found out she was cheating on him.

police told him to leave their residence and stay out.

he was the breadwinner, so he had to pay all the bills and the mortgage for the house he was no longer allowed to live in, and on top of that, she moved her affair partner in LOL

i guess the lesson is to not cohabitate
Yea one of my buddies ex gf. Moved into this new bf house. They break up and he removes all her shit out of the house. She calls the cops and they say he just can't do that and she moves back in. Due.to him throwing her shit out she.gets a.retraining order and now the dude can't even live in his own home anymore. So he has to evict her which.took 6 months. So this poor sap had to pay all the bills on his house and couldn't even go there for six months due to this bitch. lawn car and everything but he couldn't even do it. She asked one of my friends.if she.could live with him and he asked me about it I am like hell no dude. He said he never heard from her since he told her she couldn't move in. And this chick was about as ugly as women get. Absolutely no redeeming qualities at all. I do not know what people.found attractive about this woman at all.
Same EXACT thing happened to my friend. This is the shit we (society) are allowing. It’s literally sickening when it hits close to home.
Sounds like another day in Atlanta. I live 40 min north of the city, but it’s become a world of its own. But to some level it’s been like that given the political divide.

I will say in Atlanta that a lot of the PD guys on the force will get involved and not put up with this shit. Really depends on who you get as the default is to say it’s a “civil” process and everyone has to go through the motions.

But, there are a large number of PD who will take it and push the process along or pull people from the homes and “find” a reason to help get it done. Just depends on who you get and how you handle it with the PD.

I for one don’t tolerate that or want things here going to shit. Neither do my brothers and friends on the force so there are people who take the trash out still when it needs to be done. 🤷‍♂️
Yea one of my buddies ex gf. Moved into this new bf house. They break up and he removes all her shit out of the house. She calls the cops and they say he just can't do that and she moves back in. Due.to him throwing her shit out she.gets a.retraining order and now the dude can't even live in his own home anymore. So he has to evict her which.took 6 months. So this poor sap had to pay all the bills on his house and couldn't even go there for six months due to this bitch. lawn car and everything but he couldn't even do it. She asked one of my friends.if she.could live with him and he asked me about it I am like hell no dude. He said he never heard from her since he told her she couldn't move in. And this chick was about as ugly as women get. Absolutely no redeeming qualities at all. I do not know what people.found attractive about this woman at all.
an old pal of mine had an RTO put on him by his wife after he found out she was cheating on him.

police told him to leave their residence and stay out.

he was the breadwinner, so he had to pay all the bills and the mortgage for the house he was no longer allowed to live in, and on top of that, she moved her affair partner in LOL

i guess the lesson is to not cohabitate
Same EXACT thing happened to my friend. This is the shit we (society) are allowing. It’s literally sickening when it hits close to home.
I’ve mentioned it before but to anyone on here that’s married just be careful…. I NEVER EVER in a million years thought my ex-cunt would put me through the wringer like she did over AAS.

It literally destroyed my life! In and out of courts, several bullshit charges, in a cage, police in and out for days, thousands on top of thousands of dollars out the door.

Like I said, she fucked my world inside and out! So just be mindful if you ever feel a divorce is imminent. Clean house and stash it. Then get you a legit Rx for testosterone to CYA yourself!!!

Sounds like another day in Atlanta. I live 40 min north of the city, but it’s become a world of its own. But to some level it’s been like that given the political divide.

I will say in Atlanta that a lot of the PD guys on the force will get involved and not put up with this shit. Really depends on who you get as the default is to say it’s a “civil” process and everyone has to go through the motions.

But, there are a large number of PD who will take it and push the process along or pull people from the homes and “find” a reason to help get it done. Just depends on who you get and how you handle it with the PD.

I for one don’t tolerate that or want things here going to shit. Neither do my brothers and friends on the force so there are people who take the trash out still when it needs to be done. 🤷‍♂️
Good to hear that for your area. I on the other hand live in a known corrupt city. Hell, NOLA is still under the federal consent decree from after Hurricane Katrina. NOPD was soooooo corrupt it wasn’t even funny!!! Everything in this city is corrupt….

No one will ever creep into my home to squat, cause I never leave it!! HaHaHa…. If I leave I gotta deal with the public which is something I’d rather not do! Lol.

I’ve mentioned it before but to anyone on here that’s married just be careful…. I NEVER EVER in a million years thought my ex-cunt would put me through the wringer like she did over AAS.

It literally destroyed my life! In and out of courts, several bullshit charges, in a cage, police in and out for days, thousands on top of thousands of dollars out the door.

Like I said, she fucked my world inside and out! So just be mindful if you ever feel a divorce is imminent. Clean house and stash it. Then get you a legit Rx for testosterone to CYA yourself!!!

Dude that is shitty, for reasons like this the first thing when I get to know a chick i wanna know is how hard is it going to be to get rid of her. I dated my neighbor maybe 6-7 years ago and she was telling me her ex husband was a big time drug dealer and basically told her he would kill her if she left for over 25 years. I bought the house I grew up in from my fathers estate so I have known these people since I was like 16. Of course I didn't always live here but i knew them. The chick was 12 years older than me but I always thought she was hot. Anyway after her saying that shit I am like bye. Like yea right, I don't believe you at all.

About 6-8 months ago I had met this girl off bumble and she had mentioned she didn't have her kids that night so I was like let me buy you some sushi. Goodlooking girl not super model hot but neither am I. For 10 minutes straight this chick is talking about doing this and that to her ex and wishes she could do something more to get at him as their divorced was not finalized. I don't think she asked me one question about myself the whole time. I see our waiter and ask him for the bill. I always have cash just in case I need to bounce and quick. Basically, for situations like this, so I pay the guy and just left. Like no fucking way didn't say bye or nothing. Like bitch you need a shrink not a bf.

