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off season morning cardio


New member
Dec 27, 2007
do any of you guys still do empty stomach cardio durring the off season? do you see any benefit as far as staying lean by doing this?
yes and yes...also good if you have an appetite issue in the offseason.
I was planing on still doing 5-6 days a week, just cut the duration down to like 30-40 mins. Does that sound good?
It's going to depend on how easily you get fat or how hard it is for you to grow. I would start off at 3-4 sessions a week if I were you and kind of watch the mirror over the next couple of weeks. If you see you're gaining weight too fast then you can up to 4-5 sessions....if your not gaining at 3-4 sessions then add in more food and do only 3 sessions.
yeah do like 20-30min just as it is said above.
i need 40min 4 times a week with a 4000kcal diet i really get fat fast
i have 5 days diet then weekend is off eat what i want
yeah do like 20-30min just as it is said above.
i need 40min 4 times a week with a 4000kcal diet i really get fat fast
i have 5 days diet then weekend is off eat what i want

Hehe that's what probably gets you fat, not the normal weekday diet...yet 4k cals is pretty solid :D
Yeah buddy, I love morning cardio 4 days a week. It def helps me stay lean and eat a lot more. Plus its good to keep cardio health. At least after I finish a widowmaker of squats, I don't feel as if I might pass out.:)
I also do 4 mornings off season and as others have suggested, helps with the squats and deadlifts particularly. Also allows me to eat more food.

If you're training hard, I mean the way you SHOULD be training, then light cardio three times a week seems to be doing the trick for me. I'm talking 30 mins, walking on an incline on the treadmill. If you're doing cardio year round with some kind of intensity, how are you going to change your body come pre-contest? You don't want to be doing some insane amount of cardio in my opinion. One thing I do know is that three times a week plus the training makes it very easy for me to eat. I'm also not tempted to cheat nearly as much either as staying leaner helps you see what your working toward, for me at least.
I also do 4 mornings off season and as others have suggested, helps with the squats and deadlifts particularly. Also allows me to eat more food.


Ditto-can pound a bit more down without it just becoming so much lard.
i dont like morning cardio i rather do 20-30mins after wieghts. i feel alot better over all this way in the morn on a empty stomach i have a harder time finishing my 30 mins and after im tired wich starts me off wrong.

I also do 4 mornings off season and as others have suggested, helps with the squats and deadlifts particularly. Also allows me to eat more food.


So you do the cradio on the same days you have squat or deadlifts?
I find cradio helps squats too, but usually I only do a breif session, 15-20 mins, in the morning on squat day. When I'm dieting that is..
Morning cardio 3-4 days a week in the morning on my non-lifting days for 30-40 mins pretty much year round.
Layne Norton, PhD in Nutritional Sciences (I think that's what it's in, not 100% sure) and pro natural BB'er is against empty stomach morning cardio for natural lifters.

Oh yeah, I think I read on here that alfresco also believes there should be some food or protein in the system before doing cardio.

Just throwin' that out there.
My weight had stalled at 220 for a couple months. I had never done morning cardio in my life until 3 weeks ago. Since starting it, I've gained 7 lbs just because of how much more hungry I am during the day.

I'm sold on the concept...
Ya I love fasted morning cardio. Especially with some caffein/ephedrine or anything to release fatty acids before, it is awesome.

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