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O.T. need new credit card ,can you guys recommend a new company


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Just got thru a crazy divorce and I need a New Credit Card to start over with anew. Something that I can get 2000$ or more limit , not to crazy of a rate. And of course get it sent to my new address/post office box. I shut down everything before the divorce and need to start over.
Thank You Very Much For Your Time And Advise ,,in advance:)
Whats your FICO score? I'm a commercial fisherman but my side job is acquiring huge lines of unsecured credit used to juggle debt until I leave them holding the bag. Let me know what your score is and from what bureau it was obtained ( TU, Equifax, etc)

Um, that's fraud.
Um, that's fraud.

Exactly dude. WTF is that? Please tell me you're not serious! If you are serious then it's because of people like you that financial institutions have to charge the rates they do in order to cover losses and decent folks are penalized because of your actions. And unless you create fake aliases and take over someone else's credit bureau those balances that you never paid back appear on your credit file as bad debt so it's only a one trick show.

How about you give legitimate advice instead of one that can lock someone up on grand felony charges for 20+ years. Again, WTF.
I paid all my cards off. IF I were to ever get a CC again, id go with Capital One. Citi and AmEx will kill you with their apr
I paid all my cards off. IF I were to ever get a CC again, id go with Capital One. Citi and AmEx will kill you with their apr

Capitol one is OK to rebuild credit like I am after filing a chapter7 bankruptcy almost a year an a half ago . I got the card after a year and went from a $500.00 limit to $750.00 .
Personally I would avoid Chase.

When they decide your debt is not making them enough money they do not hesitate to change your terms. I had them jack up the minimum on one card simply because they could not up the interest (I locked it in) and they upped the interest on one card from 8.9 to 19.9 both without a single missed or late payment.
I would avoid CITI at all cost... My wife and I consolidated all our debt with them at 8%interest.... with the new obama credit act, they jumped our interest rate to 26%..with NEVER a missed or LATE payment... they did it because they said they notified us of a "opt out" option were we could close our credit card and continue paying it off at the current rate, or keep it open and go to 26%...

now of course we never saw this supposed "opt out" so I am sure it was hidden at the bottom of some bill somewhere. When we called all they could say was "sorry you had 45 days to opt out". well with one of us out of work now, or income to debt ratio is out of wack, even though our credit score is over 750... so we cant transfer the balance anywhere... so we are stuck with a LARGE debt at 26% interest... DO NOT BANK WITH CITI EVER
I would avoid CITI at all cost... My wife and I consolidated all our debt with them at 8%interest.... with the new obama credit act, they jumped our interest rate to 26%..with NEVER a missed or LATE payment... they did it because they said they notified us of a "opt out" option were we could close our credit card and continue paying it off at the current rate, or keep it open and go to 26%...

now of course we never saw this supposed "opt out" so I am sure it was hidden at the bottom of some bill somewhere. When we called all they could say was "sorry you had 45 days to opt out". well with one of us out of work now, or income to debt ratio is out of wack, even though our credit score is over 750... so we cant transfer the balance anywhere... so we are stuck with a LARGE debt at 26% interest... DO NOT BANK WITH CITI EVER

Wow citi treats me great,

The up my credit every few months, kept my interest at 8.9% and reverse late fees without much of a fight.
Who cares about the rate really? Only those who carry balances do? If you pay in full every month, before statement cuts, you do not need to worry about interest charges.
Wow citi treats me great,

The up my credit every few months, kept my interest at 8.9% and reverse late fees without much of a fight.

they treated us great for five years.... even had a credit line up to 25k. We normally did not carry a debt on our cards...but like I said with one of us out of work, and savings being gone....we had to consolidate all our debt to one card...so we choose the card with the lowest interest 8% and highest credit line.....thats when they snuck in the interest increase.

so while they treat you great now...just keep close attention to your bills if you ever carry a significant balance. This is how banks are making profit now adays...they take their good paying clients , who have balances, and sneak in the interest increase...to make up for all the people that dont pay and have defaulted.

***this has happend to three people we know so far...nobody missed any payments or ever late.
Personally I would avoid Chase.

When they decide your debt is not making them enough money they do not hesitate to change your terms. I had them jack up the minimum on one card simply because they could not up the interest (I locked it in) and they upped the interest on one card from 8.9 to 19.9 both without a single missed or late payment.

Ive had a good experience with them. They offer the best awards program around in which you can get cash back instead of stupid air miles or gifts. Every year we get about $300 back from them and never pay a penny in interest.
It also depends on which perks your looking for? Some cards are good for rate, while others are good for rewards, and or larger credit lines.
The Amex charge cards are nice if you are paying in full and spending enough to get the rewards they offer.

If your looking for an actual credit card, Capital One is without a doubt the best IMO. Always willing to work with you and tend to be flexible if problems do arise.
AMEX IMO is not worth it unless you are charging thousands a month, all AMEX I have seen charge an annual fee. I like discover decent rewards, good rates and lines, excellent transfer deals. Discover is picky, can not have any recent negatives, and no more than 2 inquiries.

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