I did have one gf that I gave 5k to up front then $1500 a month for three months after we broke up but that was more or less to get her gone. When we broke up she had mentioned she has to save money to leave to go live with her sister in another state. Like bitch I don't think you've had a job for a year and her sister had a still born baby, so she had just spent three months living with her sis and would just call for money. Prior to her leaving my neighbor had got a job as a financial consultant. So I had him set up something for my neice and nephews when I die. I didn't tell her who the beneficiary was. Well we would all meet in our circle we lived in and this guy mentions the beneficiaries. I am like dude WTF. My girl was pissed and maybe left for 4 days later for her sister's as they knew the baby would be still born but she wanted to donate the organs to kids and she wanted to be there for support. Plus probably two weeks earlier my gf had a miscarriage, So she comes home and says Marry me or I am leaving. I was like you just been gone for three months Ill go to counseling but I am not going to marry you. Eventually I said its either counseling or I have this exit package for you. Bitch took that and after the money was up she would always call and yell at me about how I MADE HER broke now. i just told her you left. i kept in touch for awhile and I can't remember the guys name but she was a nanny for someone on the green bay packers. I asked her to get a football signed for my bro for xmas and she was like I am not doing anything for you...lol
Good to hear that for your area. I on the other hand live in a known corrupt city. Hell, NOLA is still under the federal consent decree from after Hurricane Katrina. NOPD was soooooo corrupt it wasn’t even funny!!! Everything in this city is corrupt….

No one will ever creep into my home to squat, cause I never leave it!! HaHaHa…. If I leave I gotta deal with the public which is something I’d rather not do! Lol.

As long as we have Kemp here we will be good. Not trying to get into politics as it’s more the people here.

We also had the incident a few years back where the homeless man under one of our busiest bridges going into Atlanta up 85 collapsed. The homeless guy smoked his weed (our homeless get weed apparently), being a dumbass he flicks it into brush under the bridge and starts a fire that ends up causing the entire bridge and overpass to collapse in the middle of the afternoon.

Before that day you could just enter the perimeter from any side and would see tents and squatters everywhere. It was like villages. After that incident kemp signed an order and sent the police out and pulled every one of them out of the streets and threw them all in shelters and jail if any were found squatting.

Thats the directive and attitude of Atlanta and PD since then. One man and his weed changed the whole dynamic. 😂
i leave for work this morning, and come back to find a bunch of onlyfans girls squatting in my apartment!!
no i am sure it differs from state to state but they have to be there a certain number of days or if its a lease pay you. no pay in my state is i think like a month i think so squatters would have to be there a month for them to have any rights.
As long as we have Kemp here we will be good. Not trying to get into politics as it’s more the people here.

We also had the incident a few years back where the homeless man under one of our busiest bridges going into Atlanta up 85 collapsed. The homeless guy smoked his weed (our homeless get weed apparently), being a dumbass he flicks it into brush under the bridge and starts a fire that ends up causing the entire bridge and overpass to collapse in the middle of the afternoon.

Before that day you could just enter the perimeter from any side and would see tents and squatters everywhere. It was like villages. After that incident kemp signed an order and sent the police out and pulled every one of them out of the streets and threw them all in shelters and jail if any were found squatting.

Thats the directive and attitude of Atlanta and PD since then. One man and his weed changed the whole dynamic. 😂
They’re almost through here demolishing all the encampments here under US Business 90. That’s only because the Super Bowl is coming next year. They trying to be proactive for once!!!!!

Once the Super Bowl comes and goes they’ll be EVERYWHERE again. Currently the city put em all up in free housing some where or another. Guess that means I’m paying for em since that’s tax dollars providing for this… 😩

How much did it cost him going through all that bullshit?? Does the home owner insurance help out with repairs? I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be! Definitely an easy way for someone to be killed.

Most landlord policies have a vandalism exclusion aswell there are other potential coverage issues. If you have a decent attorney and depending on the policy coverage you may get it covered or some covered.
Not such a thing as squatters! It's a made-up word! Intruders and invaders are what they are!
Most landlord policies have a vandalism exclusion aswell there are other potential coverage issues. If you have a decent attorney and depending on the policy coverage you may get it covered or some covered.
If I ever chose to rent out property I’d definitely be looking at any insurance writer policies to cover possible squatter situations.

If I’m not mistaken the fix for some of these empty homes being targeted is simply indoor/outdoor cameras. To prove your home was broken into basically. Then the police could actually boot the pieces of shit out immediately!

Being as how you can get a cheap high quality camera set for $1K it shouldn’t be an issue! Hell, a commercial quality set will only run you $3K. Course there’s always the cheap ones for $300 online.

Funny story! Not exactly a squatter situation but close. Years ago an old friend of mine rented out half of his two family to these degenerate fucking losers who paid the first couple of months and then stopped paying. Long story short, in Massachusetts people can stay in your property for quite a while, even shit canning the place, before you can toss them legally.

My buddy took a one gallon glass container and took a leak in it, multiple times per day, every day until it was full. He left it out in the sun to ripen for at least another week or so. After a couple of weeks, late one Summer night, he took a stroll out to the guys convertible, which was left open, and dumped it, covering every square inch of the interior floors and upholstery!

The stench from that car could have knocked a buzzard off a shit wagon a mile up wind! I'm pretty sure the car was fucked at that point. The moral of the story? The progressive liberal fucks that run that state may not be on your side, but that doesn't mean you can have some good old knee slapping fun with the situation!

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